Lasta Coop Forged By The Fay Final Part


Lasta looked down. She stared at the floor of her cell. She was filled with sorrow and she felt completely lost. She could no longer trust her memories and she could no longer trust that she knew who she was. This had broken her in ways that she was far too young to comprehend. 

She barely looked up as Salynara walked in. She barely reacted as she placed a hand on her back. Yet once she raised her hand to her head she covered it.


She smiled.

"So you were able to figure that out, were you?"

"Why? Why me?"

"Have I not told you? You will know in time."

"No. Now!"

"Are we not being brave?"

"Don't care."

"Then I will make you care."

She took her hand. 

"What are you-"

"Get to your feet."

She was standing before she knew it. However she did not care that she had complete control over her body and mind. She just wanted to know why or, at least, come to the end of all of this. She did not care how she came to the end of this. Only that it did.

"Come with me." 

She followed her down many corridors of the castle. She was dately taking any notice of where she was going nor where they had been. It was like there was a dark filter in her mind that nothing could get through. She did not want anything to get through.

"You seem to be very quiet."

"Got nothing to say.'

She let that lyrical laugh out that she had started to loathe. She felt that murderous rage ran throughout her. Yet, she could not help but not trust that either. After all, of she could not control her memories then she could use that control to make her hate her.

She soon looked up and spotted a man in the room. Next to him were a few medical tools. She knew what this was all about and what was about to happen.

"Tell me, Steen. What place does this map belong to?"

"As if I will take the likes of you!"

"Tell me, is it true that your religion dictates that if you were to be tortured or killed by a child you would go to the Demon Realm?"

At this he looked at her and then at Lasta in nothing but horror. Salynara smiled. She placed a hand on his cheek.

"Now, if you don't tell me, girl, cut his forearm."

She walked up to them and picked up a scalpel. 

"What world does this map belong to?" 

"This one."

"Which island?"

He remained silent. Lasta cut. He let out a grunt.


She cut him again.


"The isle of apples? Interesting… It would have never occurred to me to look there. Are you lying to me? "

"No. I swear!"

"Sweat on something meaningful."

He kept quiet.

"Cut him."

She did.

"No! Stop! "

"Then swear on something meaningful then!"

"My place in the heavens! "

She smiled.

"Then I will hold you to that." She said as she turned away. "Come, girl. Time for us to make some breakfast." 

They left the cell and Salynara locked the door behind them.

"So. How do you feel after that?"

"Nothing." She said, yet this caused a ripple of shock, run throughout her body. "Why didn't I feel anything?"

She let out a laugh.

"The better question is, child, why would you?"

She frowned, not understanding the question.

"What do you mean? I should've felt something! Shock, sorrow, hate! I should've felt something!"



"Do you think that this expectation is drawn from your memories?"

"I-" She stopped, suddenly realising that she was right.

But I can't trust those memories. Why did I expect to feel anything?

"I will tell you at the right time."

"It's 'cause you're evil. Ain't you?"

"Maybe!" She sang.

Of course! Why didn't I think of that earlier?


"I was wondering why I didn't think of that earlier. Or if I ever thought of that!"

"Maybe you did." She said as they walked down a flight of stairs and opened the door.

She then looked around at the kitchen that was still stuck in the mediaeval era. 

"Now, time for your training." She said as she instructed the girl how to cook. She forced her to repeat it again and again until she not only got it but could do it in her sleep. She then cleaned up thoroughly.

"Put this in the bowl for the prisoner."

She took a pink vial and poured it in the bowl. She knew that it was poison but she did not care. She took a spoon and stirred it. 

"Now, I want you to know that this is our signature weapon." 

"What? I don't remember you using poison!" She retorted.

She looked at her shocked for a moment but regained her composure.

"No. I mean poison is a woman's weapon."

She nodded.

I don't think that I need to keep that in mind. After all, she could get rid of that when she feels like it.


"Now come."

They both walked up and soon opened the door that led to the man. He looked at Salynara in nothing but anger.

"I suppose that you must be hungry."


"Give him our soop." 

She walked up to him and took the spoon out.

Don't feed him that! A voice said in her head.

She put it in. He than soon ate the spoonful. He swallowed it.

"Feed him more." 

She put more in his mouth.


That was when he started coughing and blood came out of his mouth. His stomach was set alight. This travelled up and it eclipsed his body.

Lasta jumped back in shock.

"What a horrible way to die!"

"So you feel anything now?"

She shivered.

"Was that what that all about?" She snapped trying not to vomit.

"Clean up now."

She felt defeated as her body moved to clean the mess up. 


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