
Showing posts from November, 2021

Finding Light In The Darkness

  She was always told to keep out of the light. Her mother told her to remain in the darkness, just like her sisters and her clan. They lived in the darkest area in the darkness forest, where not even the faintest of line of light would touch. In fact the light was choked far before it even reached the bottom of the trees. One day she spotted a man in white, on a majestic golden creature that she had never seen before but had heard tales of. Her mother had told her to stay away from outsiders like him. Yet the beauty of the creature that he was riding on caused her to be drawn to them. She, before she knew it was in front of the man in white. Her arm was out and she was already touching the creature yet was soon stroking it. She wanted to know if the creature was real and not an illusion brought on by the man in white. Yet the moment that she knew that the creature was not she looked up at the man in white. "Get away from here, mother thinks that you are bad. However your creature

The Fox Princess

  There was once a King that rode with his brother and daughter of the age of three on her first trip outside of the kingdom. They were deep in the forest between the borders. There, her eyes greeted the wildlife. They traveled alone for he wanted to spend time with his daughter and brother. Mainly because it had shocked him to discover he had recently neglected both of them as he attended to his duties as a king and he wanted to make up for that. He wanted to spend time with both of them and not have to worry about being king.  Then out of the blue a group of bandits jumped out and killed his horse. Quickly he gave his daughter over to her uncle as he drew his sword, just as he felt one in his chest. He looked down to see that the blade was deep in his chest. The moment that he looked up, he knew that he had been betrayed. He fell and the king's brother drew the sword out as the girl cried and cried. He looked down to see the only witnesses of his crime was a group of foxes. He th

The Body Of The Princess

  Once upon a time there was a princess, who had a best friend that was a witch. She was an older woman and she spent all of her time with her days upon days. As she did she would teach the girl all about her arts. The young and impressionable girl would marvel at her great knowledge and wisdom.  Yet she should not have. For you see the witch only wanted one thing and had been grooming the girl since the moment that they had met to give it to her. She did all to lure her in to claim it and that was none other than the girls' body. This way she would be able to be young and desirable again. Yet then came the day that she thought that the princess would be prime for her to ask it of her. "Could you give me your body?" "No!" The princess laughed thinking that it was a joke. "I mean it. I have given you all this, now give me your body!" She shouted as she tried to use force.  Suddenly the princess became frightened and plunged a dagger into her heart. &quo

The Horned Princess And The Witch

  There was a princess, who was such a beauty to behold! She knew just how beautiful she was and how much she was sought after and how she not only hated it but could not stand it! She hated it because of the attention that it brought her. After all, all the men that demanded her hand in marriage did not extend it out of love but lust and she knew it. This she did not want, no, all she wanted was to tuck herself in a corner in her royal library and lose her mind in the worlds hidden in the pages and locked away in those bulky blocks of paper. Where she would spend hours entranced by these worlds on end.  It was in these pages that she learnt about a wish granting witch. She examined the book and soon learnt that the book was based on a true story. Feeling overjoyed she immediately tossed the book aside to look for the witch. She found the witch quicker than she thought that she would. She soon told the witch that she wanted to be ugly and to go to a far off land. The witch patiently l

Remorseful Rebirth Forest

There was once a beautiful forest nymph, who was entrusted with the responsibility of protecting the most beautiful forest in all the land. Then a witch came and prophesied over it, telling her that the forest would be destroyed because of a human that she let leave the forest. From that moment on she ensured that no human would leave the forest.  One day a baby boy crawled into the forest and saw het. Thebaby crawled over and up to her. She then picked him up. She then brought the boy into the forest and instead of killing the baby boy, she cleaned and cared for the boy. She then had decided to raise the child.  As the years went by the child grew until one day the nymph let the boy play on his own and then wandered out of the forest. He spotted a kingdom with round eared people like him. He then spotted a crowd of people and followed the crowd and then pushed through the crowd. When he was at the front someone pushed him and fell onto the cobbles in front.  When he looked up he spott

Escape From Fairyland

  There was once an eighteen year old with hair like the night and a face like a full moon and eyes like a deep lake. She was the most beautiful and desired woman in her town and all the men wanted to court her. She was named Lokisif Zoe as her parents were high when they named her.  One day, her beauty caught the eye and won the heart of a fairy nobel. He soon stole her away and took her memories away. He soon enchanted her by his alluring song to make her fall in love with him. They were soon married and soon conceived. During this time Lokisif Zoe, now Lokisif Zoe Elric, regained her memories When she regained all her memories, she snuck out to return home. She soon ran and ran until she became tired. Then she heard something behind and spotted a knife come out from nowhere! Quickly her mind became focused as quickly as she dodged.  She looked at her attacker and spotted the bloody red cap on the head of a small, plump creature that would have looked human had it not been for its en

The Queens' Trials

  There was once a princess that became queen. Though the Queen was very beautiful, her subjects did not think that she was upto the task. So they gathered and decided to test her and should she pass, then they will always pledge loyalty to her no matter what. However, should she fail, they would all move away and pledge their loyalty to the rival king. They had discussed this all night and came up with the first trial. One of them ran to the royal kitchens and stole a few loaves of bread and did not get caught. He then went to the guards and confessed to his crime. That was when the Queen came by and the guard told her what the man had told him. "I have heard your plea and I know the fitting punishment. You will spend three months mucking out the stables. And should anyone lift a finger to help you then they shall join you in your punishment and have it in double. This neither will be paid for." She declared. "And you are to start today." Then tears of joy ran down

The Ghost Princess Dream

  There was once a princess who knew that she was going to be queen. She had no brothers, sisters or cousins to take the burden off her shoulders nor could her father and mother have any more children. They both had become untimely infertile and she was their only child thus there was no escaping the crown. Every time she had to think about it she would always close her eyes in dread. As she did not want to become queen. One day both her mother and father fell ill at the same time. She wanted them to get better and that they would not die. Mainly because she did not want to inherit the crown. Yet they only became worse and worse. Then after only a month they died.  Both grief stricken and scared she ran away from her kingdom. She ran and ran until she came across a witch in the woods far across the kingdom. "My! My dear, whatever are you running from?" She gasped. Teary eyed she explained everything. When she was finished, she hugged and kissed her.  "My poor, poor child

The Kingdom Of Water And Light

  Once there was a young girl named Morgan Lux. She lived alone in her small cottage and read her bible whenever she could. She went to her church and held house meetings. She was not only baptized but she was dedicated to her faith and did all to affirm this decision.  Then one day, she was taken by a couple of guards from the Kingdom Of Blood And Darkness. She was told that she was to live in a castle for the rest of her life for she was their new queen. Morgan was the last of the royal bloodline. As the rest had killed each other in a bid for the throne. This had been a terrible bloodbath.  She then was told that she could not leave the castle or the peasants would kill her on sight. Yet her intuition told her that this was a lie. So, one night, she snuck out of her room and walked among the peasants. She booked a room in the local tavern that she would stay at for a few weeks.  Yet when the day came, she saw that the people were so thin and dead in their eyes that they looked like