
Showing posts from June, 2021

Scar Adventures Beyond The Door Arc Final Part

  Return "There is a room that is near here. However you must have the key to get back though. Yet your only hope is that one of you has the key and unless you are a descendant of Johan Close you would not." He said. At this Scar remembered the key that she picked up. That strange let that she was drawn to. She also remembered that she had it on her the entire time! She then pulled it out. "Is this it?" His eyes lit up and widened as he reached out a hand to touch it but then belt back. He then pulled out a brown leather bound book and flicked through the thick creased pages. Once he had reached the page that he was looking for he smacked the page. He then looked at the page and at the key. He then showed it to her. The key was identical in every way. "So… They're both identical." "Yeah… Seems so." "Scar, what or who are you?" She looked down, feeling slightly vulnerable. "I donno." "How can you not know?" &quo

Scar Adventures Beyond The Door Arc Part Eight

  Reunion They arrived in Vadarlors' castle early in the evening. Once inside, they did not stop until they reached the bars. They soon spotted Bill and Bliss huddled together fast asleep. They both smiled as they unlocked the door. They both jumped as they woke, yet their features softened as they laid their eyes on them. They charged up to them and hugged them tightly. Their eyes filled with life as they realized that they were free. "How?" They asked. "We killed the dark lords and now we need to get out of here, after all, I think that there's gonna be a riot." She laughed. They nodded and they were soon running out of the castle and did not stop until they were at the outskirts of the town. There, they found an inn and booked in. They soon got their room and were in their beds. "So you cut your hair?" "Yeah." "Wow! It looks good on you!" Bill said. "I don't think so!" Bliss remarked. "Anyway. You really to

Scar Adventures Beyond The Door Arc Part Seven

  The Second Dark Lord An image of Vadarlor appeared before them. "So you were successful in obtaining the Shield Of Phorap the Mad. I am glad to see that you were mostly unharmed. Now back to Dark Lord, I am sure that you remember the name, my beauty?" "Daverrin" He smirked as she gave him a strange determined look. "Good girl. As I can see that you are both both brains and beauty. I would really like it if you were to join me after this. I have been longing to have a companion of the mind." Charlotte put on a false smile and placed a hand on her daughter's back. "I will think about it!" "Please do, now both of you, get some sleep. You will have a long day tomorrow." "And what about-" "No,  you will not speak to them though they are both fine. I do well to look after my leverage. But I will tell them good night from you." He said and faded. Both of them set up camp and laid down their heads. They were soon asle

Scar Adventures Beyond The Door Arc Part Six

  The Dark Lords' First Quest They were woken at a very early hour in the morning. Once they had their breakfast they were brought to the gates. Valardor met them there and gave them some mute bags containing the rations and supplies that they needed on this quest along with a map. "Here,  this is an enchanted map. It will lead you to wherever it is you need to go." He said as he gave it to her. "Now, I have one personal request." "What?"  He touched the center of her chin. "Do refrain from allowing a scar to mark that beautiful face of yours." He said and then his eyes dropped to Scar. "Yours too. After all you may be cute now,  but I can tell that you will grow to be a greatly beautiful woman." With a cheeky wink they left. They looked at their map and spored that there was a glowing people line that they knew that they must follow. They followed the line the whole day only taking sorry breaks for mael times. They soon logged down