
Showing posts from February, 2017

The Witch Within Awakening Arc Part2

War Of The Witch Within Fourteen years past after Grasharlo was defeated by the great hero Raho, although the Cerberus triples were kept a tightly guarded secret among the high courts and their parents. They wanted to protect them as much as possible after all they all seemed to have no knowledge or memory of who they really were. They even kept a close eye on them and their wellbeing.      Then one day they were betrayed by one of their own, who was one of the Grasharlo Disciples a group of people who followed Grasharlos' ways and her teachings. They somehow knew that Grasharlo lived on and that she was inside someone, they had called this person The Which Within and they knew that the high courts had the identity of who that was. Which is why they had someone infiltrate it to find out. Their betrayal only signified one thing, they had found out about the Cerberus triples and that they were in danger.      The leaders of the high courts, The Order Of The Ring Of Elders or T

The Witch Within Awakening Arc Part 1

The Birth Of Three      There was once a witch called Grasharlo, she was as evil as she was powerful. People were very afraid of her but could do nothing to help themselves, and those who tried to execute her cowered as they eventually found out that even though she could not be trusted to live it became well known that she could not be trusted to die either. Through out the land and in ever kingdom there was a dilemma of what to to with her. Her reign of terror lasted over one hundred and fifty years.      It came to an end when a young man by the name of Raho had decided to take it upon himself to challenge the witch. He, unlike all the others that had come before him, he had thought carefully about what he was going to do and had researched everything that he needed to to such an extent that there was not on unturned stone in his ocian of information. He trained up his body and mind.       When he knew that he was ready he gathered up the things that he needed and set off on

The First Fob Watch

There was once a watch maker, who was the doting father of twin daughters. Their names were, Kira and Akira. Event though they looked identical there personalities were far from so. Akira was pure of heart and could not be more humble even if she had tried, mean while Kira was the complete opposite, she liked to play cruel tricks on her friends and brag about  everything.      One day Kira went to get father and put on the face that he would always melt and do anything for. It was the face that always worked on her father and occasionally her mother. She was always spoilt and had placed the family in far too much debt. Her eyes were big with a false display of innocence that her twin had in abundance.      "Father, can you make me a watch that I can wear around my neck like a pendent?" She asked as the poor man sat. He looked at his daughter with misplaced delight and pride.      "Yes, it will be a delight!" He replied as she left him to it.      On that ni

The Sacrifice and The Promise

There were two best friends who loved each other like they were close knit brothers. Then one day when they were rowing their boat in their local beech and then a gust of wind forced them into the middle of the ocean! They tried to resist the winds but before they knew it they were far away from land and any trace of it. They did not know where they were nor could they remember where the land even was!       They looked up and spotted birds fly near but they then suddenly flew away as if the aria was forbidden. They then looked down and to their horror they spotted a shark coming closer and closer but at a certain spot, just like the birds it swam away like it was frightened off by something. It was all too clear that no living thing was coming anywhere near them!      This posed a problem for the two as the day dragged on and their attempts to get to land caused them to become more and more hungry. When it became evident that their attempts were futile they abandoned them and starte

The Burning Fire

     It was in the middle of the day when I was watcing the news. I was sat on my green leather chair, feeling both comfortable and calm. I took a small sip of my lukewarm cup of milky tea. I then placed the cup down and rested it on my lap. Then the news host reported something, something I knew to be a lie, but she insisted that it was the truth.      I was revolted. I felt betrayed by the news channel. I felt s fire build behind my eyes as a wrinkle appear above my nose. My beath became heavy and deep as I felt an aggressive monster crawl up my stomach and my breast. My throat tightened as my rage clenched my molars together tightly. My upper lip curled. I wanted to hit something or do something to lash out and release my anger.      I then felt my finger tips get abnormally hot and I then heard the popping of bubbles like something boiling. I then spotted water vapor rise form the bottom of my vision. I looked down to see where it was coming from and to my confusion and shock I s

Blood On Ice

Strange things happened whenever I found myself angry, excited or frightened. I don't know why, but ether snow would fall or the temperature would dramatically decrease causing the water around me to freeze. I never felt cold ether nor did I even suffer with hypothermia. I tried not to think about it much but it did pop up in my thoughts every now and again.      One day I was walking the dog when a strong wind quickly picked up causing us both to fall back onto the pavement. I then felt another shock as a lorry flew past. In my shock I felt light snow flakes rest on my head and neck. That gust of wind just saved my life! I suddenly felt weak and had decided to go back home.     I revisited that moment plenty of times in my head wandering what had happened and why did I feel weak at the end of it. It then occurred to me that, maybe I was the one who did it. I in this frame of mind went into my back garden and looked at the ugly stinging nettles. I tried to recall the events and a