The Nine Dragons The Dragon Of Death Part Four
Prisoner Loc opened her eyes. Her hunger was so bad that it was torture. She could hear the rumbling of her stomach echoing throughout the room that she was in. Yet she looked down to see that the floor and walls were made of stone. She looked back to see a door made up of metal bars. Behind that were a set of torches which was the only source of light.. The next thing that she saw was a claw made of bone. Then she saw a leg made of bone. The next thing that she saw was a skeleton of a dragon. It was the size of two houses and the length of a street. It’s head moved down to her, revealing a pair of eyes that were like fire. “Hello, child.” He spoke with an air of authority. She looked up as her stomach rumbled. “Are you hungry?” She remained silent. He left out a chuckle. “Alright. How about this, I ask you questions, you answer them and you will have some food.” She nodded, keeping up her guard. “Tell me your name.” “Loc.” He nodded. “Why do you have a male’s name?” “It’s s...