Eva And Withele' Mytholonia And Legendara Arc Part Five

The Other Land

Eva and Olf stet off to the other land, leaving Sara in the hands of Mr Whiskers. The journey to there was smooth but throughout it Eva's heart could not stop racing. Even-though she knew that her mother was evil, she could not help but be excited. She was finally going to meet her mother! She was finally going to know who her parents were!
She knew that her mother would have made sure that the journey was uninterrupted to make sure that she got to the other island, Mytholonia's twin.
“So, what's he name of this place?” asked Eva.
“Legendara, I haven't been here for a long time, since-” she broke off but she knew what her grandmother was about to say. Since, her mother turned evil.
“So, could you tell me more about Legendara?”
“Well it's a lot like Mytholonia, in fact both islands look completely identical, but the only difference is that there's a legend behind the island, that there was a cave that harboured a great evil that it corrupted whoever was exposed to it. And it is my belief that that was where-she became evil.”
“Is that why you didn't want me to go? Because you think that mum will take me there and she'll corrupt me too?”
“I do suspect this deer.” she said trying not to sound so sad.
When they arrived they arrived at a small doc where a small green man sat with copper hair, playing a crimson accordion. The tune was in a way both happy and yet there was a sorrowful tone to the tune that he was playing.
“Olfinara!” he exclaimed as they got off the small boat. He gave such a welcoming smile, and by the look of the wrinkles on his face it was all too clear that he was the same age as her grandmother.
“Lepgobricorn. Still playing that thing I see.”
“You know me so well, Olfinara, tell me, where's Erikweshs? Is he gone? Does this mean that you're single again?” he asked enthusiastically.
“You never gave you did you?”
“Well my husband's still alive but I can't go into that right now. Tell me, you don't know where my daughter is right now do you?” she asked.
“Well, Mortgin's waiting for you in that cave, you know the one.” he said pointing behind him.
Olf's face went pale as she closed her eyes to stop herself from crying.
“Yes, yes I do.”
That was when he looked at Eva for the first time.
“Tell me, is that Withele' Kageshine? Mortgin's kid?” he asked.
“Yes, yes she is.”
“Woah, she's almost identical to her mother, but yet she's so innocent and pure!” he said slightly in awe. Then his face darkened. “She's not going to like this. She's not going to like this one bit! You can't take her! You just can't! She'll corrupt her somehow, I just know it!”
“Look.” Eva said placing a hand on his shoulder. “I must go, I don't have a choice. See, she's poisoned my sister, Sara.”
“Lep, she's talking about her adopted older sister.”
“Then I'm sorry for you. I hope that she doesn't hurt you too much. After all I know what she's capable of.” he said as he nodded to Olf.
Olf closed her eyes as she nodded.
They both walked away as Eva followed her grandmother. There was a bizarre sense of dread that clung to the air. They walked in silence for four hours before they came to the cave. There Olf touched the mouth with teary eyes as all the colour drained from her face.
“I can not go on deer. It's far too hard.” she confessed with a shaky voice.
“Why?” Eva asked.
“B-because...T-this is w-where i-it happened...” she cried. “T-this what w-where she met him...T-this w-was the cave h-he t-taught her...” she sobbed as she flopped down and just cried into her old lap.
“Alright. Stay here then, but I have to go on.” she said. “You know I have to face what she's got in mind.”
Olf looked up at her almost stunned by something. She knelt in front of her and placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Don't worry about me, I'll be fine.”
“T-that's what-never mind deer.”
“Let me guess mum said that?”
She nodded.
“When she went to face the evil in that cave and that's when she met him.”
“Well did mum say this, if I come out of that cave, and I'm evil. Kill me.”
With that she smiled and walked into the cave not knowing if she was ready but knowing that it hardly mattered if she wasn't...


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