Bounty Hunter Bash The Two Out Of Wedlock Arc

Part One
The Prologue

     Beforebow (Pronounced Beforl Bov) was a kingdom higher than the rest in their land. The people had the best clothes and even the lowest peasant had gold in their house hold. The land had rich green hills and trees grew taller than the tallest in ours. The houses, the cobbled roads and the pavements were very well polished by the shoes and feet of the people and those just passing by. The air smelt of roses and sweet smelling flowers and plants. The horses were always clean and their coat shone like they were made of metal.
     The castle there was the size of a small village and as high as a small mountain. It's towers were high enough to see the sea, which was like a line on the horizon as well as all of the other kingdoms in that land, depending on where you were. It's gates were the size of a tall hose and on display were the stain glass windows showing all of the kings and queens that had ruled there over the course of the kingdom's existence where the main hall was.
     Inside the main hall on the right of each king and queen lay portraits of all of their children, below was a crimson carpet thick enough for the children to play and never get hurt. At the left was the thrones of the king, queen, prince and the princess that lived there. The King's was made of pure gold with cherry topaz that formed a pointed arch with a star ruby in the centre with ever moving points. The queen's was pure silver which was decorated with lapis lazuli which was in the same shape of the kings but this ended with a star sapphire that like the kings had ever moving points. The prince's and the princess's were just the same as the king and queen's but their thrones back were smaller.
     This was where the king and queen were talking. The king had long raven locks tied back in a tail and deep blue eyes and red flesh after being out in the open too much with a low cheekbone which gave the appearance that his face was fat. The queen had long blond locks and warm hazel eyes and high cheekbones. Their children, Chashathrophogh and his younger sister, Shedray both inherited most of their features were their father's with only their high cheekbone as evidence that they were hers, but Chashathrophogh, was born with a deathly pale skin tone, meanwhile Shedray had her honey tone.
     “We can not keep this up Phorow.” the Queen sighed (pronounced Fo lrov).
     “Pheanre'!” King Phorow hummed (pronounced Feen ray)
     “No, Phorow we need to tell him otherwise he will ask questions of why his sister takes the crown and not him!” she snapped. “And believe me, I do not want him to be told by the wrong person!”
     “What do you mean by that?” he asked. She gave him a deadpan look and sighed. Getting he gesture he nodded and looked aside.
     “Oh, oh!”
     He nodded slowly with dread as his face went pink. His eyes dropped to the side.
     “Alright, we will tell him today.” his voice was calm and mellow.
     “Tell me what?” asked a boy that came from the door through the left wing. The two were shaken slightly.
     “Chashathrophogh!” Queen Phenre' exclaimed.
     “How long have you been there?” his father asked.
    “Long enough.” he said passively with his unearthly high-pitched voice and shrugged. His eyes then snapped to his parents, with something growing in his eyes. “I am one born out of wedlock am I not?”
     “Yes.” King Phorow replied his heart stung with guilt. The boy nodded with a dangerous air about him.
     “And am I your son?” he asked. The King nodded.
     His eyes slid to the Queen.
     “And am I yours?” he asked. She looked away slightly and nodded, her face looked pale. Then her eyes rested on the king with dread.
    “What curse do I have?” he demanded. They looked at each other in dread the Queen looked at him with the worst shame filled look that anyone could ever give. As they silently asked the other who would tell him.
     “You do not have one,”
     “But I am a-” he cried.
     “Do not use that word!” the king boomed.
     “Still it does not change the fact that the Gods always assign a curse without exception!” he cried.
   “Except, you are a roil, thus you have two. The first, is always magic for anyone roil but the second...”
     “I told you that we should have told him sooner!”
     “I am telling him now!”
     “What is it?” he again demanded as even the Queen became as white as a ghost.
    “To attract darkness for until you die.” the she wept. The king embraced his wife as he laid a kiss on her forehead. Chashathrophogh looked at his parents as his eyes dropped to his hand as if certain things now made sense. There was something in his eye that was not there a moment before, something dark. Something that his parents were not to find out until three years later.
     Chashathrophogh taking a quick nap. The red roses surrounding him with a wonderful cent, his head back and inches from a thorn as his legs hung apart and parallel lines of drool slipping from the corners of his pail lips. Then he felt something on his neck and soon he was choking as his eyes opened in alarm. He looked at his assailant with horror as he lifted his legs to kick him off but that seemed to be in vain. He choked and choked his mind became alert. He could feel power run through him like blood in the vanes. He then spotted a blade as his eyes bulged and then his power built up like the pounding in his head.
     “Die child!” his assailant said as he brought down the knife and then-BOOM. The man exploded as Chashathrophogh let his power burst out like a bomb! Then he panted as his blood surrounded him and soaked into him. His panting then gave way to laughter as he looked at his parents dead in the eye as he put the pieces together in his head. He then gave them a look, challenging them to think of a better way to get rid of him.
     His mother looked at him completely pale and then at the king. He looked at his son in complete disgust.
     “Why did you want to kill me?” he called over to them as they hid in the holly.
     “The gods-”
    “They were right! We should have killed him!” his mother exclaimed. “They told us that you would do that! They warned us of what you would become and just what you would do!”
     “Oh? And what is that?” he asked.
     “The killer of all royals born out of wedlock!” his mother shouted.
     “Why would I do that?” he asked still calmly as he looked at his mother with a dark twinkle in his eye becoming ever more cruel.

    “Son...” his father said as he and his wife exploded! He shrugged and then walked away from his home Kingdom of Beforebow. Little did he know that at the window of the second floor his sister looked on with horror. She let out a scream as the guards came to console her as she shook in their arms. This was the first scream he heard as he started his killing spree all over the kingdoms. Leaving devastated mothers and fathers along the way, the reason; he found out by one of the gods, was because one of them will become his successor...


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