The Anti-Fairy Tales The Water Demon Arc Part Three

 The Tail

The frost thing she saw was the emerald colored tail. It was the exact tail that she had seen from a moment ago. Her eyes slid to the pale flesh that was at the hip. She then saw the fiery coloured hair slightly above. Her eyes meet the innocent looking blue eyes. She was beautiful and yet looked so innocent that it did not suit the long canines that came from the upper jaw.

Is-is that a mermaid?

She felt the lack of air get to her. She swam up as her lungs screamed out for air. Just as she reached the surface. She was hit by another wave and was back beneath the waves. She then swam back up and was hit by another wave. She could feel her head pounding as she swam back up and was able to gasp and fill her lungs with air before she was hit by another wave.

She then felt a hand on hers. She looked down to see the mermaid with shells covering her breasts. She looked up at her. She then felt her guiding her down. She felt a strange tingling throughout her body. She tried to swim back up, but she could not. In fact, she could not move a muscle! She tried to use anything within her to move yet she could not! She felt panic rise within her yet she soon heard the mermaid sing a calming tune and she started to calm down. She was overcome with a wave of a strange abnormal bliss that she could not explain.

She then felt her legs come together. She felt that all that she was wearing vanished. The mermaid put a pair of sea shells covering her breasts. She then felt black scales grow out her now conjoined legs and her feet stretched out and became webbed and the black glass slippers then rose up and moulded to her chest like a female breastplate. Then webbing rose up between her fingers that rose beside the meeting of the proximal and middle bones. Her canines grew and became sharp like a vampire.

Her lungs cried out for air yet she could not hold her breath any longer. She knew that she was about to suffocate. Then the mermaid let her go.

"Breathe!" She shouted,  her voice was high pitched and young.

She looked down suffocating.

"You can breathe now! You're one of us."

"What?" She snapped, this was followed by surprise. Surprised at the fact that her voice was so clear.

She kicked her legs and yet she found it strange as they seemed to be moving at the same time. They also felt strange and moved in a strange way. She fronted and looked down to see a tail where her legs were. A black mermaid trail. She then let out a scream. The mermaid covered her mouth.


"What did you do to me?"

"I'm sorry! I turned you into a mermaid to stop you from drowning!"

She looked up at her.


"Come on! I will teach you how to use it!" 

"Alright, then I would like you to turn me back."

She then gave an apologetically guilty goofy look on her face as she scratched her chin. 


"Yeah…urm…I don't know how to do that."

"What?" She said with anger rising within her.

"But my father, King Mertry knows how!"

"And why don't we go now?"

"Yeah…I don't think that that's…a good idea!"

She then punched her. She then looked at her slightly afraid.

"What was that for?"

She tried to restrain her anger.

"Not that I am not grateful that you saved my life, but did you have to do it with the irreversibility that you did?"

"I'm sorry! But my sisters would have eat-" she pleaded then let out a scream. She, already knowing why she was screaming, forced herself to calm down. Upon looking at the mermaid calm down, she suspected that her eyes returned to normal.

"What in the Demon Realm was that? Why did your eyes look like King Wolfox's?"

She looked down as she knew that she did not want to scare this mermaid away. After all she was the only way of getting back to her friends, if they were alive.

"I don't think I want to answer that. I just want to get back. By the way, what is your name?"

"Livea. You?"


They shook hands. She gave her a quick lesson on how she was to use her tail and she flowed Livea. She tailed her and as she did,  she found this not only easier but faster too. She knew that this would help her get to wherever she needed to go faster. She hoped that this would be straight forward, although she highly doubted that.

She soon swam to an underwater city that was filled to the brim with mermaids. The well lit city was made of gold and silver and was covered in coral. The city had over a thousand levels with slabs out at random arias that served as benches where mermaids were sitting on. She saw that there were fish that were swimming around that glowed turquoise that made the city look as if it glowed as the light was reflected off the gold and silver.

She looked up at a giant castle made of coral gold and silver with all kinds of precious stones above the arches which sat upon cristal pillars.

Her jaw dropped at the beauty of the castle.

"Pheoshan, come on!"

She nodded and swam after her. They soon swam to the top of the castle where they swam to a highly decorated arch which was the mouth of a cave that was lit by coral that glowed turquoise. Pheoshan could not help but feel in nothing but in awe of the beautiful staircase. They soon swam up the stairs and came to a great room.

She soon spotted a muscline merman sitting on a throne made of coral and decorated in shells. He had a royal purple tail with long pale purple hair with white streaks in his hair and beard. He had strong royal blue eyes that screamed with authority and power. His hands were webbed like others and he had long fans too. He looked at his daughter with anger that if looks could kill they would have died the moment he laid his eyes upon them.


"Livea." He said as his eyes slid to Pheoshan. They then slid back to her.

"How have you been?"

"I have been well. Now tell me, what is the meaning of this?"

She let out a nervous laugh.

"Well this is-"

"I know who she is! She is Princess Pheoshan the Demon Princess, who most have reason to believe has the powers of the Demon King himself! No. I want to know what she is doing with the tail and body of a mermaid?"

"Well…urm…you see…"

"Your daughter saved my life by turning me into one of you."

He let out a groan.

"Again?! By The Great Oceans Of Old girl! Did you learn nothing from the last time!?"

He punched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes out of dread.

"I sure hope this does not lead to another war between my people and the surface."

"Yeah…speaking of which…"


"But she wants to get back to her friends!"

"I do not care! Princess Pheoshan is not going to be returning to the surface."

This shocked and outraged her so much that she could feel the power of Wolfox rise within her.

"What! But I must! I have to get to them! I have to know if they're alright!"

"No you will not! So as it is my daughter had done this to you, as compensation, I will declare you as one of my daughters. Yet I hope that you find a good home here and settle down."

I highly doubt that…


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