
Showing posts from February, 2025

The Nine Dragons The Dragon Of Death Part One

 Barron  Loc appeared in a dark place. The land was covered in darkness and the sky was covered by a large dark grey cloud that seemed to have no end. She saw nothing but bones of all creatures of the sky and land all around her along with other creatures of the long since dead. She walked on, her footsteps echoing throughout the emptiness. She quite liked the silence at first, but as she walked on, she found it rather creepy. She walked and walked and walked and still found no one. She wondered why she had not bumped into a single person. Yet, looking at the dry soil she could tell why. Was all of this the dragon? She wondered as she turned down one path only to be met with more empty houses. She went the opposite way only to find more and more of these empty homes. During this time she saw a small castle-like structure with several small towers. In front of it was a plaque  The Library Of  Philosteira Tenpol I’m guessing… She walked right up to the door and soon op...

Doormaze Drage The Orange World Final Part

 Saying Goodbye  “Thank you.” She spoke long after she had calmed down. That was when she heard metal coming to them. She looked up, preparing for a fight but when the doors barged open, she saw that it was all the men that she had fought by and women from the spot. Yet the moment they saw the dead sorcerer in the room, they looked at the girls slightly bashful. “What are you doing here?” She asked, slightly stumped. “Well, ur, we came to help. But it seems that we did not arrive in time.” “No. But-” “Oh come on! Did you really think we would let you fight him all on your own?” “N-no. But-” “Well, you did go alone but you did not see us nor did we tell you what we were doing. So you did do what he said.” “Oh.” “Yeah.” “So what now?” “Burn the body.” “Why? Do you want me to get it?” “No. I meant-” “I know what you meant. I thought that I would just bring some levity. Looks like it didn’t work.” “I guess not.” At this they all laughed. One of the men took the body and they walke...

Doormaze Drage The Orange World Part Seventeen

 The Fight Of Temptation  “You were expecting us?” “Of course!” He sang. “I was expecting you for a year. That man told me. He said ‘three will bring justice to the evil that you have brought upon your home!’ So, I guess, that you’re those three.” He took a moment to look at Coalmine. “What man?” “The Great Being Incarnate. The only one never created but exists nevertheless.” “Impossible. That’s a myth.” “But he isn’t. I could tell that, by the moment I looked into his eyes. After all, the moment that I did, my heart became still and, as my mind flooded with fear, I felt my life start to leave my body.” “So? Spells and enchantments can do that.” “The only reason that I am here is because I fainted.” They nodded as he shrugged. “So, if I was going to die anyway, I might as well take as many down with me as I can. So I set up my incompetent apprentice for the fall and I ordered all my creations of fire to kill all they saw. Then come here, waiting for you to appear.” “And what a...

Doormaze Drage The Orange World Part Sixteen

 The Pyramid  They walked down through Orange Forest. They were able to take notice of just how beautiful the environment was and they also noticed that the orange leaves were not orange out of dying but they were healthy and lively leaves. Yet combined with the emerald green grass it seemed strange and surreal. If Doormaze and Burn were not here they would not believe such an enchanting sight could ever exist in the multiverse! Yet they knew that they did not have time to enjoy the view. Nor the ambiance music of the birds which they did not know the names of or realise that they had missed. So they walked on and on and on. Making sure that they enjoyed it before the next thing that they needed to do. After all, since when would be the next time that they would be able to enjoy such great beauty and peace? When could they have a moment like this to gather and clear their thoughts like they have done when they were fishing or now? So, when they arrived at the pyramid they were...

Doormaze Drage The Orange World Part Fifteen

 Journey To An  Orange Forest  They left the men and centre of the island and started to make their way to the spot highlighted on the map. Doormaze looked at the map. “So, where are we heading?” “According to this, Orange Forest.” They nodded as they looked at the margin. It is the one with orange leaves! “Orange leaves?! That sounds beautiful.” She gasped as she thought in her mind’s eye she saw the trees with bright earthy orange leaves. Yet she pictured that even the grass was the same colour too. She looked up at the golden sky and the bright pale orange clouds. She added this to her mental image, which made the image look even more beautiful. So they walked on and on and on. They looked at the map every now and again, just to make sure that they were on the right track. They took a break to eat. Once they were satisfied, they moved on. They soon came to an orange field, it had green grass that was hidden by the bright orange flowers with a red centre. They looked do...

Doormaze Drage The Orange World Part Fourteen

 Fighting Infierno  The moment that they arrived, they started to pull away the rocks and, as they did, they took several glances at the shoreline. Yet they returned to their work. All of them were able to move seven large rocks at a time. They first started to collect the ones at the back and then they wrd able to move seven more rocks and soon they did this fourteen times before they had the first layer removed. Then they repeated this action more and more times until they had moved all the rocks and ground for the ditch to be deep enough. Then they looked up and spotted the blue line in the far horizon. Good. Made it just in time! That was when an orange light blew up beside her. She looked back as the charred corpses fell. Ahead of her was a mammoth sized fire creature. The fire stemming from it was the hottest fire that Doormaze had ever felt before. The flames on his head made a high but narrow crown. It glared at them with an animalistic glare filled with rage and hunge...

