
Showing posts from June, 2020

The Witch Within The Sunburners Arc Part One

The Immortal Drink Loc woke up. Her hear was hurting. She knew that wherever she was she had to get away. Her mind was a confused blur and her ears were ringing. She was trying to remember things as her vision became clearer. She then pieced together what happened and she soon snapped awake. She the looked around. She felt the bizarre feeling as her movements were exaggerated like there was a weight in the air. She had to wait for her limbs to get used to it. She could see that she was in a gold room and she was under gold duvet covers and pillows with stars on. She could see that there were suns on the wall. She slid out of the bed and then walked to the window. She saw that the see was moving at a rapid pace. She then looked up and saw that the sky was yellow and the clouds were cream. She noticed that the window was large enough for her to jump out if she wanted to. She then was about to but as she saw how far she was high up she got the willies. She then pulled away. “N

The Witch Within The Academe Arc Final Part

Loc's Third Year Loc entered her third and final year at the academe. She did not quite know what she should do after the year was up. She thought about learning a bit more about Grasharlo in other arias, but she just did not know if there were any other places that she could look. She thought that maybe she should learn about magic or about Raho, the hero that finally put an end to Grasharlo, and the reason that she and her sisters were in the situation that they were in. The first thing she noticed was that her friends were gone. She asked Yuki about this but he told her that they had all decided to leave a year earlier. None of them gave a reason why. This meant that she was going to have to bare they year alone, well apart from Morgan, who was training her and had moved her onto other things, like reading the room and stratagems. She had noticed that there was a new teacher teaching all about Grasharlo, the only difference was that there were only four people in the

The Witch Within The Academe Arc Part Three

Loc's Second Year It had been no less that three months and Loc was back in the academe. It smelt and felt like a brand new year. He had been staying in a facility that was provided by T.OO.T.RO.E.. They had been looking after her parents deaths. She had tried not to think about it. She was now fifteen and she knew that even-though she might be attacked this year, she knew that she could not let it get to her. She also knew that she would have the learn as much as she could about Grasharlo. She had soon found her band and then quickly caught up with them. All went home and even though Billy was a vampire his life seemed normal. He had spoken of many changes going on in the kingdoms of the west. However she was not interested. No, what she was interested in was spending time with her friends and enjoying it. She noticed that her friends were feeling a lot more comfortable around Max. This, was the best part of it. Even-though she knew that reality will slap her awake an

The Witch Within The Academe Arc Part Two

Loc's First Year A day at the academe went like this, she would learn maths, literacy and science, history and art. These were the only lessons that all students there would attend. Then after these she would learn about Grasharlo and the impact that she had over her lifetime. This first year she was to learn more about her early years and life. She was learning about her childhood on that first day. To her astonishment, she learnt that they were quite ordinary people! There was nothing wrong with them, the only thing of note was that during her birth they were having troubles conceiving. However even as a child, Grasharlo displayed anti-social behaviour, such as experimenting on her pets, some of which led to their deaths. When her parents stopped getting them for her she went on to experimenting on her neighbours pets and when that stopped she went onto strays. It was during this she had discovered that she had magic. Which by this point she had escalated to experime

The Witch Within The Academe Arc Part One

Loc At The Academe One month after her time in the Forest Of Illusions Loc found herself at the Academe Of Secret Knowledge. It was Not far from the forest, in fact she could see the edge of the forest in the far distance from her dormitory Which she found interesting and was a good reminder of the journey that she had embarked on since her triplet sisters had killed their parents. Here, she would learn about the witch that she was one third of, Grasharlo, her triplets were the other two thirds. Now that they were awake and wrecking havoc wherever they were, she knew that she would have to learn as much about this witch as she could. This way she would be able to understand her triples and would be able to fight them. Part of her wished that they could go back to sleep and become her Grace and Sharimon again, but she knew better that to hope for that. Yet even-though, she was part of this witch, and that they wanted to wake her up, she felt like a different person all together

The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town The Hospital Arc Final Part

Escape He came back in the evening and appeared in her room. He then placed a hand over her eyes to make sure that she remembered everything that had happened to her. She woke and the first thing that she did was hug him tightly. He hugged her back but he made sure that he held back his strength as to not crush her. “Please you've gotta get me out of here! You've gotta get me out of here.” she whispered. He pulled her away and smiled. “It will be alright. Just hang on a little longer, just stay here. I think that it will be best if they think that I am not here.” he said. She nodded but she looked upset. He placed his finger under her chin and smiled encouragingly. “It will be fine, you'll be out of here by the end of tonight you will be sleeping in your own bed.” he said encouragingly. She smiled weakly. “And what will you do if they check?” she asked slightly worried. He gave her a wink which inspired both confidence and fear. “I would hardly need