Strena The Youngest Slayer Arc Final Part

 The Dragon

Strena woke up far too early. It was still dark outside so she tried to get back to sleep,  but she found that completely impossible. She twisted and turned but she could neither get comfortable or drift off. So she gave up on that, she wondered why she was so restless. She thought about it for sometime and came to the conclusion that it must have been the dream that she had. That she keeps having. Whenever she woke, she could not remember most of it, but all that she could remember was being a fully grown woman, killing that man. She could not get it out of her head. Giving up on getting back to sleep, she slipped out of bed and gave herself a wash. She put on a jet black cotton shirt and brown trousers. She then put on her boots and walked down the stairs.

"Great good Lok! She's awake!"

"I know but she can hear you, you know!"

"Well someone like her would!"

"Did you know that she has taken down many kings, a young dragon, a wyvern, a syren, a fairy, a werewolf and a couple of weeks ago a Hydra, sure it almost killed her, but that was trying to get of it's stomach and the thing was already dead! Then last week she took down a vampire!"

"Seriously! That girl, if she continues the way that she is, will put the rest of us to shame!"

"I know, but there's nothing that we can do about it! She is being tied to Zaryb and she does have an assassins' mark on her cheek!"

"I heard that she got that when she was seven and she became a bounty hunter at the age of six."

"What! That's nonsense! How can someone of her age handle such jobs! Never mind that! Why don't they have any age restrictions on them anyway?"

"I don't know. Though I do have to wonder how is it that someone of her age can take down all that she had and has lived to tell about it? I mean half of what she takes down we don't have the guts to!"

"Then find those guts! And get a job that would stop me from putting you lot to shame!"

"Easy for you to say! You're not the one being upstaged by a child!"

"Easy for you to say you're not the child! Now I'm going to get my breakfast." She sulked to the table and ordered her food. Her eyes glanced at the board.

I think that out of spite I think I will push myself and take a difficult one this time. One that will shame them.

She soon saw the one that she wanted. She walked up to the board and took it. She angrily showed them the flyer.

"Beat that! I dare you!"

They then looked at it and then back to her like she was mad.

"What is going on?"

The others looked at him and then back to her. They then dated to the board. He looked at the others out of amazement.

"Never seen them so eager before!"

"Yeah, well having a child as a slayer out matching them would do that!"

He sniffed.

"So what did you choose?"

She showed him.

Take Down The Dragon

Four years ago the dragon Daggard came to our land,

Vinella. He are our homeless first so that we would not

notice. Them he moved into our men and then our 

women and soon some of our children.

We have tried to kill the creature but that has only

delayed it for three years and his attention has 

returned to our women and children.

Now both on our women and children live in

nothing but fear. Our women are widows and

some have lost children along with that.

Please,  send your best.


Myckrogh Nevermore

"Are you sure about this one?"

She looked at the others,  knowing that she could not allow herself to look weak, not what it was she had thrown down the gauntlet.


"Well this one will be harder than the Hydra."

"Yes, I know.

He looked at her in a strange look that she would have thought would be concern if she did not know any better. She soon had her breakfast in front of her and she soon was digging in when he had his. She finished as he shortly followed and they soon packed. She was soon at the door waiting for Zaryb, which he soon came down.

"Which one did you take?" A man asked.

"A dragon. You?"

"Mermaid. Byr's taking on the sister of the Hydra you took down."

"Tell Byr good luck. Also, use alcohol. It will help."

"It will?"


He looked at Zaryb.

"Which one did you take?"

"I didn't take one. I am just tapping the girl to her job, that's all."

"Are you the one that trains her?"


"And how many times do you train her?"

"Every time she is not working."

But it does make me wonder, why is he doing all of this? She wondered knowing that she was not going to get any answer any time soon, if at all. Yet she soon came to the conclusion that Zasryb was turning her into both his personal monster and weapon. She knew that after learning about her magic, he would ensure that he would make her magic work for him and him alone. Knowing this, lit another flame in her fire of anger, yet she knew better than to show it. She had to do all she could to get better at hiding her emotions. Yet she could not stop herself from exposing them every now and again.

They made their way to the public carriage and got on. Strena closed her eyes. She tried to drift off again but she could not. She tried to do it again but could not. It was strange, it was as if something was stopping her from getting off to sleep. She just could not get to sleep! She opened her eyes, giving up on that. She would get plenty later. Dealing with the dragon should tire her out enough to get her to sleep.

They soon arrived and they got out.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, just a bit tired, that's all. Though I can't get any sleep."

He frowned.

"Like something is stopping you?"

"Yes. How did you know?"

He let out a huff.

"Never mind. After this we will be leaving the Slayers Guild." He said,  his face becoming noticeably pale.


"We have been there for far too long."

What does he mean by that?

Does it matter? Do you think that he will ever say?

"Whatever, let's go."

"Do not get cocky child."

"How do you prefer me to act? Dark and brooding?"

