Bounty Hunter Bash The Two Out Of Wedlock Arc

Part Two
Princess Druw

Twenty years passed and a young princess the age of thirteen was looking at her bow made of scarlet dragon scales, with string made from the coal coloured hair of a siren. She looked at her quiver made of the interwoven tail and mane of a silver unicorn, with arrows made of oak. She took it up and tucked her long black locks behind her pail ear as she slung it on.
She skipped down the hallway whistling her favourite tune as her long green dress hitting the top of her feet.
“Princess Druw! (Prononced dr oo v) Careful!” exclaimed Kenra, her nanny. Princess Druw just shrugged passively as she skipped by her. She then flew onto the bannister and slid down it laughing all the way down it.
Then when she was at the archery field she took out her arrows and fired them repeatedly one after the other and she was laughing all the way through the whole thing. She even hit the moving ones and the ones that were too far away that even the knights could not hit! This was why she had always had to practice alone, for if she was there she would have shown up the whole of the King's army!
When she emptied the quiver she then sprinted along to collect them and even ruined her dress climbing up the trees. So when she finished that she repeated this again and again until she could not physically continue so she ended up collecting them and fell asleep on another field as the sun warmed her red eyes.
She had a bizarre dream about a skinny bald man in the shadow with golden glowing eyes and lips so pail that they were blue. Then behind him was a beautiful flash of lightning and in his hand was a black staff and a blue crystal at the tip.
If you wish to free us, then you must destroy that staff!” she heard a high-pitched voice shouted but she could not quite tell if the voice was that of a woman or a man. She held her bow but when she armed it she spotted silver arrows and she was about to fire, but to her disappointment she woke up before the dream could tell her the outcome.
“Ohh...” she moaned as she could see that it was late and decided to go in. She silently walked passed the main hall where she could hear her parents talking.
“But we must tell her!”
Tell 'her' what? She said already knowing that it was her that they were speaking about.
“No, we do not, listen, I have an idea. Why do we not move her to another kingdom for her to live until she is at the age of marriage? There that should solve our problem, especially if it is to a powerful prince. That way we can protect her from him and we would secure her future at the same time!” she heard her mother say.
“Except, she would not stand for this! You know she can be like me sometimes in that regard! Then again, she is in some ways like her uncle. So I should not worry about that.” the King replied.
So right! I wouldn't! Who is this person that they keep talking about anyway? I want to face him so that I can stop whatever horrific thing he is doing. For if mother is afraid...
“The do not give her the choice! She must not face him nor go anywhere near him! I forbid it and if she tries then do whatever you have to to keep her from him, break her bow and arrows if you have to!” she shouted. As she looked down at her bow she suddenly drew it close to her, hugging it closely.
“Fine, I will break her bow tonight, and by tomorrow she will go to the Sky Kingdoms. There is no safer place there, let us just hope that she falls for the Emperor's oldest Prince Scyroghphone. Just do not hold your- Druw...How, what are you doing here?” the king asked looking down at her. She glared at him.
“Break this!” she shouted as she hit her father so hard that she accidentally broke her father's leg and just glared at her mother.

“And for you, I am not something to throw away and I will go far away where you will never see me ever again. You won't even know where I am!” she shouted as she raced to her horse, Snow and then without anything but her bow she rode him and herself out of the kingdom. Where she almost seemed to disappear. None of the kings knights could find her and not even the bounty hunters that soon followed.


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