Lasta Coop Pre-teen Stories

 Story Five
Lasta Coop And The Tooth Fairy

Lasta was wiggling her first loose tooth until it came out. She spat out blood that followed and ran to the toilet to clean the tooth. She closed her mouth to keep the blood in and grabbed a roll of toilet paper and spat out the blood into the sink. She then rinsed the paper underneath the cold tap water and stuffed it in her mouth. She felt the grim absence of her tooth as her gums recognised that there was not a tooth there any more.
“Are you alright honey?” she heard her mother ask. She looked behind her to see her in her black silk dressing gown. Her eyes dropped to the clean tooth on the flat aria of the sink next to the soap. “Looks like you were the first to loose a tooth...Here let me!”
She walked over to her daughter and took out the toilet paper and flushed it down the lue. She then took out some baby wipes and cleaned her mouth and chin. She then took out some cotton balls.
“Now open up.” she said as Lasta obeyed. She then cleaned inside of her mouth. “Now, I want you to clean your teeth then put that in a small bag.”
“Right, urm...why?” she asked.
“So that the Tooth Fairy can collect it.” she laughed. Lasta too started to laugh, more out of irony than anything else.
“So, will you ever tell me what happened last year?” she asked.
“I told you I got into a fight and I ended up in the sea.” she replied. Her mother nodded as she left her daughter to her own devices. When that was all done Lasta let her tooth drop into a silver bag that was more like a tiny sack, with purple butterflies on them. She smiled as she slid the tooth underneath her pillow.
“Mum, how long will I stay gummy?” she asked.
“Not too long, but don't worry, you won't be like Granny Joan...Well not for a long time.” she said as she left the girl to her dreams.
She remained in slumber. Her dreams, mainly were her fighting nameless and faceless enemies, but the interesting thing about her dreams was the fact that Otb was always there fighting by her side. The only thing that was anything like the real Otb was the fact that he would always deliver a snide comment or two. She was in the middle of a fight when she was shaken awake.
Her blurry sight could see a big light in the room. As it became clear, she could make out thick golden blond hair and brown eyes that looked perfect in every way. It was all too clear that she was looking at a perfect creature who had perfect teeth and crimson wings like a fly but two pairs of them.
“Who are you?” she asked in awe.
“I am the Tooth Fairy, and, Lasta I need your help.” she said. Lasta sighed knowing what this would lead to.
“No.” she muttered quietly to make sure that she did not wake up her parents and brother in the rooms next to hers. “Please, don't get me wrong, it's just I'm only nine and a half and I have not only seen more than I want to but last time I had an adventure I was almost killed. So no, you're going to have to find an older version of me instead.”
“I am afraid that I can not do that child, for I am bound to the present and can not travel in time like you can.” she explained. Lasta frowned an jumped up at that.
“I can travel in time!?” she exclaimed.
“Yes, however, your brother does not. So if this is your choice then I am bound by the Fay Code to respect it. If you change your mind however,” she explained as she tossed her a pound with a dragon on it. “Just bite on it. If you need any help flip it and then bite on it.”
With that she flew off into the night as Lasta rested her head on the pillow. She lay there, just listening to the ticking of the clock just looking at the coin in her fingers. She waited for her mind to become foggy so that she would drift off into sleep, but that did not come.
She heard something fall in her room. Shrugging it off by thinking that it was going to be something that was bound to fall. She was about to turn back around until she saw something out of the corner of her eye which before she knew is she had dodged out of the way. She spotted that her pillow was in tatters!
She then felt something hit her in the back and she was on the floor. She then felt herself lifting in the air as her eyes spotted the pound coin, then something that seemed to be made of living darkness. She then felt something in her gut but when she was on the floor she gripped the coin and looked up at the creature as she flipped the coin and bit it.
Then as the creature slammed it's hand down a light appeared and when it died down she found herself in a forest. She looked around and recognised exactly where she was. For there was not a forest on Earth with such vivid green leaves.
“So, you changed your mind?” she heard the Tooth Fairy say.
“Yeah, kind of hard not to when you're being attacked.” she scoffed.
“By what?”
“A monster that seemed to be made of living darkness.”
“Oh, that was not a monster, well not an ordinary monster. It was the worst kind of monster, a demon, although, fortunately, it was a miner one.” she explained.
“And you thought it was a good idea to bing a kid like me along?” she laughed.
“I know but you-”
“'Are my only hope'? Well I'm sorry to say but I'm no Obi Wan. Anyway, as I have no choice in the matter what's the quest? And please be quick I do want to get back home before my parents wake up.” she said.
“Well, an evil sorcerer by the name of Morn stole every child's first lost tooth, and with them he can do any number of things!” she cried.
“And tell me, does this Dark Lord Morn, he doesn't have black hair, pail skin and blue eyes does he?” she asked.
“Yes why?”
Lasta pointed behind her as a man behind her outstretched his hand as a blinding light burst out of the palm of his hand and engulfed the Tooth Fairy. Suddenly she too was the same colour of the light and she was pulled back to the man as she decreased in size. Her face was frozen in a scilent scream as she was pulled further and further back. Then when she was almost a spot the size of Lasta's thumb nail the man closed his hand and when it reopened there was nothing in it other than a tooth. With horror Lasta realised what had happened.
No! What was that? What did he just do? How did he do that? Why did he do that? No, is he going to do that to me? Oh, he is! No, no, no! I have to get out of here before he can. Why did he do that? What does he want? Her thoughts raced.
