Princess Cari The Queendom Isles Part Six

The Final Witch

Cari nursed her damaged wrist as Scar bandaged it up. It still felt saw although most of the pain had subsided. They had notified Queen Bethany that it was all over and they spent the rest of that day berrying the dead and other were re-berried. The Queen then prayed over the new graves and personally made sure that everyone was alright. She went from all the children of all classes then to the women and then to the men. She did not leave to her castle until she knew that she had not missed anyone out.
Then came the late afternoon.
“Why did you think that she did it?” Cari asked as she rubbed her wrist.
“I can't say that I know.”
“When she placed her hand on my curse mark it felt off, like she was touching my very curse!” she said as she shivered. “And then my soul.”
“Well there's toning and tomorrow night to go until the half year moon's cycle's over.” he said.
“Yeah, you looking forward-”
Suddenly she started to feel a jolt of pain in her heart. She started to cough as the heat of her breath started to increase. She too felt hot and extremely saw as the evening came. Ryo looked at the sun as it fell from the view of the horizon and he too felt the same.
“Strip her!” he said with a strain in his voice as he limped to the opposite side of the bushes.
Scar and The Chronicler looked at each other not quite understanding until the wings ripped out of her back and they soon got her clothes off before scales stabbed out of her flesh and then she collapsed as her tail bone snapped out and her inner muscles tour and rearranged themselves into something that could accommodate the arrowed tail that grew from her behind.
Her jaw snapped and grew as the reformation of her skull caused her nose to bleed as the pressure ripped the inner nostril. Her eyes were filled with tears, as the pain was great, became bore catlike and reptilian. She felt her tong flatten as the front tour itself in two at the tip and down to the centre.
She felt her bones stretch and become hollow. Soon she was a fully formed dragon with beautiful black scales that were knitted together like shields and even had their shape. Her wings were like scarlet leather decorated with scales as silver hook like spikes popped out of them she looked at her silver talons and touched her wings feeling slightly shaken by the pain.
Is this what Ryo has to put up with every time that there is a full moon?
She then looked down at Scar and The Chronicler with a deep frown in her scaly forehead as she spotted that her eyebrows were now a row of spikes.
Why now? Why did I transform now? How is this even happening?
“I will tell you how.” came a voice with authority then Ryo came out of the bushes. “It seems that your father knew that this would happen and took precautions to stop this, like I think that he used magic to make sure that as long as you ere in your home kingdom you would not transform and when you left I you told me that that was when he gave you the bracelet so that must have stopped you up until that witch broke it.”
“Speaking of which my wrist seems to have healed!” she said with a voice that had more authority than usual.
“Yes I noticed that too, I have a suspicion that during the transformation the body becomes completely healed as the bones break and elongate. Also, during this I could also feel a personality shift that I am sure that you have noticed too.” he explained.
“You are right, even my speech patterns have changed!” she exclaimed.
“Right, so does this mean that you both can fly?”
“Yes, and Cari fear not and let your instinct guide you.”
Cari nodded as she gestured for Scar to ride her as The Chronicler climbed on Ryo's back. Then they ran at first and then spread their wings and flew to the next island.
When they arrived at just before the break of dawn and The Chronicler covered them as they collapsed and fell asleep as their bodies shrank to the normal size. They put their clothes on and slept off the whole night. When they woke up the sun was high in the sky. They had their breakfast and then walked on.
They soon came to a tavern that was almost completely eaten up by the greenery and plants surrounding it. They spotted a man with clothes that looked as if they were once fine and would have made him look royal, but were now jaded and were filled with holes and his stature made it look like they were hanging off him.
He looked left and right and walked in. Out of curiosity they followed where he was going. They entered a dark room where all of the people were on stools and beside the door were spades and pitchforks and lots of other weapons that were clearly home made and improvised.
The people were all thin and like the man but then there was the person that they were facing. Now he was fat and his, grim and greasy frame was all out to see and the only this he wore was a pair of ether well preserved purple trousers or they were new. His lips were thick and the grease on them was so thick that he had developed puss filled spots around it. He even had food at the corner that seemed to have not been cleaned in a long time. His piercing blue eyes looked up like a child that was about to do something wrong.
