The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town The Magician Arc Part One

Enter The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town

Melinda Narcissa's parents were dead. She did not know of what but they were dead nevertheless. Because they were, obviously, they could no longer look after her. So she was going to be looked after by Jaden, her older sister that she had never met. So on this morbid occasion would be their first meeting. She could not know what she was in for, nor what she looked like.
She thought that she would look like her. So she looked out for someone with pail skin almost white, deep crimson eyes like blood and long white hair. So when she saw a brunette with brown eyes walked up to her, she was surprised. The only thing that was like her was her facial features. And from her eyes, it was all too clear that she too was just as surprised.
“So, you must be Melinda.” she muttered almost as if she was complaining.
“Yes, and you are?”
“Jaden, I guess I'm not what you expected, but then again, not all of us are albinos.” she commented.
She smiled weakly and nodded.
“C'mon, I've packed all of our things in the van. So, this will be your last time here so is there anywhere you want to go or anyone you want to say goodbye to?” she asked.
Melinda shook her head. There was not anyone nor anything that she liked about this place. In fact she had always felt a bit lonely here, always like an outsider. The only thing that made it bearable was her parents. This was why the funeral and the party after seemed to be like everything was going in slow motion. She was only able to see it through her blurred vision and saw wet cheeks.
“I guess that it's time for you to come along to your new home.” she said but she had a slightly sorrowful look on her.
And to my new life. Hopefully it'll be less lonely.
“I can't promise that you'll make any friends but I can't promise that it'll be better either. Especially where we're going.” she sighed.
They got into the black van and drove to the airport.
“So what's Britain like?” she asked.
“Well it's a lot like here just more introverted.”
“So, better?”
“How come?”
“You'll see why.” she said with a hint of dread. She did not elaborate further, even-though it was all too clear that she wanted to.
Sighing, she knew that she had to talk to her but she knew that she had nothing to say. So, when she got on the plane, knowing that there was nothing to do she rested her head on the glass and went to sleep. When her eyes opened, seemingly, moments later she opened her eyes on her new life. Like a babies' sight, everything for then next several hours was nothing but a blur. When they were driving on the road she closed her eyes she woke up with a bump.
They turned off a narrow road and a road made of nothing but mud and gravel.
“So, where are we going?”
“To a very strange, peculiar bizarre town.” she said.
“What's it like there?”
“Unlike anywhere you've ever been before. So be very careful.” she said. “In fact, if mum and dad weren't dead, I would never have brought you here.”
“Is that why you're so dead pan?”
She frowned.
“Probably. Probably, after a year or two you'll be just like me or worse.”
“No I won't!”
“Yes you will!” she sighed
“Don't start.”
They soon came to an arch with the words; Welcome To Starliarb. Underneath in graffiti were the words; A.K.A. The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town.
Her eyebrow raised slightly as a woman with long black hair and deep blue eyes with black lipstick walked up to them.
“Welcome home Jaden.” she said in an ice cold voice.
“Thank you, and thank you for letting me go.” she replied as she looked pale.
“You are very welcome!” she said with a wink. She then looked over to Melinda. “And who's might you be?”
“Melinda. You?” she asked.
“Wendy Wanderlust. May I just say, Melinda is such a mysterious name. I should expect that we are going to get along marvellous. Here, have this.” she said as she passed her a Victorian clay doll with curly blond hair and light turquoise glass eyes. She loved it and stroked her black and white dress.
“Thank you!” she replied with genuine gratitude.
“You are very welcome! Her name's Alice Charlotte, and if you take care of her then she'll take care of you.” she said as she waved at them. “Now run along you two!”
Melinda smiled as they drove on.
“She seemed nice.” she said.
“She's a witch. So don't let your guard down and try to stay away from her.” she said.
Melinda rose her eyebrow.
“Why? She gonna put a spell on me?” she asked mockingly.
“Now that she knows your name, probably.” she sighed.
“I was being sarcastic.”
“I know.” she said as they passed a pair of twins looked at her, that had long golden curly locks and green eyes.
“Who are they?” she asked.
“Who, Dorothy and Victoria Matilda?” she asked.
“Depends, are they my age?” she asked.
