Princess Cari The Quest Arc Part One

The Cursed Princess

Once upon an unknown time that long ago in the kingdom of Fireheart lived yet another pathetic princess who's father had neglected to teach self defence to. So when she became another victim of yet another dragon abduction, he should not have been surprised. This caused plenty of chaos and rumours spread.
For you see, in this kingdom, there was another and older princess. A princess that was born out of wedlock two years before her father got married and had another when she was the age of three. A cursed princess cursed with magic that would cut her every time she used it. She had white eyes instead of the proper crimson eyes of the land and jet black hair instead of the blond of her father. With a big black X on her stomach as a stamp of her curse. A princess named Cari.
Even-though her father neglected to teach the youngest daughter self defence he did not do the same with the other. She knew how to fight and she knew that if she was in that room with her sister at the time, she would not be a prisoner of the dragon now. She had blamed herself a lot for her sisters abduction and had tried to find her diligently, well as much as she could staying inside the kingdom, as her father did not want her to leave.
Regardless of how much she loved her father and sister and regardless of how much they loved her back, this still did not stop the rest of the kingdom from hating her. They all had blamed her and came to the misguided conclusion that she was the reason that her sister was now in the hands of the dragon and that she was conspiring with the dragon to claim the throne for her own. This lie spread like wildfire. This caused them to hate her even more and soon they all called her the true enemy to the crown. Soon they wanted her out of the kingdom, if she was out of the kingdom then they would get their princess back and things would go back to normal.
This led to a riot demanding a audience with the king. A wish that was quickly granted and they flooded the hall of the castle. Then King Alexander and Princess Cari walked at the top of the front. King Alexander stood in front of his throne and Cari beside her. When they saw her they looked at her with nothing but disgust as they pushed the king's adviser Earl in front of the crowd.
The King sighed clearly knowing what was going on. He thought that him being King would prevent this. However Cari had told him that again and again that this day was inevitable. They hated his daughter and loved the other and they did little to hide it. They must have spread rumours among themselves that justify in their minds their unjust hatred for her.
Cari also knew this but did not look away in dread nor did she let herself show her upset about this matter. She knew that regardless of what she did, they would interpret it as a sign that they were right. She had known that they hated her and that they had always wanted her gone. They did not care nor did they want to know what she was going through, nor did they even wish to entertain the idea that she really did love her sister and father. No, she knew to them she was a tyrant in the making. Her father had always tried to protect her from these truths but she was able to pick them up a long time ago.
“Well, what is the meaning of this Earl?” her father demanded.
Earl stroked his bald head and looked back at the people with his lime green eyes. He had a distinct large nose and a small thin mouth.
“Your majesty!” he exclaimed as he bowed low, the tip of his nose almost touching the floor.
“Enough! Get up!” he sighed mildly annoyed by his grovelling.
“Well...The people...” he looked behind him to see that everyone was staring right at him with impatience. “They, want her to be exiled by tonight... on the charges of treason.”
“I will not, can not do that! And what is the bases of this alleged treason?” he snapped, his voice like a whip.
“B-but your majesty! You must have thought it odd?” Earl questioned.
“I know not of what you speak!” said the King but he clearly knew.
“Your deceased wife, remember that she died shortly after the missing Princess Hikari was born! You remember! She was burnt to ashes!” he explained.
Cari failed to hide her shock.
“She-she did! Why wasn't me and my sister told of this?” she asked.
“Are you accusing my daughter of murdering my wife?” he asked dangerously.
“Well you can not-”
“She was three years old for Minna's sake! Hardly even old enough to comprehend her place let alone kill anyone!” he stormed.
Cari closed her eyes.
“It's alright father! I-I think that it's better this way.” she said. King Alexander have her a glaring glance.
“No, father.”
“But you are my daughter and next in line to the-”
“I know, however I can not rule over a kingdom that despises me. For regardless on if I stay or go then there will be chaos and I also know that they will not stand for me to be on the throne ether. They would find a way to throw me out and lock the doors and throw away the keys. It would be like travelling through the demon realm for me. So, I will be leaving, and father, please do not stop me, and when I do leave, I will be getting back that hair that they want, the princess that we all love and want back. If I fail then let my life be the forfeit, however do not punish the people for their opinions only their actions and when you do, do not do it out of anger but with a clear mind and a calm heart.” she said to him loud enough for the people to hear she then turned to the people.
“And I mush admit that I have been trying to find her, however this has given me the opportunity to do this and when I return, if my sister is not with me then do to me whatever it is you wish. However if my sister is with me then don't you dare allow your self inflicted lies to poison her or yourselves for that matter!” she shouted as she left to pack before anyone could say anything.
She packed all the essentials, strong dragon dung genes, which was the strongest materiel which was sterilised which caused a chemical change, not that they knew it of coarse, that made it look like silver cotton, and a long sleeved shirt and hunters jacket made of the same things and chain-mail made of melted dragon scales.
She then packed a brush and a cloth. She then looked at a book that her sister gave her. It was a crimson leather bound book which was called The Gathering Of The Three Heroes. She had read it many, many times but never found it dull. She hugged it and closed her eyes and she saw the image of her sister in her mind.
“Is it too late for me to change your mind?” her father asked her. She slipped the book in her leather bag and shook her head.
“Then is there anything that you need?”
“Yes, my crossbow, Eagle.” she replied.
“Then may I give you something?” he asked as he produced a silver bracelet no less than one inch deep with two dragons facing a black gemstone as if they were going to fight to the death for it. “Please put this on for good fortune.”
“Thank you!” she replied mildly shocked as she slipped it on her wrist. He smiled and left her to pack other belongings that she knew that she would need. She then saw the evening dawning. She made her away to the door flap to the kingdom. Her father and everyone was waiting for her. He gave her Eagle and the cooks then stuffed a basket filled with food they they had made for her.
She thanked and said goodbye to them and then walked along the long door bridge. When she was at the other end she looked back. Catching the last sight of her father as the bridge rose up and cut her off from her kingdom, her home and everything that she knew. Now she had to rely on what she had been taught.


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