
Showing posts from July, 2021

Doormaze Drage Leaving Part Two

  Dreams And Dragons Doormaze Drage woke up and quickly wrote her dream down. It was one of many dreams of dragons setting fire to London. She always had them, though for someone who lived in the countryside,  this did not ever make sense to her. However,  she thought little of them, nearly something entertaining to dream of. She slid out of bed and looked at herself in the mirror. Her light brunette hair looked like it needed little brushing yet she did it anyway. Her eyes were a deep blue, which was the colour that they turned when she was in deep thought. They always changed colour to match her emotions whatever they were. They would be amber when she was happy,  red when she was angry,  a light silver blue when she was upset, a white gray when she was not emoting, green when she was ill and purple when she was having mixed emotions and whenever she was confused. She had lost count with how many times she had to explain that she was not wearing contatlenzes whenever people saw this.

Doormaze Drage Leaving Part One

  Fires In another London in another world, almost like our own but with small differences; like this world was slightly more naive and could get away with it. However the biggest was that the fire of London was not caused by a butcher, nor was it caused by a man at all! No, this London, this fire was caused by great and evil dragons named Dark Curse and Dark Destiny, brothers. These dragons, in their world (the world that they came from) saw a crack in reality and they wanted to go to this new world that they saw on the other way. However, seeing that they were too big for the crack wanted to make it wider. This would allow them to travel to this London.  Yet this was not an action that was not unnoticed by the other dragons. Upon taking action the dragons vanished from this world and the other dragons never heard from them ever again. Yet the other good dragons were too busy studying to notice. They seemed to be studying the same thing that Dark Curse and Dark Destiny were looki

Charlotte Kill Final Part

  Cox Then, soon the police arrived and arrested everyone there. They both knew everything and nothing at the same time. They knew even less when they saw a girl in front of Roger Rogan dead on the floor smashing like a leaf with vomit by her feet. They were able to coax the girl with the help of the woman near her to get out. As they drove off the building exploded, due to a faulty oven that had been left on. The Charlottes were driven to the police station, where they told them what happened from their own point of view. Leaving the two officers both confused and shocked.  "So, le' me ge' thus straight, you were abducted, almost killed several times by the most dangerous organization, accidentally killed the most dangerous leader of that organization just because a bunch of incompetent blokes thought that you were you?" He exclaimed as the absurdity confused him. "Pretty much. Yeah!" Kira said. "And why are you following her?" "She had nowhe

Charlotte Kill Part Six

  The Kill "So, this is the place?" Kill asked. They looked at the black pain building that had no character whatsoever. Nor did it have any interesting part of it. Almost like the architect did not have even an ounce of imagination in his or her mind! There was not even a plant to make the entrance to make it look pretty. "Yes. Yes it is." "Wanna say something profound?" "How do you even have that word in your vocabulary?" She asked slightly confused. She straightened herself and regained her composure. "Anyway,  something profound." "Hur?" "You wanted me to say something profound.' " Oh yeah! Now let's get this over with. After all, I still wanna go home." "Then by tonight, you will." "Now that's something profound!" She smiled proudly. "I have my moments." She boasted. "So what will you do once you get home?" "Get a shower, a good night's sleep an

Charlotte Kill Part Five

  Cold Nights "So no hotels?" "No hotels, and from now on we will be sleeping on the streets." "But it's cold outside!" She moaned as they left the helicopter. "But it's safer." "Can't we sleep in the helicopter?" "No, for one, it's out of gas and another, is the possibility that there is a tracker in the helicopter." "But what about-" "No,  it's safer in the streets and-" "No it's not!" "Yes, it is." "But there are-" "A lot of people who could take advantage of a couple of sleeping females. Although I know that they won't know that one of them is an assassin!" She said with a chuckle. "But what if there's rain or a storm?" "Do you want them to find us or not?" She lowered her head and shook it. They then walked away from the helicopter and it exploded. She looked at it before Kira took her by the arm and pulled th