Princess Cari The Queendom Isles Part One

The Voyage To The
Queendom Isles

They had set off for the Queendom of Emerald very early. After they had packed. They made their journey to the Fireheart docs for that was the closest to the Queendom Isles. To their surprise they were greeted by King Alexander and King Vladen.
“What are you doing here?” they asked.
“What? Do you seriously think that we would let you all leave without saying goodbye, even to you Scar. After all the you three and Hikari all worked together to bring an end to the war that plagued this land for so long.” King Alexander remarked.
“Not to mention that you freed my mind from that witch and kept my youngest son safe from harm. So it is only fitting that we give you three a goodbye gift each.” King Vladen said as he presented Ryo with a crimson pole that was in the shape of a back bone, with two skulls at the top. Which was the length of his hip to his knee and with a curved blade folded down.
“This is the scythe of King Mortmor it is called Reaper De La Darkness.” he said.
Then King Alexander presented to Cari a crimson cross-bow with a purple string made of some strange metal.
“This is the brother to the Reaper De La Darkness the first cross-bow which King Fireheart wielded is named Dart De La Dark.” he said as he gave it to her.
“Am I late?” came a voice from behind. They turned around to see the King Mindmine the king or Mea'mory.
“I am here to give this to you Mythos Puros.” he said as he gave her a book. “I had a prophet of the Great Being tell me that you were coming and he told me to give this to you.”
“It's Scar, and thank you.” she said with genuine gratitude. She looked at the book and could tell that it was made of the same strange materiel that the scythe and cross-bow was made of.
“Tell me what materiel is this made of?” she asked.
“Dragon scale.” he said.
With that they all left. They spent the next month talking to each-other in order to get to know each-other better and get used to each-others company, however the only one who found it difficult to open up about their past was Scar. It seemed to both Cari and Ryo that there was something that she did not like about her past. Whatever it was they knew better than to pry. She was also looking at the book that King Mindmine had given her.
Nothing interesting happened until the first week of the final month when they spotted a ship in the distance. It was made of a well polished black wood with crimson sails and a jolly roger at the top of the highest sail.
The rest of the crew and passengers. Cari, Ryo and Scar all looked at each-other, already knowing what must be done. Immediately Cari took out her Dart De La Dark and Ryo took out his pole on his hip and with a flick of his wrist the blade of the Reaper De La Darkness flicked out and clicked into place. Scar looked behind her for a weapon, seeing that there was none she knew that she would have to fight these pirates without one, so she lowered herself down to her fighting stance.
Then the ship drew parallel to theirs it was now close enough to see the name of the ship engraved in scarlet; The Black Heart Revenge.
That was when the pirates started raining down. They huddled together in a group and looked around. The deck was clear other then the three of them and the fifteen of them.
“Ryo sweep the ones on the right, Scar to your left and I'll take the middle.”
“Who put you in charge?” they asked.
“No time to talk.” she said.
She started to run at the five on the right. She loaded her arrow and fired at he one dead in the centre. His two mates beside them ran at her and slashed down. She hit their vanes with arrows and then she struck them both in the heart. She spotted two blades close beside her neck she ducked in time as their blades cut her hair and then she fired and they fell down.
Meanwhile Ryo took his cue and like a farmer would his crop mowed down the fist one at the end as he spotted that the pole could not only extend but also bend as it took down the rest without him breaking out into a sweat.
During this Scar dodged one of her group's blade and struck the wrist of the hand that it belonged to like a snake strike. He dropped his blade and she punched him in the throat before he had any chance to retaliate. She picked up the sword and used it to block a coming one as another slashed aiming for her side. She jumped and used the flat side to give her a leg up and her toes hit him in the jaw forcing her to curl up and flipped over the three blades. Landing behind them. There she used the blunt end of the sword to knock one of them out as the remainder two turned to face her. Then she jumped and scissor kicked them both in between the legs causing them to drop their swards. When she landed on her feet she bent her hands in and jumped up and they too were knocked out.
Cari looked at her.
“Why did you not kill them?” she asked.
“Why did you?” she asked.
“Alright what's going on-” shouted the captain as he looked around. “-here...” he said in a high pitched tone. His tanned face became pale as his long black beard and hair felt strangely lighter.
He turned back to his ship.
“Never mind!” he remarked.
“What? Not even going to try to kill us?” Ryo taunted.
“Do I look stupid to you? Plus, the ones you killed I hated. Tried to start a mutiny have you believe.” he exclaimed as he went back to the ship and left with only the dead and unconscious crew as any proof that he and his ship was ever there.
With that they had a perfect and silent voyage. They met The Chronicler at the docs feeling that they were prepared for what ever it was that destiny had called them to do...


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