“No, they only look your age. Hardly anyone knows who or what they are nor their true age. All most people know is that they only look like children and anyone has a feeling that tells us to keep away from them.”
“Wow! You're making this town sound like it belongs in a Stephen King novel.”
She laughed bitterly.
“Oh, you have no idea!”
“Do you have your own circus?”
“Carnival, and that's where the magician Mohan Nakpana and Morki the mirror obsessed clown live.”
“Oh. So one's-”
“Joke all you want! Still doesn't change the fact that it's true.” she said as she turned a corner and down to the centre of the short street.
“Well, there's no place like home!” she commented. “Remember, this is number thirteen Black Road.”
She turned to Melinda.
“I guess I'll have to show you around and your new room.” she sighed as they go out.
Suddenly Melinda shivered as if someone had stepped over her grave. She looked around to see a man who was far too pale with long raven hair with a blue shine and scarlet eyes. Almost like hers but with a black ring around the iris. He wore a well kept black suit and a long black coat and well polished shoes.
“Welcome home dear Jaden. How was the funeral? Depressing I guess.” he said in a deep voice that had a tone of darkness and a Victorian accent.
“More than you know Dante'.” she sighed.
“Oh, I thought that you would have said that.” he laughed lightly.
“What do you want?”
“Well, I just wished to know that your were alright.”
“More like worried if another disappeared. Tell me who will be your next target?” she asked.
“Look what happened to Derek had nothing to do with me.” he said.
“Well, you made your point-”
“And who might you be?” he asked extending his hand to Melinda.
Jaden looked at him trying to suppress her anger and fear.
“Melinda. You?” she replied as she placed her hand in his to shake it.
“Dante' Dracula.” he said as he placed a kiss on it. “At your service.”
Suddenly She felt slightly dizzy.
“She's of limits parasite!” she said as she pulled her away.
“Jaden, I thought that you knew me better than that.” he sighed as he leaned in close to her. “No one is off limits to me.” he whispered.
“Just, just leave her alone alright.” she whispered.
“I can never make any promises.” he chucked as he looked into her eyes.
This was when she felt weak and a pounding pressure was on her chest and she knew that she was about to pass out.
“Alright you made your point!” she said.
Melinda's sight became blurry and her head spun. She felt her fall in to her sister's arms as her legs had become too weak to carry her.
“Stop it! Just stop it!”
She fort it as her eyelids started to close. Why isn't anyone helping? Never mind that what was going on? How was he doing that? She then felt the pounding pressure on her chest become heavier. She found it was getting hard to breathe and she passed out.
Dante' Smiled.
“Looks like she has been he most resilient since Matilda.” he commented.
“So you'll leave her alone?”
“No, that just sealed it. I will be visiting her again.” he said as he turned. “And I will say this however, it is good to see life in those eyes again.
Melinda woke feeling like she had been put through a shock.
“How did he do that?” she asked out loud, intending it to be a thought.
“Psychic vampirism.” her sister said.
“He's a vampire..”
“Yes and try to avoid him like the plague. Because every time he opens his mouth he knows just what to say.” she said as she shivered. “And do everything to make sure that you never owe him any favours. Because once you do, you'll end up like the farmer's father.”
“Why don't we go to the cops?” she asked.
“Because the police don't believe all this is really taking place. Or they don't want to believe.”
“Is this why you're so jaded?” she asked with concern.
“Yeah...And you'll be too.”
Melinda looked aside. She was starting to believe her now. After all how can any normal human being live in a place like this and not become jaded or go insane?
“Is there anybody else that I should avoid?”
“Plenty, however, our local M.P. Esla Elcire is one that you must never anger.”
“Why? What is she?” she asked.
Jaden went red in her face.
“A fairy.”
“What like Tinker Bell?”
“More like Nightmare Hell!”
“Now I will tell you more in the morning so get some sleep. What Dante' did to you will make you feel more weak in the morning if you don't.” she said as she closed the door.
Melinda found it difficult to sleep. She felt afraid but, even-though she knew, better she hoped that this was going to be a safe place. Safer than out there. She had many thoughts racing throughout her mind but after a while her eyes started to drop and she fell into a world of nightmares. The only thing that they all had in common was a man that was tall and had eyes and a face just like hers. When he looked at her her eyes opened and she felt paralysed with the feeling of being watched by something evil.


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