
Showing posts from October, 2020

The Witch Within The Blood Of Grashalo Arc Part Two

  The Green Mist Loc was woken up by Morgan. She wiped the sleep out of her eyes and went through her morning routine. She then heard the two keys ting against one another as to remind her that the events of the previous day really did happen and she really did visit the places that she did. She felt her heartbeat increase as she realised that there was one more place that she was going to visit that was not only the place that her heroes had met, but also the place that she was to find out the true parentage of Grasharlo. "So, it's finally time to go and find out who Grasharlos' parents are." Said Ringer.  "I sure hope that it's worth it!" Lenume` said. "Me too, although I probably doubt it!" Morgan said. "Reality isn't that kind. After all I have been on many missions that I've been on were nothing but disappointments."  "I hope that you're talking about the giant bee that you thought was the work of an evil sorcere

The Witch Within The Blood Of Grashalo Arc Part One

  The Key Ring Combiners "So you think that there are prophecies about me? Why so?" She asked. "Well, let me start by saying what happened in the school of dragon lords, then there's the other events that have seemed to have shaken this world too. Like for example,  that witches,  warlocks,  evil strongholds and even demons are being killed and taken out. We don't know why or why now,  but there are a great number of pirates on the seas." He said. Her jaw dropped as she had to process what he had just said. But how? Who's killing all these demons and how? Never mind that who's killing to witches and warlocks!? "I'm guessing that that's not all?" She said trying to keep her emotions under control. "No, see we consulted the prophecy books of Phorap the Mad. We, as a rule, never took any of his words seriously but after all that has come to light, I wonder if we ought to break that rule. He prophesied about three individuals that

The Witch Within The Five Gold Rings Arc Final Part

  The Riming Witch When Loc woke up she took a wash. The bite that the ghoul had given her had healed up nicely and there was not even a scar for it. She had read somewhere that when a vampire ghoul bit into its prey the person that the vampire ghoul would not become a vampire. It had something to do with the belief that vampire ghouls were incomplete vampires so the glans that was responsible for turning someone into a vampire was also not complete. However there was one side effect, her mind was foggy and a bit of a slow blur. Which made thinking difficult. She blinked away the sleepiness as she knew that she would have to wait for her mind to come around and became more awake. She slipped on some black leather pants that were loose fitting and with the inside having the fur still there, it made her legs feel warm. She then put on a dark purple top that ended at her wrists and a blacky grey jacket made of wool. She looked at herself in the mirror. She looked at the black rose on her

The Witch Within The Five Gold Rings Arc Part Four

The Vampire Ghoul Ringer nodded as he listened to what Loc had to say. "There's probably a bizarre time zone there." He said. "Fairies are said to dabble in time related magic." She nodded. "Now where are we to go next?" She asked. "A place called Yaminox Mortshine`, so named because of what happened there." He said.  "And that is?" "The Bloodless Clan rose from there. We have come to the conclusion that Grasharlo would have hidden it in their castle." Loc nodded. She remembered that she had read all about them in her time in Underground Town. She remembered that the Bloodless Clan was the first vampire clan. The king and queen there was Victoria and Vladimir Bloodless, they were named that after they had become vampires,  before it was Tapez or Dracule. Even when they were human they were a dangerous family, so when they became vampires they became even more of a nightmare. "Are the vampires still there?" She as