Doormaze Drage The Orange World Part Thirteen

 A Journey To Fire They rapidly moved on and on. They all kept their eyes on the shore. They all knew that they did not have time to think about what was going to happynor how to get away. No, they all had to focus upon the plan. After all, one second spent on thinking on anything else was one second of delay to what they needed to happen. They all had to get to the place before the tsunami came. Yet as they moved on and on, Doormaze looked on and was the first to see it. The humanoid figure made of fire and she closed her eyes out of dread. She opened her eyes as she saw it only to see a blast of fire coming at her. She dived out of the way. She was about to open her mouth but it sent another blast at her causing her to dive out of the way again. She saw a third one coming at her. She dodged out of the way. She flicked out her finger to the creature. The rest were able to see it but it was too late to run away as it was already upon them. She saw another jet stream racing at her. ...

Doormaze Drage The Orange World Part Twelve

 Plan They arrived at the outskirts of Centrepoint. It seemed like a rocky wasteland. Where there were lava rivers and orange rocks as far as they could see. The clouds were bright orange and thick. They could see there was amber lightning spreading across the sky. “Right. What do we do?” “Well, we are to find a way to get to the castle over there.” “Right, and how do we avoid the lightning?” “We could tunnel down it?” “With what?” “Ah.” “But what about taking down King Infireno?” “Well, we could use the water?” “And how much do we have?” “Seven wineskins.” “And how many do we need?” “Oh.” Doormaze looked down and around and saw the water on the opposite side. “Why don’t we use that?” They all looked at the water. Then at the castle. Their minds ticked over all they were looking at. “Well, we could use the ocean to spread water everywhere?” “But that will take too long.” “Alright, why don’t we gather all the water and-” Hold on, didn’t Dark Curse give me the power of water? Yeah… T...

Doormaze Drage The Orange World Part Eleven

 Water It was a whole week when they arrived at Dalane Lake. They had, by that point, been out of their supplies for a day before they arrived. They were all exhausted and were at their wits ends. So the moment that they saw the sparkling water they ran to it, their minds blinded by their hunger and thirst. The moment that they reached the water they saw the lush crop of fish they smiled. The next thing that they noticed was just how clear it was and yet the whole plain was untouched by any scorch marks. “Hey!” Doormaze called pointing at it all. “I know.” “It was the same with the spot that we were staying at. Some of the fire creatures saw that place they moved on, almost slightly scared. But we did not see anything wrong with the place.” The girls nodded. “So, time to drink.” With that they lined up at the bank of the lake and drank in as much as they could. Then they refilled their water skins. After, they threw out a line. “How many should we get?” “As many as we can. After al...

Doormaze Drage The Orange World Part Ten

 A Journey With Companions Once they had regained their strength, Doormaze, Coalmine and Burn went to set off. Yet that was when Stephen stood in their way. “Where are you going?” “Trying to do something about those fire creatures.” “Alone?” “Yes. We don’t have a choice.” “Are you crazy?” “I don’t have the time or choice to think about my sanity.” He nodded but still allarmed. “Then let me gather all the men that can fight and we will all set off in half an hour. After all, this is a problem for all of us.” Doormaze widened her eyes. He’s right. “So, if any you leave, if you die, then it will be your own fault.” “We won’t die!” “Yes you will.” She nodded. “Then we will stay here but if you are not here in half an hour, then we will leave.” “But Door-” “We will wait. After all, they do have the right to defend their home.” “Are you sure?” “Yes.” Coalmine looked at her smiling but her mouth was agape. “Wow, you’ve grown!” “Do have you.” She closed her mouth and smiled, almost shy. So...

Doormaze Drage The Orange World Part Nine

 Last Survivors Doormaze opened her eyes. She saw the ground beneath her. She was looking up as it was above her head. That doesn’t make sense! She thought before going back to sleep. ✴️ When she woke up again she felt cold. Yet as her eyes dropped she saw a shadow. The next thing that she felt was her saliva in her mouth. Yet it tasted strange, almost fruity. She looked up to see a small fire in front of her. Her eyes slid to the right. There she saw running and clear water. Her eyes widened as she quickly dived to it. Suddenly she felt like she had been stabbed. “Aw!” “Door-aw!” Coalmine clutched her stomach. “Woah-” “Don’t get up quickly or-” “Aw!” Suddenly Burn clutched her stomach. “You could’ve warned me!” “I was going to!” “Right. Now what?” “We-” “Are you three alright?” Asked a man with chalk green hair and baby blue eyes as he walked in. “Oh, you’re not from here are you?” “Sorry, no.” “Who are you?” “Stephen.” “What’s your story?” “Normal guy. Had a good wife, very stric...

Doormaze Drage The Orange World Part Eight

 Hunger They were quenched but their stomachs still felt like they were filled with nails. Yet they knew that they could not do anything about it without crossing a line that none of them were willing to cross. Yet as they continued their strength was fading like smoke. But they forced themselves on and on with everything that they had. None of them could remember the last time that they ate since they came here. Yet as they walked on and on and on their heads became light and dizzy. They could feel that even their bodies felt light and achy all over. Yet as they pushed on their heads ached and their eyelids were dropping. They were seeing their vision become double and blurry. Their brains were also getting foggy as their thoughts became strange. I want a bunny! I want a nice bunny. One that I can cook and eat. But I don’t even know how to cook!  Then I will learn! I don’t care. Does it taste nice? I don’t know! Then her eyes dropped to her arm. What about bugs? Do they taste...