The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town Alice, Alex And Malice Part Ten


Knowing that his job demanded that he should take her in right there and then. He was about to call the police when his curiosity stopped him. He put his phone in his pocket and walked up to her.


"H-hello sir." She cried. 

"Why are you crying?"

"I-I-" She wept as she buried her head in her arms as she broke down and wept.

He put a hand on her shoulder.

"It's alright. Take your time."

She looked up and nodded.

"I wake up every morning and I do all that I can to be good, y-yet, at noon I-I-I don't know anything past that! And- and the day before yesterday I-I-I woke up in a strange place… No, I woke up where the twins kept me!" She screamed.

He stroked her shoulder comfortingly.

"And- and I felt ill but- but there was a letter telling me that- that I- I can't go home!"


"Be-because bad guys were there."

He frowned and pondered. Was this really the evil heartless girl that he has seen kill so many people in ice cold blood? Could she really kill a child and his mother?

No, there had to be more as to what was going on.

Hold on, did she say that she has blackouts beyond every noon? What happens once that time comes?

She must have, somehow, developed multiple personalities. One that I am talking to and the other that killed all the people whose murders were inevitable. 

"And who wrote the letter?"

"Malice and-and it wasn't just addressed to me either!"

He frowned.


"Who else?"


"Anyone else?"


He nodded.

"Well I think that you should come with me." 

She looked up at him like he was an angel and nodded. Yet as she did, he noticed that she looked ill. He noticed that there were deep bags under her innocent eyes. His hand moved to her head. He noticed that she was even running a fever!

"You're ill! You need to get to a doctor." He exclaimed.

She looked at him with terror as she started to tremble. She shook her head 

"No, please no! They'll never let me go!"

His frown deepened.

"But you're ill! You need to see-"

"No!" She screamed as she ran away.

He ran after her. Yet she seemed to run faster than any ordinary girl. He raced after yet and as he did he lost her. He kicked a can as he knew that he had come so close to closing this bizarre case right there and then. 

Why did she act like that? Did she have a bad experience with a doctor? I need more intel. He thought as he drove. Wait, doesn't she go to school? So she must go to the same school as everyone else.

So that was where he made himself next. He met up with the headmaster. He told him who he was and what he was doing here.

"Right. Well Melinda has been doing all that she can do to keep up with her work. Despite all her complications."


"There was the time when she was captured by the twins that disappeared. Then that led to her being hospitalised. She did well to catch up when she returned. However she was not one hundred percent right after that. The PE teacher noticed an awful amount of needle marks in her arm. Yet, admittedly, he said nothing about it to her although whenever someone brought it up she would become so pale and tense up."


That was when he recalled how she reacted when he suggested that she needed to go to a hospital.

So a doctor did do something to her! 

"Anything else?"

"Yes, last winter, she disappeared for the weekend, yet when she came back, she became paler and a plaster in her neck. Then she disappeared again after we had to hire a substitute teacher. She re-emerged later, she seemed to do well after, yet… She had deep wounds in her neck that looked like a vampire's bite."

He looked down. He could not help but feel sorry for the poor girl. She had been through so much and after her parents had died no doubt, it only seemed a matter of time until she snapped.

"And recently, she seemed to be acting odd."

"How come?"

"Well, in the morning, she would go by the name of Alice and, in the afternoon, she would go by the name of Alex."

So that's who Alex is.

His eyes widened.

"Yes. However, as Alice, she would be well behaved. The perfect model student! Yet as Alex, she would be a juvenile delinquent. She even beat up two groups of bullies! In fact she seemed to be stronger than your average girl. It shocked us all!"

That could be a problem.

"Right. Thanks."

He left and drove to his office. He then looked for Melinda in the afternoon. He found her by the time it was three. He tailed her for sometime until a woman walked up to her from behind. She bumped into her. The girl looked at her and noticed something.

"That's mine!" She snapped as she punched her.

She was knocked back as she took a pencil case with Melinda Narcissa on. She looked up at her just as the sun went down. Her expression changed to that of one that could only be called sadistic.

"Stealing's, not nice!" She said as she grabbed the woman by her neck. 

She squeezed her throat to a point that the woman could not scream. She then took her hand as she did, she forced it back. She struggled to scream out in pain. She pulled her in closer.

"Do you want to know what would have happened to you if you were born in another time?" She asked as a car drove by.

She threw the woman in the direction of the car and she collided with it. He was about to go and rush to help until the car exploded. By that time he knew that he could do nothing. The woman was already dead. Along with the driver of the car.

This told him all that he needed to know. The following morning, he found Alice. She went to run away. He gestured that it was alright.

"I'm not going to take you to any hospital. I promise!"

This made her relax.

"I need to take you to the police station instead."

Her face dropped.


"Because you are a key witness in a couple of cases of mine and I very much like to hear your testimony."

She smiled and nodded and they walked to the police station. There, he put her in a cell. He let out a sigh as he walked away. Yet he knew that he could not relax. The hard part was yet to come; keeping her there!


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