Lasta Coop Free From The Fay Part Four

 The Christmas Reunion 

Even though Lasta wanted to know where they were going, she knew better than to ask questions. In fact she did not say anything as she tailed them. She would have been carrying the bags, but they told her that she did not have to. On top of that, they told her that some of the things that they were carrying were too heavy for a child. So she just tailed them in silence. She felt herself shivering as she did, yet she did not dare to raise a word of complaint. She knew better than to do that too.

Yet despite this, The Watcher looked back and saw her shivering. He smiled to himself and took off his hoodie and threw it to her as he pulled out an identical one from one of his bags before putting it back on. She then caught the one he threw at her.

“Put that on! It will keep you warm.” He called.

She nodded and put it on. She soon felt the warmth flood her. She felt her shivering start to ciese as they walked on.

“Say, is there a hotel nearby?”

“Yes, why?”

“I think that you ought to get her all cleaned up.”

“Why? It will-”

He came close to her.

“Would you rather me do it?”

She flared up in anger.


Then she looked at her.

“But you can work on some warm clothes.”

“Nah! You’re better at girl’s clothes than me.”

“Good point. However, my hands are better at handling teeth. Not needles and thread.”

“Alright. Then I’ll do the clothes and you do the cleaning.”

They soon came to the inn. She soon was looking at the room with two blue beds and an orange carpet. The next moment the Tooth Fairy has her clean and while she was wrapped in a towel, The Watcher gave her a purple dress with green lace layered frills. Along with a pair of brown skin trousers. She put it in and cleaned her teeth. Then they went to bed.

The following day she felt better than she had ever felt in a long time. The Watcher gave her a long crimson trench coat with silver buckles and a white fluffy lining. She noticed the Tooth Fairy had one too. After breakfast they put it on and left the inn. They walked on and on for hours and hours before they came to a well. The Tooth Fairy set foot into it first. Then The Watcher picked her up and then they jumped in. She felt the splash but not the water. It was like she was passing through something like water. The next moment they appeared in a dark and cold winter wonderland.

“Where are we?” She plucked the courage to ask.

“The North Pole.” Purred The Watcher from behind.

“We’re here to see an old friend of yours.”

She frowned. She could not recall having any friends. No, if her memories were to be trusted, then she did not have any friends. Not one. Not at home, not at home either! Nowhere, none at all!

Well if that is the case, then maybe he’s being coy.

Yet she walked on and on. She came to a small stone building, almost like a mediaeval shed. That was coated in snow.

They all looked at it and walked up to it. The Tooth Fairy knocked on the door.

“Who is it?” Called a strong voice.

“Tooth Fairy.”

“Is it New Year already?”


“Then go away. Christmas is nearly upon us-”

“We have Lasta Coop.”


“We have Lasta Coop. She is the reason that I showed up here.”

“Oh! Well come in, come in!”

The door opened. They all walked in. Then the floor became lower and lower. Soon it dropped to its lowest level. She followed them to a room. The Tooth Fairy knocked on the door and it opened.

“Ho, ho, ho! Well if it isn't the Tooth Fairy! How are you my dear friend!”

“Alright, although I have to show you something.”

“What is it? Has Krampus done something again?”

She shook her head. Then took Lasta by the hand and she looked upon the overly large man in a red coat and trousers. He had jet black boots with a gold buckle. He had a long beard and hair with a bald spot on the top.

“Do you recognise her?”

He knelt and looked at her very closely. His eyes widened with anger. They darted to the Tooth Fairy.

”Did Salynara do this to her?” He asked in a dangerous tone.

“Yes and she has done worse. Which is why we’re here.”

He gave her a cheery smile.

“Tell me. Do you want some hot chocolate?”

“Yes please, sir!”

“Then I will get some.”

He led her to a homely room with a fireplace in the centre with a green suite around it. With dark wooden tables at either end. With a fluffy red carpet on the floor in front of the guard. 

They all sat down in front of the fire. The Watcher outstretched his hands to the fire, revealing a pair of thin and long well toned hands. They were as pale as death and had nails that were like claws rather than nails.

“Oooh, that's nice!”

“Well, well, well, if it isn't my most notorious naughty list member!”

He let out a bone chilling and lyrical laugh.

“What can I say? I do my best!”

Soon the hot chocolate came in as Mrs Claus brought them in. She placed them all down on the tables beside the settees. Then she sat in the chair opposite her husband. The Tooth Fairy sat next to The Watcher yet she shifted to the far right.

“Come on, Lasta. Sit down.”

Lasta took a seat next to him. She looked at the hot chocolate but looked on.

“Aren't you going to take your mug?”

She did and she took a sip. Her eyes widened as she realised that it tasted exactly as she remembered it did. She felt the warmth of the hot chocolate spread throughout her body. She felt herself tear up as she felt the warmth of the mug. She took another dip as she kept the liquid in her mouth to savour the sweet taste as long as she could. Until she had to swallow. She then took another and slowly drank it. Even after she finished, she kept her hands on the mug for its warmth.

“So let’s get back to what we came here for.”

“Yes, let’s. Tell me, Lasta, how have you been?”

“I dunno.”

“Tell me, what did she do to you? I mean you look different!”


“What did she do for you?”

“Well, she rescued my grandson from the Buggy Man.”

Lasta frowned.

“How old was I?”

“Ten or eleven.”

She nodded. Then suddenly she felt a painful headache like pins and nails were being hammered into her brain. She could no longer hear their words. Soon she could hear only two.

“Kill them! Kill them! They believed your lies. Kill them. Kill them. Kill them. Kill them!Kill them! KILL THEM! KILL THEM! KILL THEM!” She heard Salynara speaks in her mind. 

Then her mug dropped. She dived at Father Christmas and threw her hands out. She aimed them at his throat. She then felt a fist in her gut. She curled over. Saint Nick hugged her as she flung her head up and headbutted his chin. She threw her forehead into his chin again. She went to punch him but The Watcher pulled her back. She spun and went to kick him but he caught her ankle. She went to punch him but he caught her fist. She then went to throw her free ankle at him but Saint Nick ankle. Then The Watcher hit her in the head so hard that she was knocked out cold.

When she woke, the first person she saw was Jack Frost.

“Are you alright?”

She then noticed that he was very handsome.


“Good.” He laughed as he helped her to her feet. “Here, you forgot this last time.”

Her eyes dropped to a locket. She picked it up and opened it to see her and her twin brother, looking at her.

“Th-thank you!”

“Can we leave you here?” The Watcher asked.

“No. I think she needs to see the Easter Bunny.”

“Oh!” He moaned childishly.  “Alright. Lasta come on!”

She then followed them. 


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