
Showing posts from August, 2020

The Which Within The Books Of Grasharlo Arc Part Two

  The Second Book It was two days after the first mission when she was sent on the next part of the mission. She was in the office looking at Ringer.  "Are you tested up?" He asked. "Yeah. I must admit that I hope that this one's easier. N-not that I'm complaining!" She admitted. He let her words pass, though his eyes did tell her that he was mentally scrutinizing them. "Anyway,  we will be sending you to Suze` located in the Jungle Plaines." He said. "Here she learnt a fair few things there and it was one of the many places that she could do whatever it was she wanted unchallenged. Here's your map, it will help you. However, as you will notice it is not that far off from the pyramid that you were held in when you spent your time with the Sunburners."  Loc nodded as she stroked the black star in between her eyebrows. "Right." She said as she remembered the star that she gave birth to. Mortyamikira...I wonder what damage you&

The Which Within The Books Of Grasharlo Arc Part One

  The First Book "Right, Loc, we have been, over the course of the past month we have been locating the books of Grasharlo and we have narrowed it down to seven locations. Your mission is to simply retrieve them alright. No me no fuss,  got it." Ringer said. "Sir, yes sir!" She replied saluting.  "What did I say?" He barked. She repeated what he had said. "Now, the place that we will send you to is a land in the south called Lesnote`. I have arranged for an air yot for you to get there. So, be ready in an hour! What did I say?" He barked. Loc repeated what he had said. "Good,  dismissed." She nodded and left. She took a quick bath and quickly cleaned her now short hair, Lamia was right, she did suit short hair. She then put on her mission outfit made of unicorn hair and dragon dung, which looked like a stronger version of leather and silk, just thinner and lighter. She took a moment to look at herself in the mirror. She had noticed that

Victims of Mortyamikira First Year Part Ten

  The Tenth Victim Burron was a successful businessman, his secret was that he believed in himself and that he could do it and that he did not need to pull anyone down that was more competent to do so. He believed that regardless of who you were if you worked hard enough and was patient then you too could be as successful as he was. Those who worked for him were paid well and they treated everyone like family. They knew in their hearts that Burron cared for them and would, every now and then shower them with gifts. Then, when he saw that one of his workers was going through a ruff time he would help them any way that he could. People were always envious of all of those who worked there. Everyone that tried to take him down found that there was nothing that they could find to take him down. They did everything even they tried to use the news to speed lies about him and called him and those who supported him names and made those, who didn't work for him fired from their jobs and some

Victims of Mortyamikira First Year Part Nine

  The NinthVictim Scear had always been impatient. He would do anything and cut any corners just to get what he wanted sooner no matter what the cost, even if he didn't appreciate or deserve it. To him,  life was one big game that if you weren't as ruthless as him and hesitated, even for a moment, regardless of how valid,  then they were not worthy of what they had. This priceable he kept up even in the hiring of his many businesses. He gave little concern of whether or not the person was actually the best suited for the job. For if you're not ruthless enough, then it hardly mattered if you were best for the job. You were not going to get the job and it would go to the one that was more ruthless than you. He even carried this over to his mate. He could no bat an eyelid to all the goodhearted women no matter how better off he would be with one. In fact he would only pick the most ruthless woman that he could get his hands on. Then if a more ruthless woman caught his eye,  he

Victims of Mortyamikira First Year Part Eight

  The Eighth Victim Kin was a quiet man. Shy, no, introverted, yes. Many had tried talking to him but all attempts went nowhere. They would talk to him about many things and he would just wonder why they were even talking to him. Then again,  the fact that he did not like talking did nothing to help either. On the surface, he had such a simple and uncomplicated life, he got up at five, he had breakfast after a walk around the block, then he would arrive at work at nine o'clock on the dot, he would have lunch at twelve on the dot,  he would return to work no left than half and hour later and he would go home at half two, again, on the dot.  However at home was where all the real interesting things happened, see that was where he would endlessly spend his time reading books of new and old gods and goddesses, myths and legends, archeology and histories around his and every other planet that he could get his hands on. Then after tea he would spend hours writing hypothesis after hypot

Victims of Mortyamikira First Year Part Seven

  The Seventh Victim Kurin was a prince that would one day inherit the throne of his planet. This was a fact that many, many people reminded him often many, many times, especially his father, King Kurin the second. However regardless of this,  there was just one problem, he never saw himself as king. In fact he never even saw himself ruling anything or anyone! This had always troubled him and his father for the people of this planet, it was seen as a bad omen. In order for him to start to make him see himself as a king he would always ask him what he sees in his future. He would always look up at the sky in dread. In fact, he was always terrified of the sky. There was just something about it that scared him so much but he never knew or understood why. He wondered if this meant that they would be invaded by another planet or something. The king just could not bear to think that there would be another sky war. The last one has almost cost them their planet. He just did not want to have t

Victims of Mortyamikira First Year Part Six

  The Sixth Victim Hocchjar was the loudest boy in the world. He was so loud in fact that all the other children and the adults told him that all of the cosmos could hear him! This caused a great deal of change to his parents who could not shut him up! They tried everything, from beating the boy until he could hardly feel anything, to bribing him with all of their earnings. But alas, they did not work. They sometimes prayed to Siliacio, the Parent, the goddess of their planet, to shut him up,  however hard they did he just would not shut up. Soon they were praying that she would take his voice away. This too did not work. They wondered whether or not they were wasting their time. All attempts were never fruitful. Even the other had tried to shut him up. They first tried bullying the boy,  but seeing that that did not work they tried to tell their teachers and parents, only to find out that Hocchjar had already told them, very loudly. This meant that they would always get into trouble.

Victims of Mortyamikira First Year Part Five

The Fifth Victim Luehn was the most popular girl in the whole world. She had everything that she wanted,  her very own pet,  her very own spaceship,  even her very own (but failing) business! She had a wonderful and fruitful life. She even had many,  many suitors that were begging to marry her. This was much to her amusement for she had no intent to marry any of them. Her parents were rich and successful. They spoilt her any and every way they could with every opportunity they could. They would have given her the planet if they could, however they could not buy the planet. This would probably be the reason why she wanted to rule the planet when she was a fully grown adult. She had many friends, aunts, uncles and people to spoil her too, yet, despite all this she loved the feeling of sharing things with them. She loved that strange good feeling of giving to the poor. She did not know what it was, was it the smile of gratitude or was it something else? Whatever it was she liked it. She l

Victims of Mortyamikira First Year Part Four

The Fourth Victim Myrste` was a quiet child, the youngest child of many siblings. Yet despite all this she was anything but wanted. Most of the time her household wanted nothing to do with her. A fact that they always made far too clear. In fact, it was that bad that she knew that she would have been out of the house if it was not against the law. However this did nothing to help or protect her.  They made her do everything in the house. She would clean every inch of the large house. The worst part of this was the fact that she knew that they made things extra untidy to give her more to do. To such a point that it was all too clear that she was always overworked and tired. Yet even when it came to food, which she would always cook, they made it clear that they could not even care less about her. After all when sure would eat, she would eat last and she would most likely than not have nothing but the scraps and leftovers. However there would be many times when she would not even get any