Bounty Hunter Bash Blood Lock Arc Part Two


Bounty Hunter Bash Drew woke up, knowing that it would be soon time for her to go. Then her eyes rested on her mother, there she smiled a weak and supportive smile but her eyes were filled with sorrow. She knew that it was tarring her mother apart, but she could tell by her being here, and the way that she was smiling, that there was something more. She knew that she was not here to dishearten her from going but there was something else that she was here for.
“Bash Drew.” her daughter corrected.
She let out a huff.
Drew,” she said sternly. I have come here too tell you something about the man that tried to kill you last year. Do you remember him?”
“Yeah.” she said as she shuddered, not out of fear but at how much they looked alike.
“Well, when you told me about it, I knew that I should have said something back then. About the man that tried to kill you and why you two look so much alike.” she said.
Bash Drew wanted to tell her mother to get on with it, but knew that this could very well easily be the last time that they were in the same room as each-other, so she let her mother take her time. She looked down and gulped down heard, like she was swallowing something large and bitter.
“Well, let me tell you that when we were little he was not like the way that he is today. In fact, chillingly enough, he was a lot like you.”
She sat up. Her eyes widened as she looked at her mother disgusted.
“Yes, but before he was born mother and father was told by a seer, a warlock, that told them that Chashath, would be the bringer of destruction, which was why they called him Chashathrophogh, for it was a dark elf name meaning that exact thing. And as I have already told you that story but I never quite told you how mother and father died. And the reason was because of how alike you two are, however there was another reason, it was because I wanted you to believe that my parents were good and whole people. However what that seer had said had always haunted them. Until they hired an assassin to kill him! THEIR VERY OWN SON!” she shouted.
“So, that's why we looked alike...” she said, truth was she had figured out a fair amount of this before today, no, today only confirmed what she already knew. “And let me guess, when he found out he killed them.”
“Exactly!” she exclaimed. “Any way, there is more. For you see there is an evil warlock that is travelling throughout this land going from kingdom to kingdom, turning illegitimate royals against their parents and vice versa. Just recently I have come to discover that this man was the very seer that foretold my brother's destiny.”
Bash Drew's eyes widened.
“I wonder why that is...” she said.
“So, so be careful. I-me and your father love you and- and I do not want you to die!” she cried.
“It's alright mother. You just focus on looking after the little one in your stomach. I might find out why that is on my many hunts. If so, then I shall put a stop to it.” she said as she got changed.
They then walked together down to the kitchens and the cook gave her some food to eat on the way. They then collected her bow and arrow. Her mother packed her clothes. Within an hour and a half she was at the gates.
“Goodbye mother and father and thank you for all that you have done for me.” she said.
“Goodbye Bash Drew. I hope that you return some day.” her mother said.
“Don't worry I will.”
“And do not worry about us. We shall be fine.” her father said.
Bash Drew smiled and nodded. She then walked on and left her kingdom and travelled down Trader's Forest. She passed the burnt remains of the witch's hut. She then walked down further until she passed the halfway point. It became night time soon after that. She then sat down and opened her back pack.
Too much food as per usual...She thought.
She let out a passive sigh as she tucked into her meal. She eat only what she needed to for she knew that if she over indulged it would slow her down. She wanted to be at her best when she got to the nearest Bounty Hunter Tavern. She was about to lay down to get some sleep but heard a snapping of a twig behind her. She then heard a high-pitched and bone chilling laugh. It was all too clear that whoever that laugh belonged to had no intention of letting her sleep that night.
Now the question is who does that laugh belong to? Never mind that why is he even here? Well those are foolish questions.
“Well, well, well! What do we have here? A lonely lost little princess in the dark and dangerous forest.” said a calm and cold dark deep voice that was the voice that a large cobra but the tone was like a vulture.
Her head turned to see a bald man with a hooked node and an unhealthy pale white skin like as if he was ill. His white-grey eyes were sunken in with unmoving tiny dots for pupils. His chin was pointed like her arrows with thin lips. He was dressed in long dark robes like he was clothed in darkness.
“One would wonder if one really is Bounty Hunter Bash, the Striker of the Untouchable.” he said as he smiled mockingly.
“So, you know my work. Now tell me, are you the one that has been turning illegitimate children against their families?” She asked.
He let out a creepy but warming chuckle.
“Ahh, so you know about my work too? Then you must know why I am here then?” he asked.
“Yes, and let me tell you one thing. I will not turn against my parents like my uncle.” she snapped as she pulled out her bow. Before she even though about anything she fired. Her arrow fell before it even hit. He tutted as he raised his head to her. He looked at her mockingly. He then picked it up and waked to her. She fired shot after shot but all fell before they could hit.
“What stratagem is that?” he asked.
She smiled as she looked down and closed her eyes then a ring of fire surrounded him. He looked around him to see that the fire was connected by her arrows. He looked up at her impressed. However, he was only mildly impressed. He then walked forwards and to her astonishment walked right through it!
He came closer and closer. He stretched out his hand and smiled. He said something under his breath. She felt her limbs fell to her side. Her body fell. She did not know what was going on but she knew that whatever he had said had rendered her body useless.
He then pulled her up and dug her arrow in her arm. She pain rippled throughout her body. She could not even scream out. She felt something cold against the open wound. She caught a glimpse of a test tube with her blood in it. She then bumped her head as he vanished.
She knew that she was going to see him again. She felt her eyes closed. Her mind lost to her dreams.


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