
Showing posts from March, 2023

The Sorrowful Rebel The Promising Rebel Part Eight

  The Slave Base Loc could feel was back on the road. Her wrists and ankles were in chains. She could feel a needle in her arms. She looked at the others but did not register them. In fact, her mind registered very little as long as that strange liquid was in her vanes and coursing throughout her body. It was as if she was dreaming even though she knew that she was awake. Then she felt the vehicle stop. She knew that she had arrived. They opened the doors at the back and the first thing she saw was the high stone wall with barbed wire at the top. Then she saw the arch that led to an underground tunnel. It was a dark orange colour. They wheeled her out the moment the gate dropped. She was picked up and forced to walk forward. She noticed that she was being pulled by a coat with bubbles at the end of the coat. As she did, she had a strange thought in her loopy state of mind. Why don't I use my fire? She looked down and focused the heat to her hand but as always, it did not work. She

The Sorrowful Rebel The Promising Rebel Part Seven

  The Force Station Loc had barely been able to wake when she heard a loud bang. She barely was able to get out of bed when she felt something in her neck. Then she found that she could not move. Try as she might, she could not get anything to move, not even one inch. She felt fingertips close her eyes.  What? What is going on? Why can't I move? Why is this happening? Have we been sold out if so then who? Who sold us out? Why, why did they sell us out? Are we not on the same team? If not then why? What could they have possibly offered that became so irresistible to take up? She then felt a needle in her arm and soon her thoughts started to slip away. It was as if there was a mind numbing wall between her and her thoughts. She could do nothing but lie there and wait for them to do whatever it was that they had planned to do to her. Even if that was simply to take her away. "Thank you, Broken Chain. You will be rewarded well for this." Said a voice. "Do you think that

The Sorrowful Rebel The Promising Rebel Part Six

  The Mission There Loc woke up feeling very cold. She got up and took an ice cold shower and soon was awake. She put her clothes on and was soon in the ear room. Which was smaller and had one single table in the middle of the room and a row of chairs surrounding it. There was one single exposed light bulb at the top in the centre. She looked over to Wolf Raven, who was shivering, just like her. "Are you cold too?"  "Yes." "Right you two there is a small weapons storage that we need to get some weapons from."  They nodded. "Well, if it's weapons that you need, then why not send a message to Light Bringer?' "Too risky." He nodded slowly. "I also think that it would be a good idea to get some heating formula in too. The cold can not be good for the rebellion here." He nodded as his eyes looked aside. "Riiight, then we'll have a team on too." "Be sure you do." "We will set off on the mission immedi

The Sorrowful Rebel The Promising Rebel Part Five

  Moved To A Smaller Base Loc woke up at an early hour as per usual. She was about to go to the library before she was approved by Light Bringer. "Good morning, Loc." "Good morning sir." "Could you come with me?" "Sure." They both walked to his office faster than normal. "I want to tanner you to a smaller base." "What about my team?" "No." "Right, and why do you want me there and not my team?" "They have been having trouble with their missions there. As for your team, they're still nursing their hangover." "Right." "Also, I don't just want you to help with their mission, but get to the bottom as to why they have been having a great deal of failing missions. Also, your face and name are both all over the planet, so expect trouble." She nodded. "Also, I know that you will not be able to get there on your own, which is why you will be escorted." "By the way,