Princess Cari Prelude Arc Part Four

The Chronicler's Tale

“More than you know Mythos Puros.” said a deep woman's voice behind them.
She was tall with pale skin but it looked as if it was once darker and her wide burgundy and brown eyes looked tired and older than the rest of her appearance and looked as if they had carried such ancient experience that told them all that she must have lived for hundreds, if not thousands of years. With a scar in the shape of an F under the right eye, which proved it for Cari and Ryo, who instantly recognised it as an assassin's mark five hundred years ago. Her lips were small and thin and lilac. Her face was thin and her cheekbones were neither high or low.
She wore a long black robe with a crimson rim where the robe ended on the ground which ended in a point and her long sleeves must have covered a moderately muscular and scarred arms with another crimson rim. The gap for the neck also followed in this very same fashion. She had a black leather woven plated belt where hung a small, thin silver dagger with a ruby in-beaded in the weight.
“How do you know what I am?” Scar asked.
She smiled bittersweetly.
“I know a lot about you. I also know that you are all here not by coincidence but by destiny.” she said. “I would illiterate, however, for what I have to inform you I cannot do so here and you all should know why, especially you Mythos Puros.”
She looked down and looked aside and nodded her eyes stung with shame.
“And will you quit calling me Mythos Puros, I'm Scar, or Scarborough Cox. Please don't call me that.” she requested.
She shrugged it aside almost as if it was nothing for her.
“You do need to accept it and get used to people calling you that, and the sooner the better.” she said almost empathetically.
“Urm...What is a Mythos Puros?” asked Hikari.
“It is a magical being that has many powers and abilities. Most not known to most but many witches and other forces of evil have long since tried to create.” Cari explained.
“Yeah, the ultimate magic being but it gives you nothing but hell!” Scar spat with a bitter tone. “I mean not even- never mind. I'll only upset myself if I continue. Now are you going to tell me who are you?”
“My name is of little importance but you can all call me The Chronicler. Now follow me and I can see that you have clearly long since deduced that I wish no harm to you.” she said.
With that they followed her into a small cave where there was a red door that you had to know the cave to know where the door was and she opened the door and let them all in.
When they came in they were greeted by a simple room with five books on a plain round wooden table with equally plain wooden chairs. She quickly placed another plain wooden chair to the table. They took their seats and she gave them all food and gave milk to Riku. While they all eating they all eyes were on those books, wondering what they were about and why they were there. When they finished eating The Chronicler washed up and sat back at the table.
“Now, I know that you are wondering about these five books, well they are my proof of what I am about to tell you is true.” she said.
“And what are you going to tell us?”
“The truth about how the war began. Now let me begin with by an end of another war, the last war of the Dark Master Lord Gajellidor Darcrogh.”
“Yeah we all read about it in all of our history, Fireheart promised to give us his land but after he was killed his son declared war on our lands.” Ryo said.
“That's not how we recorded it, according to what we have down is that Mortmor killed Fireheart and demanded his son give him his land.”
“Well you've got it wrong!”
“No you've got it wrong.”
“Actually you both have it wrong.” she said. “And this is why I am here. See, we all know that they were famous of winning that war, however they never killed the Dark Master Lord, nor did they know that he was a master shape-shifter, and these things costed them all dearly. Which the consequences can be felt to this very day.”
They all looked at her with a deep interest.
“Well, once the war came to an end. The brothers became kings and all was well with them for at least ten years. Meanwhile the Dark Master Lord was plotting and when he was, he was getting ready to enact his revenge on the brothers, more specifically the three that had caused him the most damage and failure Fireheart, Mortmor and Scorcher. So he waited for all that time to let them get almost settled in the kingdoms they named after themselves. Then he knew it was time to attack.
“He observed Fireheart for three years, by that time he was a father of a ten year old boy, who he knew would be integral in his plan. So after that he shape-shifted into Fireheart and made his way to Mortor and went before him. He after three years of watching him, replicated every action that he would do and told him that he would give them his kingdom and pretended to act like the pressures of his kingdom was getting to him and by the time that he left, Mortmor was convinced that Fireheart had given him his kingdom.
“But his revenge was not complete just yet, for you see, the only one who could end the war that Dark Mater Lord Gajellidor was trying to brew peacefully was Fireheart himself. So he knew that he had to die. That was when he came into his kingdom shape-shifted as Mortmor and then got an audience with him alone and that was when he waited and used a conversation to stall for time. See he was waiting for Fireheart's son and when he came in he stabbed Fireheart right there and then cased the boy until he knew that the boy would never suspect that he let him escape. Then the real Mortmor showed up demanding the kingdom and the boy in his blind rage killed him in cold blood.” she told them.
“And I assume that these books carry your evidence?” Scar asked.
“Every bit. I was able to steal them quite recently from the witch he placed here. I sure you know that Queen Gloria relies on her Princess Hikari?”
“Yes, and it seemed that she wanted Car to get off and out of Emerald, and told me that her witch had told her that she was dangerous.” she replied.
“Well, I don't know about that however what I do know is the fact that once you four leave both Princess Cari Lluellette, Prince Ryo Kizeru and you Mythos Puros all need to return here, however this will be of your decision. And another thing I think that it is wise that you find a way to gather all the Kings and make them read these books and when you do, Ryo make absolute sure that that witch in bed with your father does not read them and when your father does read them make sure that she is well away from him. She is not as deluded as you would like to think, she is one of Dark Master Lord Gejellidor's agents after all.” she explained.
They all looked at each-other, no longer enemies as they took the books and read them, and soon they knew what they were and whose handwriting that they were written in.
“These are the books that he wrote down his plans!” exclaimed Ryo with a pale white face.
With that they left the cave and Cari collected her bounty and with that they were on the ship that Hikari came in all hoping that they were not too late...


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