Lasta Coop Forged By The Fay Part Four

 Death Of Innocence 

Lasta woke up. She felt something around her, keeping her warm. She noticed that it was a rag and yes she seemed to be clinging to it. It was the only thing that kept her from feeling the ice that always seemed to make her quiver. She slipped off the slab. She was glad to not have to feel those cuffs, apart from the one that kept her there. She noticed a small bird beneath her.

She looked down and outstretched her hand. It looked at the palm suspiciously. Then it looked at her yet, after seeing there was no danger, jumped into it. She cupped it in her hands as she smiled. She stroked it with her thumb. She smiled however she could not help but feel envious of that small sparrow. It was free and had a home to go to. She knew that it could go back to wherever its mother and father were and get comfort from them. It could fly and go wherever it wanted.

Suddenly a thought crossed her mind. One that was horrible and she knew that she did not like. Yet in a strange way, she did at the same time. It would give her some type of control in her life.

What if I crushed it right here and now? What if I tore off its wings and I kept it as a pet? At least I won't feel so lonely. That way at least I can have someone that I can talk to.

No! That would make me as bad as Salynara.

She then let her hands fall flat and the sparrow flew through the bars. She knelt down and cried at what she was about to do. Out of loneliness no doubt! 

That was when she saw a flash. She looked up and out of the window. She soon saw the bird. Its feathers had become black and crisp as small flames were scattered all over its tiny body. She turned back to the door, shocked at what Salynara had just done. She walked up and collected her tear and drank it. Her smile was cold.


She followed. Her mind could not get that dead bird out of her head. She soon saw the man. He looked as if he was on the verge of death. There was a pool of blood underneath him.

"Clean it up." She said, giving her a cloth and a bucket.

She caught a glimpse of Otb cuffed to the wall as she took the bucket and started to clean. She did it until the cloth was filled with blood. She refreshed it and did this again and again. She could feel the foul smell cling to the back of her throat like mucus. 

"Good, now bring it over here."

She did as she gave her a needle and thread. 

"Now clean him."

"I don't know how." She said, her voice was barely a whisper and felt hollow.

"Then let me teach you." She said as she took an area with a deep cut. Then after lighting a fire at the tip put it into his flesh and started to stitch it back together. Lasta copied. She did this again and again until all the wounds were attended to.

"Good girl." She said, passing her a bucket. "Clean your hands."

"Where's the soap?"

"What is soap?"

Of course she wouldn't know what that is!


She wiped off the blood from her hands. She then slumped down.

"Did you get what you wanted out of him?" She asked, trying not to focus upon all that she had just done.

"Yes. We will be leaving in a month's time."

She nodded.

She then noticed that Salynara started to smile. She closed her eyes in dread as she felt a lump form in the back of her throat. She knew that she was not going to like what was going to happen next. She opened her eyes again, knowing that there was no avoiding it.

"Now there is no need to keep him alive." She said calmly and clinically. "And Otb is chained up so there is no stopping it this time."

She felt shock and horror ripple throughout her body like electricity. She knew now why Otb was chained up. She felt a wet cloth in her hands.

"Now put this over his mouth and do not relent until he is dead."

"No. Just no. Please no."

She felt her body rise up and move closer and closer to the man. She felt her mouth over his mouth.

"Stop it! Just stop it! Please stop it! Don't make me do this! Please don't make me do this! Please stop it! Just please stop it!" She shouted. "Please don't do this! Don't make me do this! Please, I'm begging you! Don't make me kill!"

She felt the man wake and twitch. She felt him try and pull away but there was no space behind him. He twitched as he pulled at his cuffs again and again. He started to shout but his words of anger were muffled. Then his voice silenced, his body dropped, the cloth dropped.

Lasta let out a scream. She looked at her pale white hands. They were now covered with death and yet there was no blood. She let out another scream. She felt the tears come and they flowed. She wept and as she did Salynara walked and started to wipe them off and drink her tears.

"Stop it!" She shouted as she punched her.

She smiled.

"Good, good girl." 


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