He smirked slightly, almost like something akin to nostalgia. She frowned, wondering what that was all about but knowing better than to all about it. She sled over to a sign post with a map encased in glass. She looked for the cave and soon found it where the cliffs were.

"That's where we need to go."

"Good girl. I think that we need to get there now."


They then walked down to the beach. She spotted the white cliffs. Her eyes soon rested upon the mouth of the cave and noticed how far away from where they were. She also noticed that the mouth was high up. Fortunately there was a pile of rocks beneath it. So she knew her path and ran over to the pile and started to climb. She had noticed that her clothes had white powder on them as she climbed. The climb helped wake her mind up. Yet she had to accept Zaryb's help to pull her up climbs that she was too short for. They soon came to the month of the cave and they climbed in. Soon the rocks faded out into gold coins as the rock was covered with them. As they made their way on they saw more and more coins, some of them made from precious stones. Soon they were trodding on coins. They climbed higher and higher then they saw the head of the sleeping dragon.

The first thing that she noticed was the size, the one she killed was not nearly as big as this one. The head was larger than the size of an elephant's body, its wings were as slasher as the body of the dragon that she killed and the body was longer than the height of the cliffs. Its black scales were the most beautiful scales that she had ever seen.

Zaryb became paler.

"We should either get out of here or take this one on together."


"Because this looks like it is a three thousand year old dragon."

"So that must mean that he is a survivor of the four dragon wars."

"Yes and the dragon invasion."

The dragon sniffed up as his eyes opened.

"You are right, human with a strange scent. Now tell me, what makes you think you of all humans could finally slay me?"

"Guess you're gonna find out!" She said as she ran to the dragon.

"Strena watch out!"

Then the dragon let out a blast of fire. She willed for the fire to part and continued. She then saw another blast of fire, she parted it again and she then jumped and landed inside its mouth. Then the jaws shut. She unsheathed her sword and then drove it down into the tongue. She then felt a vibration like waves. She then drove the blade into one of the teeth and pulled it out and then drove out back in and pulled it out. She then pulled at the tooth but it was not loose. She then remembered her experience with the Hydra and knew that she would run out of time. She then drove it back into the tooth and drove out to the side. She heard the loud roar that almost deafened her yet she had to continue. She slashed again and again at the tooth. Soon one became loose and she was able to pull it out. She then drove the blade into the flesh between the bottom jaw. She then was hit by the tongue. She hit the side of the gums. She then sliced at the side of the tongue. She then saw the fleshy pallet at the back and then was about to race to it but her body raced to the parting of the teeth. She then sliced the inner cheek and the dragon let out another roar tearing the corner of the mouth to meet the slice.

She then was able to throw herself out of the mouth. She looked down and saw the fields below. She flicked her sword and drove it into the top of the mouth. She then reached her hand out the other hand and pulled herself out of the mouth and she had to cling as hard as she could as she felt the strong wind by her. Yet she knew that she could not stay here. She then pulled the sword out and then dug it into the scales higher. She then climbed up. She then dug it higher and was able to get to the side of the snout. She could feel her hands become sweaty yet the wind dried it up. She pulled the sword out and then dug it back into the snout getting higher and higher. She was soon on the bridge of the nose. She then drove it down.

"Still alive I see." He growled.

He then flew higher and higher. She looked down in alarm. She slipped down and she pulled the blade out and drove it back in and hit a higher point of the nose. She then kicked him in the eye. He let out a grunt she then had to hold on the blade as it arched over and then spun upside down. She hung there momentarily and let out a scream. But then the dragon curved horizontally and she was able to land back onto the bridge of the snout. She then pulled the blade out and then drove it into the eye that she kicked.

"Get back on the ground!"


She then pulled out a small danger and threw it into the other eye. He roared out in pain

"Are you mad! I can not see!"

"Then get back to the ground!"


She rooted her eyes and pulled it out. She then pulled her blade out and climbed higher and higher. She soon came to its crown of horns. She then gripped the horn and spotted the dragon was flying higher and higher. She knew that she had to put a stop to that. She then drove her feet into the neck and forced the horns up. This caused the dragon to dive down. She then pulled the horns back and this caused the dragon to fly over the hills and fields. She then flew past the cliffs. She then pulled at the right born and then pushed the left and this caused the dragon to the right. She then straightened it up and the dragon flew right into the cliffs. She then jumped off the neck. 

She hit the same and rolled herself up and gripped her sword. She looked up to see that the cliffs were now a pile of rubble and the dragon's head was nothing but a bloody mess of gray matter and scales and flesh. The treasure within covered the creature with chalk. She panted as she walked to the head. She then hacked away at the remnants of the head. She then pulled it away and then spotted Zaryb pulling himself out of the rubble. He looked at her with a shocked smile on his face. Together they pulled the head to the Hall.

She collected her money and slept on the public carriage. They called the place Youngdragonslayer Shore. This was soon shortened to Youngdragoslay Shore in time.


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