Princess Cari The Quest Arc Part Two

The Conspiracy

After leaving her kingdom and her home behind Cari made sure to put a great deal of distance behind her before she put up camp. She took this time to gather her thoughts and figure out where her sister would most likely be. She knew that the dragon did not take her out if the kingdom and across the Royal Sea for even a dragon could not fly that distance, not unless he or she had a meal or two and none of the witnesses reported seeing a food pouch on him or her.
She took out her map of the Kingdom Isles and a sandwich that the cook had packed for her. She took a bite and opened the map up. The Kingdom Isles were made up of a circular island which was Fireheart, and the land the others formed a triangle with Lightlot, the kingdom that she was in right now, being the only one that did not have an island. Mie'mory was at the top of the triangle with an island to form the arrow point of the Kingdom Isles and the other two parts were split down the middle ending at a faded point of the Kingdom Isles those kingdoms were Scorcher and Mortmore.
Right, so now the question is, where did the dragon take her, well, it can't be Lightlot, no, our kingdoms have been tightly knit since the foundations and they would not even think about betraying my father nor his kingdom. Mie'mory, also no, they are far too neutral for to have any involvement, or be of any help. Scorcher? Possible, after all they are closely knit with- Mortmore! It's Mortmore. After all for some reason they have always believed that they had a claim to Fireheart and seem to not even recognise the monarchy.
With her deductions she rolled up the map and finished her sandwich and put the bag under her head and closed her eyes. She woke up early in the morning and slowly dragged herself to her feet. She then had a small piece of chocolate cake for her breakfast. Then packed the rest away for later and took a small look at what the cook had given her.
Well there's enough food for me here to get to Mortmore, but not that much to get back, not without my sister. So, I'm going to have to eat half as much as what I would normally eat. No, more like an average peasant in the Dark Kingdoms. I sure wish that someone would just rescue them from those evil kings. I mean I bet the hounds eat more than they do!
With this in mind she slung the rucksack on and went on her way. She had decided to run to help strengthen her legs. Before it was time to eat again she was at the boarder of Lightlot and knew by nightfall she would be in Mie'mory and then came the hard part, getting into Scorcher. She then continued by doing a few sit ups and push ups then she eat half a sandwich and then she was off again. She did not stop until the sun was down and set up camp again.
She did even more push ups and sit ups before eating more of her sandwich. She swung the rucksack under her head. Then just as she placed her head on he bag she heard a wig snap behind her. She slowly took out her crossbow and as silently as possible loaded it. Listening closely as she heard a second and when she felt sure enough she swung out the crossbow and aimed it at the source.
Her eyes met a boy a year younger than her in black armour with white eyes and short black hair with skin so pail that one could wonder whether or not it ever saw the light of day! He had dark shadows under his eyes and just as dark lips.
Oh dart! A reaper. This was what people of that land called someone form Mortmore.
“So, what's a reaper like you doing here?” she asked calmly.
“Dunno, what's a Hothead like you doing here?” he returned the question.
“Looking for someone. Now tell me who are you and what are you doing here?” she said as she twitched the crossbow. He sighed and sat opposite her and warmed his hand by the fire.
“I'm Prince Ryo Kizeru and I might as well tell you after all, what harm would it do? We will have what's rightfully ours soon enough. Right now I'm on my way to see King Morin and tell him that this time Mie'mory cannot stand on the sidelines. Not this time.” he said.
“And why is that?” she inquired as her curiosity started to rise.
“Because we have an ensured win. After all my older half sister, who I never met, will soon inherent that land now that the brat's out of the way.” he boasted.
“Half sister?”
“Yes, that Princess Cari, she's my older half sister on our mother's side. What didn't that fool King Alexander tell you? Well why wouldn't he? After all we are the children of the Draganna. Yes that Draganna, the Dragon Queen.” he laughed. “That is why we have an ensured win!”
Her eyes twitched as she tried to conceal her shock. She was not only a bastard but a half dragon? Then that should mean that she should have a worse curse than she got! After all the gods had always cursed two typed of people, one bastards and the other hybrids. With that in mind she realised something.
“Half dragon? Shouldn't you be cursed?” she asked. Already knowing that if what he was saying was true then that should mean that they should have the same curse.
“Of course dim wit! After all my eyes are white, every time I use my magic I get cut and every full moon I painfully transform into a dragon!” he exclaimed “I even have an X on my arm to mark me cursed!”
She stopped her eyes from looking aside. She did not want to give him any indication of who she was. She had to hide her utter shock too, and pass it off as mild shock, for if what he was saying was true then why did she not turn into a dragon every full moon? What was it about her or him that spared her from this fate?
“So, what would happen if the plan of putting Princess Cari on the throne fails?” she asked.
Ryo looked aside and his lip curled and his eyes stung of shame.
“Then, when she comes of marital age my step-mother told me that I will have to marry that brat!” he growled. “Yeah, I know. Shocking isn't it? A Reaper and a Hothead marrying. The idea repulses me! In fact I would do anything to avoid such a fate. In fact if I had it my way I would much rather marry someone who I wanted.”
She looked down.
“Yeah, so do I.” she agreed suddenly realising that she had never even thought about who she was going to marry.
“Anyway, you go ahead and here!” she said as she gave him a peace of her cake. He took it with suspicion but took a bite and headed on his way, leaving, unbeknownst to him, his half-sister to think about a great many things, including what must be done after her half-sister is safely home. She already knew and had made up her mind and even-though none other than the people of her kingdom would like it, she knew that, that had to be done. She let herself cry over the decision that she had made but then wiped her tears away before she closed her eyes.


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