“Well, thank you Lasta, you had given me everything that I need, see I knew that Tooth Fairy would come to save you if I let my demon loose. Now I have her I have no need of you for soon I will control you, and everybody that can dream.” he laughed as he lifted up his hand. She was about to run but she to found herself unable to move. “Now stay there like a good little girl, oh, and don't worry about being in that position forever, after all, it will wear off in half an hour, by which time it would already be too late.”
He laughed as he raised his hands and flew away leaving dead vegetation in the quake of his shadow. Lasta sighed as she glared.
Looks like I'm just going to have to prove you wrong. She shivered as she followed her dead vegetation. I cannot believe that I have just landed myself in yet another adventure!
She then reached to the end of the road and she was surrounded by dead trees and dried out soil that felt more like powder than soil. Ahead of her was a tower that had a dark atmosphere. With a door almost hidden by interwoven vines with leaves with down to their skeletons.
She walked on and picked up a stone next to her and threw it at the door. She waited for a while until she was sure nothing would happen she pushed the door open. She then was greeted by a stair-case. She closed the door behind her as she passed through and ran up the stairs right to the top. Where there was another door. She poked the door before she touched the handle and opened the door, where she spotted the tooth that she knew was the Tooth Fairy on a red velvet pillow on a black wood table.
So...That's why a raven's like a writing desk...I want one!
She walked right up to the tooth and as she reached out and touched it and as she picked it up the tooth lit up like a light and took the form of the Tooth Fairy.
“No time, we have to find those teeth before-”
“I knew that you would come like the foolish child as you will always be. Why do you think that I ignored you? Because I knew-what are you doing?” Morn said as Lasta walked to leave.
“Oh, we were about to leave and take all the teeth while you were telling us your whole plan.” she said as if he was being foolish.
“Oh, just that eh? Well never you mind, after all-” he then found himself having to dodge out of the way as Lasta threw a lit torch at him. “WHAT THE HELL!”
“Thought that you could kill us using a simple small torch?” asked an unnerving voice as the demon that attacked her in her bedroom appeared at the top of the stairs. Quickly Lasta looked around for something else to use against the demon. Then her eyes zoomed in to a barrel which she hopped was wine. She soon was running towards it she looked back at the Tooth Fairy.
“Look I'll take care of the demon and you take care of him okay?” she shouted.
“Oh! You will take care of me? How very humorous!” the demon taunted her as she knocked over the barrel and kicked it like a football and hit the demon with it and as he flew back and the contents of the barrel splashed all over the demon. Lasta kicked him over and then fell down the flight of stairs and then collided with the lit fire!
Lasta heard his screams from the top of the stairs as she turned to watch the Tooth Fairy as she hit him in the stomach. She then followed it by a graceful high kick and as he flew at Lasta she dodged out of the way and before he could befall the same fate as the demon, he used his magic to force himself off the wall and hit Lasta in the back of the head. When she was down she felt pain in her hair as her head was being forced upwards. She felt a blade at he base of her throat and Morn close enough for her to see his features. He had deathly pail skin that cast a grey shadow and blue-black lips with black vanes visible from the corners of his mouth, almost as if his mouth was locked in some off painted smile. His black eyes that was grey where it should be white and his pointed nose that looked as if it was sculpted out of crystal, by an OCD artist.
“Well, let me tell you one thing Lasta Coop regardless of how this plays out it will no longer matter, for if I lose here today, I will have won.” he whispered.
“Morn, you coward!” the Tooth Fairy shouted. Morn laughed as she turned to the Tooth Fairy.
“What did you expect me to do? After all it would hardly matter what you will do I will have her in the palm of my hands.” he taunted as he stroked her throat with the blunt side of the blade.
“And what do you mean by that?” she asked. Morn laughed as he pulled her hair higher forcing her to use her hands to hold herself up.
“You will see.” he said as Lasta hit him in he stomach and as she coughed the Tooth Fairy hit him with her magic blast. The Tooth Fairy came to her aid and then they spotted a trap door when they pulled it up a heat like no other hit them in the face as they spotted the teeth below all turning to ash in front of their eyes.
“Looks like that going down's a bad idea!” she commentated. The Tooth Fairy nodded as she picked up the girl and flew out of a glassless window to safety.
“Sorry about your teeth collection.” Lasta apologised.
“No worries, they are better destroyed than in the wrong hands.” she replied.
“So, what did you think that he meant by, 'it would hardly matter if he won or lost'?” she asked.
“I do not know, but look let's get you back before witching hour.” she said as she used her magic to get them back to her bedroom. The Tooth Fairy took out her wand, which was gold with a golden tooth at the tip and waved it. Soon everything was back to the way things were.
“Oh! I almost forgot!” Lasta exclaimed as she felt under her pillow for her tooth, as she felt nothing, she lifted up her pillows and her stomach sank. She then looked all around her room getting more and more panicked by the second. When she looked back at the Tooth Fairy she was just as pail as Morn.
“Tooth Fairy, did you get my tooth?” she asked with the calm tone of voice that one would use when one was hiding a storm.
The Tooth Fairy's jaw dropped.
“So...That was what he was after....” she concluded. “Lasta I want you to stay here as I will go back to Fairyland to find it.”
“But it's my tooth! You know what they can do to me now!” she shouted.
“Yes, which is why I must go to look for it without you. You will only become a liability if you came with me.” she explained.
“Right.” she said knowing that she was right. “But make sure that you get it back as soon as possible!”

The Tooth Fairy nodded as she left. Lasta spent the rest of that night biting her nail as she dared not sleep...


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