
Showing posts from August, 2024

The Nine Dragons The Water Dragon Part Eight

  The Fall Of The Dragon Cult  Loc ran and ran, she saw a member of the Dragon Cult. She saw the torch to the right. She then went to swipe to the left. This set her on fire. She ran on and quickly slipped out her dagger. She remembered the town an the people of the town. Then her mind went over Team Sorrow and her rebellion. Her mind flicked over Light Bringer and Wolf Raven and Lux. They were all the same as Ryu Dra. That was when she saw another one coming. She quickly pounced upon her and pressed her against the wall easily. Very easily. “Where is Ryu Dra?” She asked. “Why would you like to know?” “I want to fight him.” She took out her blade and plunged it into her heart. This reminded her of how Light Bringer died and how those soldiers killed their subordinates. This told her that this cult was no different. So the only thing that she should do is kill. She could tell by the look of her eyes that all the members in the cult were too far gone. She closed her eyes and knew what to

The Nine Dragons The Water Dragon Part Seven

  The Capture  The following day the town did all that they could to clean up the corpses of the shark army and all night they put them in the water. They cleaned up all the blood and threw it all into the water too so that none of them would see what had happened. Yet they all took whatever was left of their ropes and wrapped them around Loc’s arms. The women curled their lips as they did this before Ryu Dra came back. “Are you still alive?” He asked coldly, clearly trying to hide his disgust and anger. “Yes, thanks to her.” He looked at the still unconscious Loc. He raised his eyebrow. “We are all sorry. None of us could stop her. She was far stronger than any of us! She was like an animal out for blood! They fought well but in the end-” His eyes looped up at the townsfolk. It took all that he could muster to bury his contempt. Yet he could tell by the look in the woman’s eyes that all they wanted to do was kill him. This was bad as it meant that they still had not learned their less

The Nine Dragons The Water Dragon Part Six

  The Shark Army Loc woke up to the smell of burning and smoke. Her head was foggy and the first thing that she saw was red, orange and yellow. Her mind instantly woke up in alarm. She shot up and saw the fire surrounding her. Her eyes widened as she flipped out of the bed that she was in. She quickly ran out of the room and was greeted by a corridor filled with fire. She looked left to right, trying to find the exit. She soon found it in her panic. She ran down to the door to the left and barged out of it. She then spotted that the houses of the town were on fire! Then she noticed the women that were either clutching their stomachs in rage or weeping in despair. She could see that everyone in the town was covered in blood. “You’re awake!” She looked down to see the child that she saved. “What happened here!” “The Dragon Cult. They did this.” “Why?” “As a punishment.” “Oi! She doesn’t need to know. But I will ask you to do one thing.” Shouted a woman with black hair and orange eyes. “W

The Nine Dragons The Water Dragon Part Five

  The Cult Attacks “Kyo, is she alright?” Asked a boy with silver hair and burgundy pupiless eyes. “She seems so, Shaio. She's just exhausted  “Do you think that she will wake up?” “She will. Look, I know that she’s saved your life twice, but I don't think that it will be good for you to have anything to do with her. Yet she will be fine once she does. Look, she’s already healing!” “Good. By the way, did you see her eyes? They had black dots in them!” “Yeah…It’s weird. Wonder if they hurt her ability to see?” “Maybe. Although it didn’t seem so.” That was when Kyo and Shaio heard screams. They all walked out of their huts to see Ryu Dra with the rest of the Dragon Cult. His eyes were filled with anger. No, they were livid. “We are the followers of the Dragon and we demand that you hand over the heretic Loc. She has reddish brunette hair with a white crop to the right and a black rose and a star tattoo on her forehead with amber eyes with black dots in them!” He declared. Kyo and

The Nine Dragons The Water Dragon Part Four

  The Piranha Army  Loc had barely recovered when she started stirring. She had done well to avoid the Dragon Cult as she knew now was not a good time to be dealing with them. No, that time should come when all the armies are well taken care of. She knew that any time before would be nothing but a distraction from the task at hand. She looked up at the sky, it would be night in a good couple of hours and she would have to face the next army. Which meant, she knew, that she would have to take a good rest before she was ready to face them. So, after a long hour of training, she found a secluded area of town and lay down with Peble pressed close to her and she closed her eyes. She saw the shadows of the dragons again and quickly and noticed that there were seven now. Yet she could see the last one flying closer and closer to her. Yet it was not too close, no it was still far too far to be able to make out its true size. The next moment, she heard screaming. She got up and saw people runni

The Nine Dragons The Water Dragon Part Three

  The Water Drakes She was finally back on dry land before the sun sank beneath the waves in the dark distance. She looked around, wondering just how far the water reached and how long it was until she would reach the next island. She also started to wonder just how large the planet was and how large the universe that she was in was.  The next thing that she wondered was that if, instead of going from island to island of the same planet, she was going from planet to planet. She then started to wonder if one of these dragons had a piece of the Reality Sphere. After all, all of this might just be meaningless to her if that was the case. Either way, at least she could be able to kill those dragons first. She could spend all the time in the world searching for it later. Soz with that in mind, she looked down for a moment, and for a moment, she saw something move in the water. She looked back, thinking that she was seeing things. Only to find that there was a lizard and fish-like creature w