The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town Alice, Alex And Malice Final Part

The Verdict 

The judge, June July, looked at Detective J Stevenson, read the report and looked at the girl in front of her. She put the girl, who was now Alice at the moment.

"Tell me, do you know where you were between the hours of five am and pm?"

"No sir." She squeaked. 

He played the tape of the killing of people. Upon seeing all the people being killed by Malice, Alice screamed. Her face dropped as her eyes teared up.

"No. T-that can't be me! Why am I -why am I- why-"

She fainted. June July was surprised that the poor girl could not handle what she had just seen. She did not wake until half an hour later, at twelve o'clock. 

"Where am I?" She snapped.

She did not carry the same expression on her face. This expression was stern and almost hardened, like the typical look of a delinquent.

"You are in court."

"Why, some parents wanna sue?" 

"No, Alice!"

"'Alex'! Why did you call me Alice?" 

"Because a moment ago you told us that was your name."

"'A moment ago'? What? Ahh! Never mind!"


"Hold on, is that me? What am I doing there? When did this happen?"

"At night. All of them."

"'All of them'?" She exclaimed, tensing her eyes in confusion.

They soon played the tapes all that they had. She looked at them in shock and horror. Her face was so drained of colour that she looked ill. The shadow on her face was grey and not a darker shade of peach. Yet she, unlike Alice, kept her composure. Her eyes dropped after seeing them.

"Lock me up!" She barely whispered.


"I don't remember the morning nor do I remember anything past sundown. And if that is me, and that is what I do, then lock me up!"


"'Why'? Because if-" 

Then her eyes widened in shock, as she just realised something.



She pulled out a slip of paper and handed it to the judge. She looked at it and then back at Melinda-Alex. She passed it to the lawyer. He looked at it.

"Please, lock me up! I don't want Malice to kill again. So lock me up."

"And what about Alice?"

"Who is Alice?!"

They told her all that they knew. She looked down slightly disheartened.

"I'm certain that if you told her what was going on then she would agree."

"If that is the case, the. I am sorry but you are going to have to have the verdict of, innocent under insanity. You will be sent to Stardust Asylum. There you are not to leave until you're sound of mind." She said, hitting the hammer down.

She was chained up and walked out. 


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