The Blue Rock And I Re-enter The Blue Rock Arc Part Two

A New Quest

Immediately when I woke up I knew where I was. I felt a smile sped across my lips. I felt like I was, in some bizarre way, home. Knowing deep down, that this was where part of me belonged. I even suddenly wanted to stay here for a while, however I knew that I had my mother and Aunt to return to. If it wasn't for them I knew that I would have stayed in this world forever.
“Welcome back my dear friend, Dame Aqua Aoshine!” exclaimed King Nikoterra. “I can not express how soever glad I am to see you again.”
I smiled as if slipping back into some roll that I knew was the me before I left. The me that was so excited to return home. The me that never found out about her fathers' death. I was that heroine again. It was as if I had never left.
“As am I.” I replied in my American-British accent.
“You sound slightly different than before. Why is that?” he asked.
“I live with my aunt in Great Britain now. I have to even write the way the British do, like I cannot tell you how many times I have been hit for forgetting to put an u in colour or whenever I forget to use shop instead of store or pavement instead of side walk!” I exclaimed.
He laughed slightly.
“It sounds like a big adjustment.”
“It is!” I laughed. “I will tell you and Sir Whittenni and Sir Elishun all about it! So where are they?”
His face became grave.
“I am afraid to say that is why you are here. Sir Whittenni and Sir Elishun have been both captured by Akinatsu Ruby and Leafgrass Emerald, the red and green witches. Sisters of the witches that you slew in your first adventure here.” he explained.
“And I am assuming that, by your tone that you shall not be coming?” I had to ask. The King shook his head.
“No, but believe you me, I can never express how I wish that I could. No, I have to remain here, after all I do have a kingdom to run. However, do not assume that I shall let you embark on this quest alone. No, I have ordered two of my best knights to accompany you. They are Sir Gallyed and Sir Gin. They are to meet you later, when you have your essentials and eaten. Then shall you be ready.” he explained.
“I am as ready as I was when I slew those two witches a couple of years ago!” I exclaimed boldly.
King Nekoterra smiled at me.
“I assume that you are however this journey shall be long and you will be grateful for the food that will be in your stomach.” he said.
And for the next three hours, I was eating and had an instituter bring me some basic training. Then we were at the archway at the other end of the kingdom. Then two knights marched up to where we were. One was wearing white armour and the other black. They took their helmets off and bowed low to their king.
They, to my surprise, turned out to be twins. They had one grey and black eye, (the grey on the right and the other on the left but on the other one was the opposite) they both had dark and enchanted features, but being twelve I was far to young to appreciate that. They had dark skin, however, with their features you would look away and remember them as white.
“Hello, Dame Aqua Aoshine,” he started and look my hand and kissed its back. “I and Sir Gin.”
“Hello, I am Sir Gallyed.” he said as he did the same.
I curtsied.
“Pleased to make your acquaintance!” I said just like my mother had always taught me.
“Now, have you all got what you all need?” King Nekoterra asked.
“Yes, we all have our meals packed and Gin has the map.”
“And what about you Dame Aqua?” I tapped my bag with a smile.
“I am well packed.”
“And we will return with our brothers in arms or not at all!” Gallyed vowed.
“And we shall do our best to keep our sister in arms as safe as we can.”
With that we all left.


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