Princess Cari Land Cross Arc Part Six

 The Serpent God

They entered a chamber where there was a pool of water traveling around the rim of the room. There were many skeletons piled at all the four corners of the room. Some of then were smaller than others, in fact some were the skeletons of infants and some bones belonged to young people far too small to be babies that had seen the light of day.

They had to force themselves to look away as they walked on. They walked over a small bridge and their eyes laid upon a tall man with long black hair and light green eyes, in fact he looked like the snake lady just as a man. They looked so much alike that Cari would not have been surprised if they had been related.

"Welcome travellers!" He said with a deep and commanding voice.

They pulled out their weapons and looked at him. He raised an eyebrow as he smirked.

"Not very talkative I see."

"We are here to stop you from killing the women and children of the villagers and the destruction of their boats." Cari shouted.

He chuckled.

"In that case very well."

He then rapidly slithered over to them and rose up and dived to them. They all dodged out of the way as Cari tried to load her crossbow but he was already darting to get so she had to dive out of the way again. She then tried to load it again but he was already on her. She then kicked him in the face which gave her the opening that she needed. She was finally able to load it and fired directly at his heart. Even though it hit it did nothing. He looked at her and hissed.

She then jumped back as he slithered over to her as fast as he could. She jumped back again and again as he enclosed the space between her and him. She was able to load the arrow as she did. She then fired another shot at his head. Even though it hit and pushed him back, ultimately this did nothing either. However she spotted that there was blood flowing from the wounds.

This gave her some hope of defeating the creature as she thought of a plan to do so. She loaded another arrow and fired at the tail. He let out another hiss. Then she was about to fire another shot but then she saw the venom the moment that it hit her in the eyes. Her eyes sting as her sight was robbed from her. This meant that she would have to rely on the others.

Then she could feel his hands on her and she could feel herself shaking as he felt his breath on the bend of her neck. She was a fool. Nothing but a blinded fool. She knew that she should not have done this. Even though she did not want to die here she knew that without her sight she might as well be.

"Do you know what I would be if I killed you right here and now?" He whispered in her ear. "I know that one of you killed one of my many daughters yet I do not care for that. No I can smell it, that scent. No, after the others, I will ensure to savour your taste."

At this she knew that she had to get him away from her. Yet she could feel the grip on her arms was far too strong. She tried to knee him only for his tail around her legs to tighten. She could but move. This led her to use only one option. She willed his hands and legs to be set on fire with everything that she had.

However this did not work. She then heard something stab into the back of the snake gods' head. She then fell. The Observer threw more blades at him as Ryo sent a few fireballs at him. This caused him to be driven away from her. He then turned his attention to them. His tail hit her as he dived towards them. As he enclosed the space The Observer threw more blades at him as he jumped away. Then Ryo used his magic to set the creature alight.

He let out a loud scream as he twisted and turned in pain. The fire had burst out from every part of him causing him to five into the water. The Chronicler dived in after him pulling out a knife as she did. She soon spotted a tail and swam to him. She then waited as he noticed her. He then swam to her and she stabbed him yet this did nothing to so him from wrapping his tail around her. She then felt his hands on her and she spun and stabbed him again and again. He soon let go. She then went to swim upwards but felt his hand on her ankle. She immediately struck the dagger down and he let go. She swam higher before feeling the other hand she then struck down and he key go. She could feel her lungs cry out for air but she could not let herself give into the impulse. She was able to pull herself out.

She then had to lie there as he dived out of the water and headed straight to Cari. Cari then loaded her crossbow and heard the scream and fired at him. She willed the arrows to hit him. She then heard the hiss that told her that she had hit. She smiled as she willed the arrows to be set alight. He then let out a roar as he too became blind. 

He soon dived at her and as he knocked her down and landed on her, she kicked him off her and drove a dagger into where his throat should be. He pulled back as Ryo took her hands and she felt his scythe in her hands. He then guided her arms to behead him.

The others went over to Cari.

"Are you alright?"

She panted.

"Yeah. Is he dead?"

"Yes. It appears he is."

With that they took the head and returned to the village. They attended to their wounds and then put the head on a spike renaming the village Serpentgodsfall. They then rowed them down a river to a field where they docked.


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