Princesses Cari The Left Pages Of Publove Arc Part Two

The First Page
And The First Tower

When they arrived at the doc the first thing that they knew that they had to do was inform King Merath, the king of Stre'head of their presence. So they made their journey to the castle where they were greeted by the King himself! It was all too clear by his smile and welcoming demeanour that he, somehow knew that they were coming.
“You knew that we were coming?” The Chronicler asked.
“Yes my Queen.”
“Don't call me that, I am Queen of nothing.” she said.
“Well the Great Being told me to call you that and I know that there's a prepose for calling you 'Queen' and not by your other name.” he said. “He also told you to say that your past has been forgiven and you shall not have that guilt if you come to Him.”
Her eyes raised slightly mockingly.
“I know that it will be difficult to understand now, but you shall when you learn the dark truth about the gods that you all serve.” he said and turned immediately to Cari.
“Princess Cari, please be careful about making vows to any god. However your curse of reincarnation will be broken in your third life.” he said.
“But I don't have-” her eyes widened as she remembered her early years, for some reason she never answered to Cari. “Oh, now it makes sense.”
He then turned to Scar.
“Scar, when you return to Earth in your time your mother will want to live with you and let her in.” he said.
“Yeah right.” she mocked with a bitter tone to her voice.
“And you are to hold no grudge against her, be honest with her, especially about how you really feel about the situation that you are in. Let her comfort you and comfort her. You must let each-other repair the other's lives and that of your father and step-father and it will lead to something beautiful. However after the beauty you will learn of your destiny and why you came here.” he said leaving Scar looking as if she was about to throw up.
“Oran Dymshi, do not despise the fact that you are the closest failure of what Scar is, but learn to rejoice in the power that you have. You will also find you family with the Mythos Puros. And that goes for you Scar.”
Oran smiled but Scar just shook her head.
“Now Price Ryo, there will come a time when you and Princess Cari will be faced with an important choice and for the sake of the Muniverse, you must make the right one. And you will understand when the time comes.” he said. “Now all of you go.”
“Wait.” came a deep voice. A man stood behind her. He looked at her as if pained by something. His eye were crimson and cat-like and he had long black locks.
“Let me introduce myself. I am Count Ardulac, and I have to offer my unicorns to be your aid until you have finished your business here. They are black, the fastest of their kind so it would be able to take you less than a day to get to where you need to go. And where you need to go is where I have drawn an x on.” he explained as he gave her a closed twelve page book.
“Thank you, Count-”
“No my Queen, thank you. After all I hope this is the least that I could do after-” he said as he turned to the King.
“Look I am no Queen.”
“If you saw things from my prospective then you would know that there is every possibility that the one who said that your kingdom will never rise, could have told you a lie, either knowingly or not.”
“Well you were always loved to chase the lost cause. Speaking of which, how is your hunt for your brother going?”
“Well that is why I have come.”
“Yes I know, we have business to discuss.” he said as he gestured him to come.
“I wish that the Great Being will watch over you as you all fulfil your mission in life!” they called.
Scar just rolled her eyes.
“What was that all about?” Ryo asked.
“Don't know, don't care. Now let's get a move on.” she said as she walked on.
They soon came to a black carriage that seemed to be like moving tree roots and even the wheels looked as if they were growth of the carriage. Which was being pulled by five majestic black unicorns with a strong build. They had dark ink blue horns and glowing crimson eyes.
“You're telling me we have to get on something as girly as that?” she said as she pointed at the unicorns.
They all looked at her as if she had said something taboo. She could see that they were stepping back further and further away from her.
She soon found herself hitting the ground hard and her arm was hit. Just as she placed a hand over her arm she felt the strong weight of a hoof.
“What did you just say you little son of a dark dire wolf “ the unicorn growled at her.
Her eyes were wide.
“Well it better be or I'll ram you in with this horn of mine.” he said as he released her.
“Well you better be and what the Demon Realm is My Little Pony anyway?”
“Never mind.”
“Alright now get in.” he said.
They all took their seats and closed the door. Scar noticed that all of them had their backs straitened against the back she followed suit. She then felt something around her neck and then it rose to the jaw and soon she could see what it was. Somehow there were roots around She felt a hand on hers and she looked at The Chronicler and she gave the it's-okay look. With that she removed it.
She wondered why that was but then all became clear when they set off. She soon found the streets beside her become a blur of lines as she felt herself being pulled back. They were going so fast that they felt like they were flying.
Then the lines soon became green as she looked ahead and spotted that they soon stopped. And the brace stopped her from snapping her neck. They soon looked at the giant structure that seemed to touch the ground above. They all felt cold as they looked at it.
They then left the carriage and the moment that they did Scar just collapsed. She could feel herself shaking as she felt slightly nauseous. She had to just kneel there on the cobbles for a moment as her body recovered from the fast speed that they were going.
“What? Was that your first ride?” said another to her ear she nodded.
“Well? Do you think that we are girly now?”
She then got to her feet as she walked up to the rest she then walked to the long black door and opened. They all looked at her as if they were both confused and shocked at what she had just done. After all, while she was having her moment she did not see them walk up to the tower and at a certain point they bumped into something. They got up and placed a hand on something that was like an invisible wall around the tower.
Now they were all thinking; how did she get past?
“What?” she asked.
“How did you get there?”
“What do you mean? Come on!” she called.
They reached out their hands and spotted that the invisible forcefield had gone! They walked up to her and looked at her suspiciously.
“Tell me Scar, your father, who is he?” The Chronicler asked.
“Oh, Alex Victor Hunt. Why?”
“Never mind. Now how're we going to take this thing down?”
Cari, Ryo, I would like you to focus on spreading that fire. The stairs and floors are made of wood.” they looked at her and nodded. They looked at the lit torches and reached out their hands and used their magic to spread the fire to the stairs. The fire soon climbed the stairs and soon the fire became hotter and hotter. The smoke clouded the room and the rest of the tower.
They soon had to leave and then they climbed back into the carriage. Scar spotted that the entirety of the tower was eclipsed by fire and black smoke and as the brace came on the tower started to fall causing the unicorns to set off before the brace had time to finish to secure her jaw.


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