
Showing posts from November, 2019

Bounty Hunter Bash Blood Lock Arc Part One

The Bounty Hunter Princess Princess Drew was training with her father. She had being this for the past year. She had even sparred with some of the better trained knights! (Even-though she had always lost) This proved interesting to her and caused her to come to respect them more and their service to the kingdom. The one knight that she came to resect the most was Sir Follied, he may have been known as an old fool, but even-though he was thrice the age of the knights, he still knew how to fight well. Her father had even hired several knights to carry large targets that eclipsed both knight and horse to gallop during target practice to make it harder for her. This, at first became hard but now they were easy as breathing. She never hit a horse leg and now they all knew that she was ready. This, she somehow knew, would be the last time that they would spar so she put her heart into the fight. She met sword strike after sword strike and he too, in turn, would meet hers. Then s

Strena The Lost Princess Arc Final Part

New Life Strena woke, her head was hurting as she looked up at the sun that was high in the sky. She squinted her eyes as it hurt her head even more. Then as she came round she widened her eyes realising what this meant. She quickly reached down to change only to realise that she never took her clothes off! What was I doing to make me forget even that? She thought as she thought back to the previous night. Nothing. She thought on the day prior. Well, I remember my first day of training, then I also remember making vows as a bounty hunter, then lodes of people bought me that odd tasting drink and then...nothing!Why can't I remember anything? Never mind that why does my head hurt? She rubbed her head, hoping that it would help, but it only helped a little. She then turned to her door and walked out the door and down the stairs. As she walked into the room that went immediately silent. She could see that everyone looked at her slightly afraid and they had far too pale f

Strena The Lost Princess Arc Part Four

Apprentice When Strena woke the next day she felt better than ever. All her wounds were healed and her energy and strength. She thought about yesterday and the events . She knew that she could no longer be the innocent Arielsa. No, she was going to become Strena, the dog of her parents killer. At that she felt lonely and scared. She felt her tears fall. She instinctively tried to stop herself fearing that Zaryb would come in at any moment. She felt her heart race as she tried to wipe away the tears but, to her dismay they just kept on coming. As the door opened wider she could feel her heart sink and her tears choked her tighter. She even felt her cheeks become saw as the door became full open. She flinched as she felt a hand on her cheek. She felt a woman's hand wipe away her tears. She looked up to see Nigica. She smiled. She helped clean her and after she held her. She turned to her. “Now listen, for some missions Zaryb'll take you on will sometimes will take

Strena The Lost Princess Arc Part Three

Reborn They were both settled on the ship and it was sailing. The girl knew that there was no truing back now. “So, what name should I give to anyone who asks?” she asked. “Well, I had been thinking about that long before I came back. I thought of many names, but only one suited and hat it Strena. The name of the Goddess of assassins bounty hunters. Although I am yet to come up with a sir name.” he admitted. She thought for a moment. “How about Az.” “Why?” She looked away, trying not to cry. “To remind myself who I am, and-and-what I must n-n-never s-say. “ she felt her voice shake as her suppressed tears. “Strena Az...” he muttered with a smirk. “Yeah...That does have a good ring to it. Good pick!” He pat her on her back. Strena smiled weakly. “Thank you!” she said as she could feel her tears forcing her way out of her eyes. Instinctively she leaned in to his side, forgetting who she was beside. That was until she felt a punch in her stomach. Which not only

Strena The Lost Princess Arc Part Two

The Lost Princess With the girl in one arm, he ran from the pyramid shaped castle throwing what looked like tiny blades that were in the shape of a four pointed star at any and all guards that stood in their way. He was unnaturally fast so they hardly had any time to react. By the time Zaryb was out of the out of the castle none was alive! He ran through the gate and threw even more of his strange blades at the guards at the wall before they could even raise their spires! As the others on the wall came rushing to their aid, they too, dropped like flies So by the time he got to the village none that worked on the wall were alive. When he was running in the village none challenged him, for all knew and feared him. So that was the only break that he got, but still, he knew better than to slow down. He soon got to the outer wall. This time he stopped and crouched and jumped far too high that was humanly possible. He reached up and just made it as he pulled himself up the hig

Strena The Lost Princess Arc Part One

Crown Fall Arielsa saw shaken awake by her parents until she, not only was wide awake, but also alert. Her father looked terrified and in pain. Her intense dark brow and burgundy brown eyes looked down at her fathers' leg. They widened as they met the dagger in his calf! “Arana, take Ari' and go. Get out of here and forget about me. I'm already one foot in the grave. I want you to take as many survivors as possible. Get away from here.” he said. “But-” “Don't argue with me, this is my fault.” he said. He then turned to her and placed a hand on her cheek and kissed her on her forehead. “Ari', I wish that I could have been there for you, I wish that I could have seen the woman and queen that you'll become. So please, I know that I don't deserve it, but would you respect my memory and life a full and happy life, be strong, stronger than me, stronger than your mother. I know that it will be hard, but you have to be harder and just remember that

The Blue Rock And I Re-enter The Blue Rock Arc The Final Part

The Second goodbye Me and Sir Elishun collected the bodies and made our way back to King Nekoterra. I felt defeated and hollow the whole way back. I felt tired too, I could feel myself nodding off several times while I was walking. We had to get some sleep, which, for me, was deep. I can't remember what I dreamed about but, whatever it was had me waking up screaming with a cold sweat all over. Sir Elishun hugged me tightly and when we couldn't sleep any more we ate our breakfast and went on our way. We were greeted by King Nekoterra. He looked at us with sorrow and compassion. He didn't ask me any questions, he just rapped his arms around me and waited for me to tell him when I knew that I was ready. We placed them each on a stone table and underneath them we placed logs underneath the tables. Then we stood around them. I felt compelled to say something, after al I knew that, as their friend, it was my duty . “S-sir Whittenni, I-I'm sorry.” I started to

The Blue Rock And I Re-enter The Blue Rock Arc Part Five

The Green Witch We travelled far away from the sea of dead poppies where the grass started to turn emerald green. As I looked up I could already see the emerald green twin spires poking up like two stakes trying to pierce the sky. We came closer and closer until we saw an emerald wall hiding all but a small section of the front, from view. What I could see was that the door pointed up in an arch and that beside it was two wings that I assumed, led to the spires. Behind it sat a domed roof. We walked in and past the gates but when it came to the door, it opened but, as with her sister, only I could enter. I looked back to the others already knowing that they must have felt utterly useless at the moment. The twins were tasked with the job of helping me but all they could do was just watch and wait for me to defeat the witch. I did have to admit, that I did feel sorry for them. They looked at me, the wound to their pride was evident in their eyes, they also communicated j