“Look lads 'n' lasses, we've pu' up with tha' thief 'n' 'er stinkin' witch for far too long!” he shouted at the top of his lungs almost like a dog barking.
“Yeah!” they shouted.
The Chronicler let out a slight sigh.
“What's goin' on here?” she asked. They all looked at her completely shocked at what she said.
“Well, it's our stinkin' Queen 'n' 'er witch!”
“What has she done?” she asked.
“Well she's done nothin' bu' make us pay more money, more than we can pay. Then there's 'er witch! Well she go' 'er to make us give up out first born kids 'n' we 'ave 'er to tell us wha' she does with 'em!” he said as he pointed to a small girl with a black dress. Her eyes were burning orange and hair the colour of dark roses.
The Chronicler looked at her and then Scar almost as if there was something that was hanging on the tip of her tong but then she looked back at the girl.
“What do they do? You don't have to tell me if you don't have to.” she asked.
“The witch makes us do things that we don't like and drink things that hurt us! She sometimes makes Queen Decibrea watch. She doesn't do anything and her eyes look as if she isn't effected by it all! Not even when we die!” she cried. The Chronicler knelt in front of her and placed a hand on her shoulder.
“What is your name?” she asked.
“Oran Dymshi miss.” she muttered.
The Chronicler closed her eyes.
“Four thirteen.” she muttered under her breath.
“What?” Scar asked.
“Her name, Oran is Iron dwarfish for four and Dymshi is Dark elvish for thirteen.” she told her.
“”And could you tell me, the Queen's eyes, was there a purple ring around them and did she seem to call the shots?”
“Yeah, they did and no. It seemed as if she was under the witch's orders and she was the one who was obeying them. It was like I dunno, like she was under some kind of spell.” Oran admitted.
The Chronicler nodded, her face was pale clearly knowing what was really going on.
“Come along you three.” she said trying to keep as calm as possible as she and the rest left the tavern.
“What was all that about?” Ryo asked.
“Simple, it seems that Queen Decibrea has become enchanted and this witch, Sylvina twin of Sythvin, must have done all this to push her subjects into staging a revolt.” she deduced.
“Oh, and why would she do that? I mean why do these people keep going for the royal houses?” Cari asked.
“Simple, Dark Master Lord Gajellidor Darcrogh knows that it is easier to take over a planet under a one world system and a land that has thousands of different kings and queens ruling their own lands and being incapable of gaining another's crown is a land that is by far a lot tougher to conquer.” she said.
“So where are we going?” Scar asked.
“To see the Queen, I need to see her with my own eyes.” she said as she stopped walking for a moment and tilted her head behind them. “So if you wish to continue to follow us then you must know that you will only find yourself returning there!”
That was when there was a shiver of a tree behind then and that was when Oran came out. Her hear low and her eyes looking down and her lips pressed together.
“I'm sorry but I don't have parents, they were killed in front of me! I didn't tell the others but I knew that I should've told you.” she cried as she pointed to Scar. “I feel like you're like me but not like me. I don't know why. But I do.”
Scar frowned as she looked at the The Chronicler and she understood what she had meant. She shivered as she looked back at the girl. She put on a fake smile but something troubled her.
“You don't have to come with us and it would be best if you go back to the others. I know that overweight bloke is as corrupt as they come, and maybe in the whole plot, but at least that place will be safer than the places that we have to go.” she explained.
“No, I wanna be with you! You make me feel safe 'n' I know I don't have anyone like that! I've never felt like that! I wanna be with you. I know I do.”
“But feeling safe and being safe are not one and the same and believe me I am the furthest from being safe.” she said with a bitter chuckle.
“I know but I'm still gonna follow you!” she said as she walked on angrily. “It's this way!”
She led them to the tall double gates and closed her eyes and they opened. She gestured for the rest to follow. They entered the palace gardens which carried such beauty with perfectly cut roses of all kinds and cherry blossom trees all over and the ground was littered with their perfect petals making it look like that it had snowed here with a pink tint.
Then they looked at the palace with white bricks and light purple tiles and silver doors that were high enough for giants to walk in.
