
Showing posts from April, 2023

The Sorrowful Rebel The Yolk Of The Rebel Part Four

  Stopped Loc woke up. She looked at the clock. It was five o'clock in the morning. She slipped out of bed and after a shower and putting her clothes on, she made her way to Light Bringer's office. "No." He simply said. "What?" "You're not going on a mission." "Why not?" "I can see that you have not fully regained the strength and energy that you need. Not to mention that it is all too clear that you need to rest. As in properly rest." She opened her mouth. "Do I have to restrain you? After all, the way that you are now, you will need a holiday." "Bit-" "I said no. If you want to do something, then read as many books as you can." "Right." Looks like I'm going to have to get a mission another way. "Remember, don't make me restrain you." "Alright!" She said, pretending to be nonchalant. He got out a sigh. He took her by the wrist and put a cuff on her then he

The Sorrowful Rebel The Yolk Of The Rebel Part Three

  Breaking Point Loc woke at no earlier than five in the morning. She got up, showered and put her clothes on. She continued to read the book that she started the day before. She looked at the clock and knew that it was too early to ask for a mission. So she just stayed there as she ignored her rumbling stomach as she read. The Serpentine Stars were able to locate the Nameless Emperor but he was far too strong for them. Oh the horror! Their bodies were all put on display for all to see! She noticed that there were smudges and darkened areas. She knew that it was not from age but tears. Whoever wrote this knew these Serpentine Stars. Oh! I wish I would have spent more time with you Ethotaar Searlette. We may have come from two different  worlds but I wish I could have told  you…You have become my world. "Wait, there were others from other worlds here?" She shouted out loud. Oops! She shook her head and then took the book and raced to Light Bringer's office. "Ahhh! Lo

The Sorrowful Rebel The Yolk Of The Rebel Part Two

  Pushing It Loc woke up early as always the following day. She whipped out of bed. She took a quick shower, put her clothes on as always. She walked out and raced to the hall and quickly ate her cubes and soon raced to Light Bringer's office. "Have you got another mission for me?" "Yes, yes I do." She took the file and looked at the prints on blue paper. She looked up, confused. "It's the blueprints of a firecrys mine. What I want you and your team to do is to go to the mine and arm all the workers there." "And after that?" "Just get one mission over first. Then we will arrange for another assignment later." She nodded. "Then I'll get on that right now." She soon got her team together and Life soon drove them to their destination. She soon took out the shards from her pouch and flashed the flames at the guards. They soon moved in and then they were out. To Break soon had the group in. They all grabbed a bag of wea