Scar The Mythos Puros Part Five
Mother And Father Scar was woken by a swinging of the door opening. She looked up, hoping that all of this was a dream only to see Morana and Alex standing over her. She drew herself in. She found that she was so cold that she could not feel her arms and her head felt light as she had lost a great deal of blood. Alex pulled out a knife and slit the rope. Her arms slumped and her hunger was beginning to become painful. “Get up.” Morana snapped, coldly. She, weakly, got to feet. Even though she could feel herself shaking all over. She felt like she was already dead. However, she fell for a moment. Yet Morana had to pull up and suddenly thrust her fist into her gut. She wrapped her arms around her stomach, freking a great deal of nausea. “Get up.” She nodded slowly. She pushed through the pain as she got to her feet. She could feel her jaw clench but she said nothing. She knew better than to say anything. “Come.” She said as she walked out of her cell. Silently, she followed. ...