The Strange Peculiar Bizarre Town Vampire Versus Arc Part Three
The Offering Later that day Melinda woke up. She saw Danté looking at her sternly. "Why did you not tell me that you have been dreaming of Vytuatas?" He asked like someone angry but got her sake trying to be as calm as he could. "I-I didn't know that it meant anything." "Melinda, you have the Magicians' powers. You should be seeing through other peoples' eyes when you dream. You should have had an inclining that something was wrong." She looked down realising that he was right. "Though, I'm at fault too. I should have told you about dream walking." "'Dream walking'?" "It's a vampire ability, though it takes centuries to master. Which is why I did not think to tell you after all, neither Vytuatas or me are that age yet!" "And how old are you?" "Well I was born in the year of our Lord eighteen fifty July the first, and as it is November two thousand and five so one hundred and fifty ...