
Showing posts from February, 2021

The Anti-Fairy Tales The Sweet Demon Arc Part Two

  Bread Crumbs Pheoshan and Coalphyre woke up. The sick sweet scent of sugar entered their noises. The first thing that their eyes met was a sky with pink candyfloss for clouds and a sun the size of a small island far in the sky,  yet it gave no heat, in fact it looked like it was made of sherbet lemon. As they sat up they noticed that they had been lying on a ground made of marshmallow. They looked around and saw that the trees were made of toffee and green glass-like toffee for the leaves and the fruit on them was toffee and chocolate covered apples. "Where are we?" Coalphyre asked. "A dream world." "Are you sure?" "Yes." "Then how do we wake?" "I don't know." She said as she noticed a line of rocks. She crouched down to examine it. She then locked it and noticed that it tasted salty and was cold, like a real rock. "Strange." "What?" "It's rock." "Yes, I can see that but what does i

The Anti-Fairy Tales The Sweet Demon Arc Part One

  Enchanted Lure Pheoshan and Coalphyre and Phiredoor were still shaken. They had lost track of time, as their minds could not get what they had seen out of their minds. The burning and destruction was burnt into their minds. The black glass slippers still were on her feet yet they had morphed into something more like clogs. They were walking almost automatically. Especially Pheoshan, knowing that Wolfox had been inside her all her life and she knew that he had gone easy on her. How? She thought repeatedly. She was so shocked that Coalphyre had to shout her name the times before she stopped. She turned around and looked at him. She stood there, her mind foggy and numb. She slowly walked back, unfeeling and unaware of anything else. "Are-are you alright?" "Not after that." "We're all shaken, I know, but we all need to keep calm and try to move on." "B-bit rich." She said, noticing that he too was shaking. He noticed this too. He tried to stop

Bounty Hunter Bash Heart Lock Arc Final Part

  The Lies And The Truth "Drew, what is this all about?" "What do you mean?" " Why are you here with the man that killed my parents?" " Our parents and an evil warlock, which I suspect is a dark lord, used magic to bind us together."  "I was not talking to you. I was talking to my daughter." She shaped coldly. "Well it is what happened, and I think that the one that did this was the one that has been turning the Royal children born out of wedlock against their parents." She nodded with an icy look. "And next you will tell me that if I execute this murderer then you will die too?" She scoffed. "Yes." She scoffed. "I don't believe it! I was warned about this!" They frowned. "What do you mean?"  "There was a man that killed my husband and son." "W-what? Father and my brother-" she said, shocked incapable of processing such information. "Silence! After all

Bounty Hunter Bash Heart Lock Arc Part Six

  The Reunion They traveled for over a day on foot, apart from Chashathrophogh, who was in a cage. This was one thing that he was willing to undergo. Yet despite Sir Follied booking him and getting in a tavern, she chose to stay outside. She did not want to leave her uncle alone. She felt that something was off, she could not place what it was. She did not want to even think about it. She wanted to sit where she was and get some sleep. She woke up some time later from a nightmare that she soon forgot. She looked back at Chashathrophogh sleeping in his cage. She thought about the day that they met. She thought that it was a strange coincidence that Sir Follied was there too. Yet she could not budge the feeling that he was expecting the two to show up. Then again, it hardly mattered, Sir Follied always had a strange reputation of being a tool in peoples' schemes. It was so bad that she had heard that, if her grandmother had not been so sharp, then he would have killed her grandfather

Bounty Hunter Bash Heart Lock Arc Part Five

  The Arrival In the morning they burnt the witches' tavern down along with her body. Then they went on their way. They were on the road for a great amount of time without any threat. Then they turned a corner that gave them a glimpse of the wall of the border of the kingdom that they were born in. "We're almost there." Chashathrophogh curled his lip. "What." "Last time that I was here my parents had hired an assassin to kill me." "Oh." "What was your last memory here?" "I left to collect your bounty." "By the way,  I've always wondered, why did you leave here, the first time?" "My parents tried to marry me off to hide the fact that I was born out of wedlock." He let out a chuckle. "Looks like that was ineffective!" He laughed. "Yeah!" "Tell me, had anyone told you-" "We're a lot alike? Yeah, mother and father never liked that, mother mainly. She tried to

Bounty Hunter Bash Heart Lock Arc Part Four

  The Spell They came to an inn. It was white with black timber exposed. The door was painted brown and the doorknob was in the shape of a cat made of silver. As they came closer Chashathrophogh placed his hand on the doorknob and sniffed. His eyes narrowed making the bags under his eyes stand out more. He took his hand away. "I don't-" Then the door opened. "Hello children!" Said an old woman with grey hair and shockingly blue eyes. Her height was only slightly shorter than Bounty Hunter Bash. She had a wide smile. "Care to repeat that old woman?" "Please young man, when you're my age anyone might as well be a child!" She said with a cheery tone. "Come in! Come in! " Well, you're making the assumption that I will be your age, you old hag!" He grumbled as they walked in. She let a laugh. "Are you alright?" She asked. "Yeah, it's just I don't trust women as cheery as you." "Maybe she