The Sorrowful Rebel Rise Of The Rebel Part Fourteen
Clash Of Armies It had been three days and they all had the weapons that they needed. Now they were ready. Loc looked at all the work in the armies here on the island. She made sure that she looked at the numbers which totalled to three hundred. She looked at her army which was only one hundred. She knew that they could do it. She also knew that, on the surface, it seemed that the odds were not in their favour but she knew that all needed to do was kill only three. Yet all of them would have to do it fast and that would lead to their victory. However her gut told her Thai this would not be easy. There would be other factors that would be in play. After all, she knew that she would have to weed out the cowardly. However, part of her wondered if that would affect their chances at victory. Either way ready or not they would have to get this done. She joined Noble Wolf with the others. Then passed them to the stage. "Now, all of you! Now that we have a good number we can be off. We ...