
Showing posts from October, 2017

The Blue Rock Enter The World Arc

 Part Two A Whole New World I could not tell you just how long I hid there, I soon started to lose track of time. I was about to come out of my hiding place until I spotted that somehow there was a darkened blue glow around me. Frowning I looked around, wondering where the glow came from until my eyes dropped to the door and spotted that it was coming from there. Curiously, the light bent in a swirly pattern like stardust in a nebular. I spotted that there were words above the door, again in Latin; Haeream illud devorat, Quibus tangere ... “'Enchanted it devours, those who touch...'?” I said out loud. Wonder what that means... I thought as I took one step after another before I knew it I felt my hand grip something and my wrist twisted. I moved past the door frame. I felt my feet rest on a metal step on a spiralling staircase. The blue light seemed to become brighter and brighter the further down the staircase I descended. I could see that

The Blue Rock Enter The World Arc

Part One Evacuation It was September the first, nineteen thirty nine, and it was declared World War two had officially started and changed everything for me. Shortly after the announcement father had to go to war and shortly after he left I was told to pack my bags. “Why, do I need to pack my bags?” I asked. “I am sending you to Britain.” she replied. “I know someone there that will look after you!” “What? Why do I need to leave New York? I love it here!” I shouted. “Because I love you, and I do not think that there would be another chance to get you on another boat. I fear that if you stay here you will end up like little Dig!” she said. “Who's that?” “My brother that got blown up in the first war.” “Are you coming with me? Oh please mother, tell me that you are!” I cried as her face became darkened. “No, I have a duty to remain here and you have a duty to live.” she snapped clearly harsher than she had intende

Lasta Coop Final Pre-teen Story

 Lasta Coop And Santa Lasta's eyes stung as their sight rested on the see of snow as the flakes spun around her like bladed confetti. Her breath rose in front of her as she could feel the ice settling into her bone marrow. A cold sweat sat on her flesh doing little to help her now uncontrollable shivering. As the storm hit deafening pitches, she lost feeling at the tip of them. Oh! I'm gonna die! I don't know where I am and I'm gonna die here! She was about to collapse into deep despair until she could feel something hit her head and red dropped to her shoulders. She looked up and spotted black cotton. Her cloak was heavy and warm. She could tell how thick it must be as she pulled it to her. She then felt two hands gripped her and shoved her on a wooden bench that as she looked up she realised that belonged to a sledge with a golden brace for safety. She looked aside only to see the jolly big guy himself sat beside her! What's going on n

Lasta Coop Pre-teen Stories

 Story Eight Otb's First Encounter Lasta knew that her senses were not lying to her, she really was on another planet! She crotched down and rested her hand on the neon silver grass. She jumped slightly as she realised the grass felt like wet seaweed. When she turned her hand over she saw that there was a neon silver liquid that seemed to help the pain that the X on her hand brought her. She then spotted that the liquid sank into her pause. Interesting, I wonder what planet I'm on?Does this mean that I'm really cursed? Does this really mean that I can't go home? No, I will go home, and when I do, I will tell mum everything that I see along the way. I wish that I could bring her along on one of my adventures, Latso too. This put a smile on her face at the thought. She even let a faint giggle escape her lips which disappeared the moment she turned around and spotted Otb running at her! “Hey!” he shouted as he ran at her. Fearing what he

Lasta Coop Pre-teen Stories

 Story Seven Lasta Coop and Her Tooth Lasta and Lasto Coop were going to turn thirteen in no less then four days so as they sat on the landing both were excited as they both rein-acted the adventure that she had lost her tooth to the evil Morn. It had been two years since she had her last adventure and Lasta had started to breathe easier thinking that her adventures were over now and she had been able to live the live that she had always wanted all this time. A normal one, one without adventures that nobody would believe, without therapists telling her that she was either mad or so troubled that she had invented these 'adventures' to cope with whatever was 'really' happening. “I wonder why you always have these adventures and not me.” Lasto asked out of the blue. “I don''t know... Wait, you believe me?” she asked in disbelief. “'Course, after all, I hear you sometimes...Calling me... I can't describe it, it's like