The Anti-Fairy Tales The Ice Of The White Demon Arc Part Five

Melting Of The Ice

Now that the White Demon was dead heat came back into Coalphyre and Phyredoor's body. They were about to rest for a moment and think about what happened but then a piece of the roof came crashing down. They then felt the whole castle shake and knew exactly what that meant. So they took up the unconscious Pheoshan and ran to where the exit was and kicked the ice. It crashed down with such ease that it was unnerving. They slid down the melting staircase and then came to the room that led down. They again kicked down the door and ran to the staircase and again slid down the melting bannister and soon the ice cracked and smashed under their weight.
Their back side hit the stairs hard, but they had no time to attend to them so they had to run down the stairs. Then Phyredoor slipped and hit her younger brother causing him to fall. He then twisted and wrapped his body around them so that only his back would get hurt. He was suddenly glad that he was wearing his armour. So when they came to the bottom hardly any of them were hurt, however they were far from out of the woods.
They had to quickly get to their feet and ran down corridor after corridor and hall after hall until they came to the ballroom entrance. The bannisters had already crumbled and the stairs were getting thinner and thinner by the second. Knowing that it was the only way they forced themselves to run down the stairs and as they applied their weight the ice cracked and when their feet left the ice broke. They almost made it down when a section of the roof fell and smashed the rest of the staircase before them. Coalphyre had to grab Phyredoor and jumped the rest of the way landing with a roll.
They were soon on their feet again and ran and ran to the Entrance when Phyredoor slipped on the ice and Coalphyre picked her up and pulled her away just in time before another section of the roof fell. However part of her dress got caught under the edge. She tried to pull it out fearing that it would damage her dress but it wouldn't budge. She soon realised that that was inevitable she took out her dagger and slit it. She then caught up with her brother and they left the castle behind.
They would have stayed to see the place crumble, however they knew better than that, for if they stayed when the ice collapsed then they would be crushed under the debris. If not that then they would drown, after all a castle that big, they both knew would leave a large pond or a small lake behind. So they ran and ran and then they looked around for higher ground. They soon came to a hill and they ran up it. They continued to ascend until they felt confident that they were safe.
They looked behind and saw the castle crumble and they saw a white dust cloud rise up from the trees which they soon realised wasn't a dust cloud but water spraying out. They heard all the wildlife fleeing from the water and birds flying away from drowning trees. Soon the waves were visible from the tops of the trees. The water expanded and and expanded seeking destruction as nothing was in the way to stop it and soon the forest was no longer and the birds and the wildlife that were fast enough survived. Only at their feet did it stop and the new lake took its first waves.
Pheoshan woke up feeling exhausted and her body was saw. She looked at the lake and then at Coalphyre and then Phyredoor. Their faces were pale.
Are we dead? No...if we were then I would not be feeling so saw.
They spotted that she was awake but they looked at her and for a moment they looked afraid but their features softened.
“W-what happened?” she asked.
They looked at each-other almost as if they were questioning whether or not they should. But regardless they did. Her face went even more pale as her eyes dropped.
“I-I did what?”
“Did you know that you had this?”
“N-no! But when I faced the White Demon's son last month...I felt a dark joy overtake me and...and I though that what happened after was a dream. Same case with the White Demon. So what you're telling me is that I actually did those things?”
They both nodded. Her eyes dropped as she came to a conclusion.
“So, I have a bit of Wolfox's power.”
“That and another thing, your face...It's paler than before. Way paler than before.”
Her eyes widened in shock as she looked back and looked into the surface of the water to see that it was true! Then as she looked closer she spotted that there was a blue ring around the iris of both of her eyes.
She looked back as she looked around a the green landscape.
“I wonder, where did all this water come form?”
“It was a big castle, much bigger than what it appeared. See she put a spell over her castle to only appear small when the truth was it was big enough for an entire town to fit in!” Phyredoor explained.
“So it left a small lake...”
“Yeah, wonder what it should be called?” Coalphyre asked.
Pheoshan smiled.
“Deathsnow Lake.”

The Ice Of The
White Demon Arc End
The Anti-Fairy Tales
Will Continue......


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