The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town The Doll Part Three

 The Quiz

“About time! What took you so long?” Melinda taunted.

She giggled.

“Ain’t you the cocky one!”

“So what happens now?” She asked eagerly for a fight.

“Well you get to play a quiz! You win, you can do whatever you want and you get your family back!”

She pressed her lips together for a moment, feeling a jab of anger for a moment, yet she soon smiled. She knew exactly what she was going to do after. She could tell that Alice was not the kind of person she should let loose on the town or all her work would be for nothing.

“Alright then! If you win you can do whatever you want to me and I’ll do whatever you want.”


Then she took hold of her hand and suddenly everything went black. When everything became light again, she noticed that she was in the middle of the circus stage. The next thing that she noticed was that it was completely empty.

“Your first question; do you know where we are?”

“The circus.”

“Second question; do you remember the Magician's name?”

“Mohan Nakpana.”

That was when the lights turned green and blue.

“Good, you’re right! Jaden has been returned. Third question; before she became one again what were the names of the twins she was split into?”

“Dorothy and Victoria.” She said as she could feel her heart becoming a touch faster as her mind flicked through all that they did to her.

Green and blue flashed.

“Fifth question; how did you know that there was something scary about them?”

She could feel herself staring to become cold as her skin lightened slightly.

Green and blue flashed. 

“I used the Magician’s power to see the people getting killed by them.”

“Sixth question; what did Dorothy and Victoria do to you that led to you going to hospital?”

Melinda felt her heart become caught in her throat as she realised what this was all about. This quiz was nothing more than a repeat of the Magician’s game, just using different methods. She has a gut feeling that once she broke, she would lose and lose everything. So she knew that was the last thing that she could do. So she forced herself to calm down and looked at Alice, dead in the eye.

“They broke my legs and tortured me.”

The green and blue lights flashed.

“Seventh question; how did you get out of that situation?”

The green and blue flashed. 

“Danté Dracula saved me and used my body to kill them so that they would become whole again.”

“Eighth question; when you were in the hospital, what did the Doctor and Nurse try to do to you?”

She clenched her hands beside her.

“They tried to kill me.”

“Ninth question, why?”

“To kill my father, which doesn’t make sense. He’s dead after all!”

“Tenth question; what else?”

“They experimented on me.”

“Eleventh question, what did that lead to?”

“Me having pyrokinesis.”

“Good. You pay attention. Twelveth question; the vampires that captured you, what were their names?”

“Vyteuatas and Valli.”

The green and blue lights flashed. 

“Good. Thirteenth question; when Vyteuatas captured you, what did he say regarding you and vampires?”

She closed her eyes, feeling rage built as she remembered the time she was his prisoner.

Calm down. Don’t let it get to you. 

“That I looked like one and, if I impressed him, he would turn me.”

The lights flashed as she nodded.

“You know, he did have a point. Fourteenth question; how did you get away from them both?”

“Danté Dracula saved me both times.”

“Fifteenth question; what did it expose?”

This made her anger flared up greater this time as her heart became engulfed by a mad and wild rage.

“My weakness.”

“Sixteenth question; where did you go to address this weakness?”

“The clown Morki.”

“Seventeenth question; how many personalities did he split you into?”


“Eighteenth question; what was the first thing that you did as one of them?”

“Killed the clown.” She said, feeling her heartbeat quicken and her breathing became faster and deeper.

“Nineteenth question; what were their names?”

“Alice, Alex and… Malice.”

“Good girl.”

She nodded, getting both angry and bored of these seemingly endless questions.

“Twentieth question; when did they come out?”

“In the morning Alice, afternoon Alex and midnight, Malice. Speaking of which, out of curiosity, don’t you find it interesting that the morning personality, the pretty princesses, has the exact same name as you?”

She giggled.

“Yes, I do! Now the twenty-first question; do you know how many people Malice killed?”

Remember, keep calm. Don’t let her question get to you! 

“A teacher, a group of girls, who were bullying Alice, Dillon and his gang, a man, a vampire, a woman that falsely accused her husband of wrongdoing, a group of people and a couple of doctors.” She replied, trying to keep herself steady and not focusing on the blood on her hands.

“Twenty-second question; how did you come back together again?”

“Alex and Malice wanted a battle so they did.”

“Twenty-third question; who won?”


She nodded as her eyes widened.

“Twenty-fourth question; did you kill little old Wendy Wonderlust?”

“Yes.” She said, trying not to show her tightening throat. 

“Twenty-fifth question; what form did she trap me in?”

“A doll.”

She clapped and clapped.

“Good girl! Now all your friends and family have been returned. Now, what do you want for your reward?”


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