The Witch Within The Forest Of Illusions Arc

Part Four

Loc found herself the first in class sitting alone, her mind was on Grasharlo, almost like it was drawn to her and her mind drifting to what she knew and what she did not know about her. What that was, was that somehow, Grasharlo, somehow became one of the worst witch, one that could nether be trusted to live or die, that she was part of her and that her sisters were also part of her, however because they woke they know more about her than she, who hadn't.
When the others walked in and, again sat near her.
“Hey Loc.”
“You alright Endow?”
“Yeah you?”
“Didn't get that much sleep but yeah!” she said. She felt a pat on her shoulder.
“Just a bit, what about you Max?”
“I don't brood. I just think.” he said as he sat next to her.
“What about?”
“Many things, mainly about the future and the past. I must admit that I am quite interested in the Dark Lord Age.” he said as Curogh walked in. He did not have anything with him this time and he walked to the front.
“Good morning. I can see that you have all become settled in. I know that you have noticed that there is nothing with me. Now, the reason for that is because this time you will be in the forest at nightfall, illusions become, for some reason, don't ask me why, however more powerful and unpredictable when it becomes darker. And they are at the most powerful and unpredictable between midnight and three of the clock.” he explained. “So I will tell you to revise everything that I have taut you.”
They all looked around and they all looked at all their books. They did this together and each other looked at their notes and filled in gaps that others had noticed and by the end of the lesson they were all ready. They then left and all took a nap before they left in the evening. They were led to their paths and then entered.
She walked onwards. She felt odd, as the twilight turned to darkness. She suddenly felt her loneliness sink in and she started to feel scared. She wanted her mother and father to wrap their arms around her. She wanted to go home and crash on her bed. She wanted to here their warm laughs and remember how they always made her laugh.
She turned the corner to see her home. Her old home, before she had to move to Underground Town. It was a two level three bedroomed cottage with white stone walls and the black wood foundations that helped keep it up were exposed. She looked up at the roof and had quite forgotten that it had a crimson thatched roof.
She slowly walked up to the small black door with a rippled window which she used to believe was only like that because the window was frozen water, until she had been told otherwise. She pressed down on the doorknob and walked in.
It was like she had remembered it. The stairs at the back and the living room at the left and the kitchen on the right. She ran up the stairs to the top where she was greeted by three doors and ran to her and her sisters room. She saw her bright blue bed with the white snowflakes on. She found herself fall on it and close her eyes.
In her dreams she saw a man in the far distance but she could not make out his look but knew that, somehow, he knew who she was and vice versa. He turned to her and looked at her.
“Wake up!” he called and her eyes opened.
Soon she remembered where she was and fell onto the ground. She could feel that her chin had been cut. It hurt but not that much. She returned to her path and started to hear crying. She stopped for a moment. She spotted a woman in the distance huddled over a branch. She felt her step towards her only to realise with her horror that it was her mother! That was when she ran to her and then she looked down at her only to see that the woman had no face!
Her leg stepped back and the faceless woman raised her head as if it could see her. With that she broke out into a run to the path.
“Loc!” came her mother's voice. She looked back and spotted that the faceless woman was coming right for her. She quickly realised where that voice came from and ran and ran as fast as she could to the path. Then when she was on it she closed her eyes.
It's not you! It's not real!
Then she opened them again and ran away from that. She then started to hear laughter. Warm laughter, her father's warm laughter. She covered her ears not wishing to find herself repeating the same mistake. Until she saw him in the corner of her eye. Well, it was his figure but not him, his face was just as absent as her mother's impersonator.
She looked away from him and then she spotted the end of the road. She was out.
“Dart that Demon Realm!” she shouted as others left but there was no sign of Gabriel.
It was in this moment that Loc to her horror, realised that this forest takes lives!


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