Princess Cari The Queendom Isles Part Two

The First Witch

“Right, time to see if we're ready to take this witch down.” Cari said.
“You are ready, however we must not waist any time. We cannot afford the queen finding out that we are here.” she said as they left the harbour and trekked down a long path until the sun came down. They then set up camp for the night and, as soon as the sun came up, woke up and moved on until the jewels of the ground gave way to dirt and the lush trees gave way to dead and dry ones. Then the trees became smaller and wider and wider until they left the forest.
They also noticed that the blue sky had become suddenly cloudy and dark. Almost as if the sun was not welcome in this aria of the island. Their eyes quickly adjusted and they soon could see a maroon bricked castle with high double doors that seemed to be painted with darkness rather than paint. They could see pink, brown, red and dark yellow skins for curtains. Something told the group that they were not made from animal skins.
As they walked up to the doors they opened.
“What are they made of?” Scar asked nodding to the bricks.
“Blood of the witch's victims. You see, all witches always keep something from their victims.” The Chronicler told her. Scar's face became like a vampire's as she looked at the bricks.
“Even ones from my world?” she asked as if she was referencing something.
“All witches.” she confirmed.
Scar shivered as her lip curled.
Then the doors opened. They looked at each-other already knowing that they were expected. They knew that meant that there would be a trap waiting for them. They looked at the double doors unsure whether or not they had been tampered with in any way so that they would be killed before they even set foot in the witch's castle.
They spotted a small beetle on the ground. It looked as if it was about to walk up to them. They wondered if the witch had done something to the creature. Maybe made it venomous to make sure that they would end up dead at the door? Then it, at the last second turned from the group and wandered in through the double doors. Seeing that it was not harmed they all came to the assumption that the doors were not rigged.
“It seem to me that she wants us to enter.” remarked Ryo.
“I hate witches.” Scar spat as they all walked in.
“Tell me Scar, is there anything that you do like?” Cari asked.
“Plenty. It's just I don't think that we have the time to talk about them right now.” she said as they started to hear buzzing. That was when the candles seemed to light themselves, revealing a tall room with reddy brown walls and they could tell that by the cracks and uneven hard surface that this was not paint. They did not even need the flies to confirm it.
They walked to the stairs where they were greeted by a serpent head who's body was twisted around the bannister. It was clearly part of it but it's head bobbed up and down showing that it was enchanted.
“Hello, I have been expecting you.” came a clear and childish voice.
“You have?”
“Yes, and you'll find me in the room in the far corner on your right. There I'll show you things. Many things that you'll find interesting. So come on up!” she sang.
Suspiciously they walked up the staircase keeping their eyes on both serpent heads and testing the steps at all times as they went higher and higher. Then when they were at the top they continued to test the ground beneath their feet. Then they came to the door.
They all looked at each-other as Cari twisted the knob and pushed it open.
Inside they were greeted by what looked like a smiling child with bright golden blond hair and pale blue eyes wearing a black laced Gothic dress. Her face carried both innocence but also malice. Almost as if she wanted you to think that she was an innocent, harmless child but know that she was as evil as the devil himself and that she was not a child.
“Hi!” she said in a fake high-pitched voice that was only pretending to have not been through purity.
She giggled like a child but there was a creepy edge about the childish giggle.
“I thought that I told that silly, silly queen to get rid of you.” she laughed. “You should've listened to her. Now you've got me to deal with!”
“Yes and we will kill you witch.” Cari said with sincerity.
“No you won't Princess Cari.” she giggled almost making her feel foolish as she looked to her right.
“Oh my! Is that the Mythos Puros? Well, well, well ain't we along time from home!” she taunted.
“What does it matter to you? And just who are you anyway?”
“Well now that you've asked, I'm Liztoria Voxtianhime!” she introduced as she hit herself in the chest.
“And I can see your darkness!” she sang as she looked at Scar in her crimson eyes. “And it's quite the treat!”
Cari looked at her as the older girl's face became paler and paler. She started to shake and sweat started to appear. Then she let out a scream as her eyes glowed illuminating the room with scarlet. Liztoria giggled when she started panting. Her legs were shaking that much that her knees banged together.
“Stop it! Just stop it!” Cari shouted.
Ryo ran up to her with his scythe and was about to bring it down when he went flying into the roof. Cari pulled out her crossbow and loaded an arrow and fired but the arrow burst into flames and turned to ash before it even hit her! She then ran but she too was flung across the room and hit her back. She soon felt a force press down on her. She looked at Ryo and then extended their hands and tried to use their magic but she raised her hand and somehow their magic was negated. The only proof that they had that they had used magic was a cut in their hands.
They looked at her with horror. They then looked at Scar who looked as if she was about to pass out. Liztoria then walked up to her and she pulled out a small knife.
“I know it's been hard on you. Let me make it easier on you!” she said.
Scars shaking hand lay out in front of her. She looked at it and placed her hand beneath hers and she then cut her hand. She then took three steps back. That was when they spotted that her blood did not flow down but shaped an object in the shape of an L and had something sticking out at the top outer corner as well as the inner corner.
Her shaking thumb flicked the outer thing which sounded like a click, and then she raised the longer side. She spotted that Scar was crying but she made no noise. Her eyes screamed of nothing but horror and total fear.
“Don't-stop! Please!” she shouted.
Then her finger pulled the thing in the inner thing and BANG!
Liztoria looked down and smiled as she died.
Scar collapsed. The forced lifted. They picked her up as the Chronicler took out a red gem and placed it down and the wood beneath caught fire and they left and looked at the castle as it was eclipsed in flames.
Later when they were in an inn Cari walked up to the Chronicler as they looked at Scar, still unconscious.
“Is she alright?” she asked.
“She will be, however I can tell that the darkness inside her is greater than I initially thought. Then again, she maybe fourteen, but her darkness is of that of someone ten years older than she is.” she said.
“Should she stay with us?” she asked.
“Yes, more than ever!”


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