They opened the doors and then were instantly greeted by a lady in what looked like a graceful wedding dress with silver rings around her thin fingers. Her eyes were the shade of sapphire however there was a glowing alexandrite ring and her hair was as golden as a lions.
Next to her was a beautiful woman with grey eyes with long silver hair and a silver, silk dress that was modest and plain.
“What is the meaning of this?” she asked her voice was light and lyrical but did not carry any personality.
“I am-”
“Yes we know.” Sylvina said as she looked at Scar. She smiled slightly with grace her eyes dropped to Oran and malice entered her eyes. She turned to Queen Decibrea and looked at her. “I think that we should put them in the dungeon, after all it would be ever so lovely if those two could get to know each-other.”
“Do what you will.” she replied as she nodded to the guards.
The Chronicler raised her hands in surrender and her eyes told the others that it would be wiser if they should follow suit. They were escorted immediately to the dungeons where, Oran and Scar were placed in a cell together and Cari and Ryo were in another and The Chronicler was alone in her own.
“Why? Did you want us to do that?”
“It's because you knew that that was the only way to get us alone with Sylvina.” Scar deduced with a bitter tone.
“It is. Judging by your tone, you know why.”
“Yes, although I don't like it.”
“Because I'm not a normal girl. I wish I was, after all then I would've been-” she cut off her eyes became unfocused and vulnerable. She huffed and closed her eyes. “Let's just say that what I am has brought me nothing but grief and misery.”
“And what are you? And why do I feel so much better with you near me?” Oran asked.
“Go on! Tell her what you are!” came a cold voice from the shadows. Soon Sylvina came out of the shadows. She came close to the bars as she looked up and down like she was a guinea pig she had her graceful smile but there was something more twisted about it. She could see that the witch was goading her with her eyes.
Her eyebrow raised slightly as she looked down slightly almost as if she was communicating to her that she had given her the better option and now came the crueller way. She then looked at Oran and smiled as she pressed herself into Scars hip like she would if she was her child.
“Are you going to tell her or am I Oran?” she asked with a taunting jab at her.
“What do you mean?” Scar asked as Oran looked away.
“Go on little child. Tell her! After all she is soever dying to know. I can see it in her crimson eyes.” she said.
“I'm a failure!” she stared to cry.
“But you're not any failure, are you? No.”
Oran shook her head as her body shook.
“I'm the closest failure.”
“Of what?”
“A Mythos Puros!” she cried. “Happy!”
Suddenly Scar became pale and as the dread sank, she knew what was about to come next.
“Well, now you are beginning to understand, Mythos Puros.” she said as her eyes turned to Scar. She felt a cold shock seep into her bones as she looked out of the small window and spotted that twilight was gaining on them. Her eyes slid back down.
“Now tell me, Mythos Puros, how did the witches create you, and how come they succeeded where we, the daughters of the Dark Master Lord have failed?” she asked.
“I don't have to tell you that.” she said her voice trying to remain calm.
“Oh, but that is where you are quite wrong.”
“Fine maybe I don't want to tell you.”
“But you will.”
That was when she hears Cari's scream. Even-though she was diagonal and had a different door she knew what was going on. She dived at the bars.
“Cari! Ryo!” she shouted as she reached out her hand.
“Worried about you friends are we?” Sylvina sang in her ear.
“Look you've got to get them out of there!” she shouted at her as she heard another scream. She knew that most of her was not acting.
“I do not and unhand me now.”
“No, it's their curse! They'll be crushed!” she shouted.
“Not unless you tell me what I need to know then I will.”
She looked at her as if what she was saying was completely absurd.
“But by then it'll be too late.” she shouted. “I will alright? I will just get them out of there!”
“I will bind you to that.” she said as she cut Scars finger and drank a drop of her blood. She walked over to their cell an opened to the door.
Scar knelt before Oran and covered her eyes as Sylvina was devoured by the flames.
Within half an hour Queen Decibrea flew in the alexandrite ring gone and she freed the rest. She led the party to one of her rooms. There they would stay the night along with her many apologies.
The Chronicler placed a hand on her shoulder.
“Your Majesty, there is a problem, your people have started a revolt.”


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