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The Birth Of The Mythos Puros Final Part

  Birth After many, many years the first place that they stopped at was Moranas' house. She walked up to the door of her mother's house. She could not believe it, she could not believe that it had become so small. Nor could she believe that she was standing there either. She had to stroke the door, just to prove that it was even there and not one of her many, many dreams. She slowly raised her first to the door before she knocked. She hoped that her mother would be there and wrap her arms around her and let her in,  but all of this came crashing down when she was greeted by a young couple. "Hello?" One muttered. "Urm...hi… I'm Morana Lamia. Do you know what happened to my mother Mona?" They looked at each other sullen. "I'm sorry Miss Lamia has been dead for a year now." "What? How? Why?" She asked, bolting up her sorrow and shock. "She died of a heart attack. Doctors were too late to do anything. She always believed you were

The Birth Of The Mythos Puros Part Four

  Escape She frowned as she wanted so much to hurt all of the witches. Yet they were given the potion and drank it nevertheless. Yet they both felt strange, almost like they had drunk something that had a hint of alcohol in it, yet they also felt tingly all over as they clothed themselves. They knew better than to show this. "Come." They took a step forward yet they felt like they wanted to take a step back and, to their surprise they did. They frowned and took a glance to see if it was another trick. Seeing that it was not they had to stop themselves from smirking as they took a step forward to ensure that the witches would not notice. Yet as they followed the witches they could not help look at each other with shame for what they had done to the night before. They knew that even though it was not their fault, they would always remember the events with nothing but humiliation and guilt. As the morning went on Morana threw up several times that morning but in the afternoon sh

The Birth Of The Mythos Puros Part Three

  Conception "Horn of unicorn!" The youngest as she dropped the white twisted horn into the scarlet liquid, which also contained all the teas all over the world and yet there were more teas in there that may not have been. There was also red and rose wine with moonshine in too. It started boiling to a point that there was a layer of foam at the top. "Last flame breath of a dragon royal." Said one of the older twins. "Wing of a winged fey and ear of an elf." "Heart of a dead princess of long ago and blood of an immortal over one thousand years old."  All went in and they stirred and they continued until the mixture turned as white as milk. "Ashes of the slayer of the gods of old and the flesh of a shard of Grasharlo."  They stirred until it turned blue and then black and back to scarlet like watered down wine.  "Venom of the manticore and the head of a gorgon and the eyes of a basilisk, the dragon king." They soon stirred and a

The Birth Of The Mythos Puros Part Two

  Groath Alex and Morana woke in a dark place. It seemed like they were in a cave yet the ground was far too flat and the stone walls were in a perfect dome that had a sharp structure that looked like swords pointing at them with a triangle parting for a black triangle door. With another door on the outside that was made of iron bars. "Alex? Where are we?" "I-I don't know!" He replied, trying to keep himself together, knowing that the events were not just a dream but yet they did not make sense. He remembered his mother's chest exploding and knew that his father was dead too, though he never saw his body. He did not have to. His mother's scream told when he was killed. Yet even though he knew that he shouldn't and that he had to be strong he could not help but let those tears fall. He burst out crying and pressed his hands into his eyes. "Alex, why are you crying? You're scaring me!" "They're dead Mor! Mum, dad they're dead

The Birth Of The Mythos Puros Part One

  Kidnapped Alex Victor Hunt and his best friend Morana Lamia were going to start their first day of their final year of primary school in the morning. They were both excited and yet they were both dreading it too. They had been told over the summer that they were going to go to different high schools. This,  they fish not like whatsoever! They did not want to be seperated. It would have been Battelle if they both could have seen each other after school but Alex was going to a boarding school. St Van Hellsing or something silly like that! Alex was a cute child with stunning deep blue eyes and would always comb through his short light blond hair that would always reflect the sun wherever he was. He had healthy peach skin and would always wear a plain blue T-shirt and long denim jeans.  Morana had deep crimson eyes and long black hair with a blue shine. She always had deathly pale skin like a silver moon that made her look deathly ill constantly. Her mother Beatrice was the same but she