
Showing posts from June, 2017

The Anti-Fairy Tales The Six Dream Hells Arc Final Part

Awakening       Princess Pheoshan woke and saw her mother in the corner of her eye. She was glad to be awake but she felt pain all over. As she looked down she spotted that her body was covered in cold bandages. Why was she covered in bandages? Hold on, did the injuries that she acquired in the Dream Hells manifest into real life? If so, then how? What power did that? Then again, how was she even still alive, surly the combination of the flames and the battle would have been enough to have her bleed to death?       Still, it hardly mattered. After all at least she was alive! And she was safe. That would have brought a smile to her face if not for the pain however, she could not budge the feeling that she was missing something. Something important... Ah! Of course! Sythvin! She had to tell someone about what he was about to do! She tried to get her calm, sleepy mind awake but still she felt peaceful in her heart, like she did not have to worry about it any more.       "All is

The Anti-Fairy Tales The Six Dream Hells Arc Part Six

The Sixth Dream Hell       Even before Pheoshan woke up she became aware of the immense and painful heat of this Dream Hell. It was hotter than the second and as she opened her eyes she started to learn why. There was fire all around her! No, she was in the fire! As she looked around she found that there was nothing but a sea of fire, even the sky, just life the first, had no stars or any sign of any thing or any one.       She tried to think and come up with a plan of how she was going to defeat this Dream Hell's Dream Demon but the pain of the flames prevented her from doing so. She huffed and tried to become angry and let her anger deal with the pain while she thought but this did not work. Only making herself worse. She tried to imagine that there was no fire but that too proved to be useless.       Closing her eyes she knew that there was only one course of action: getting used to the pain. This she did but she did not like it one bit but she did it never the less. She k

The Anti-Fairy Tales The Six Dream Hells Arc Part Five

The Fifth Hell       Pheoshan woke up in the fifth Dream Hell. One more to go...she thought as her body became rebellious to movement. Her eyelids were heavy and her body hurt. So she was forced to take a break. She had been fighting for a long time and going from one Dream Hell to the next giving herself no time to just rest. She had become exhausted and she knew it, and despite her desperation to wake, she knew that she had to take this break for if she did not then she knew that she may not even wake!       She had just about replenished her strength when she spotted a hand fall down on her, quickly she dodged easily then she spotted another and then another and suddenly like a cloudburst more appeared and this time she knew that she could not dodge. The beating did not stop not even when she could taste iron. She raised her arms above her in defense which was just as useful as a child with a driver's license.       She thought that this would be the end if it until she fe

The Anti-Fairy Tales The Six Dream Hells Arc Part Four

The Fourth Hell       Princess Pheoshan felt her eyes open but no sight came from them. She raised her finger and felt the edge of her lower eyelid. She could feel the eyelash row below but not the bottom of the upper eyelid, thus concluded that her eyes were open. For a moment she was afraid that she was blind until she managed to imagine a ball of light next to her. However this immediately went out. She closed her eyes knowing that they were useless in this Dream Hell. This on the contrary was a good idea for when she did she could see things around her!       She quickly found out that she did this in just the nick of time for she was just about able to get out of the way for an incoming attack of a thick spiked whip! She felt a slight sting of pain as she realized that one of the spikes had skimmed past her thus cutting a chip out of her arm muscle in the process.       She dared to look up at the creature as she started to realize that what hit her was but one of the creatu

The Anti-Fairy Tales The Six Dream Hells Arc Part Three

The Third Hell       Pheoshan again woke up in the next Dream Hell. The sight that greeted her filled her with nostalgia for it looked a lot like the obr that she grew up in. The difference that told her that she was not in that one was the whole place was covered in nothing but rubble and debris. With bricks and metal out at increasingly dangerous angles.       She then spotted something that caught her eye. It was a rusty man with wheels like clockwork on their knees and feet. Had Pheoshan grew up in her own world she would have not recognized them to be steam punk robots. She was about to walk up to them to ask which one knew where the Dream Demon lay, but, to her alarm, she felt her knees involuntary bend and slam on to the ground below. She then started to move forwards to the direction that she wanted. Her head fell forwards to see what was going on and she was shocked to see that she was now a robot! She followed the other robots as she, what could only call, wheeled on.

The Anti-Fairy Tales The Six Dream Hells Arc Part Two

The Second Hell       Pheoshan woke up in the Second of the Six Dream Hells that she would have to go through in order to wake up again. One down five to go! She thought as she noticed the unbearable heat. She could feel that her mouth was dry without one drop of saliva inside. The sun there was like a furnace cooking her alive. There seemed that there was not a drop of condensed water vapour to be found that could shield her from the harmful rays of the merciless sun. She could feel that even the dry sand beneath her was just as hot as the sun.       She quickly sat up and imagined a metal bottle of water and grabbed it. She unwound the lid of the bottle and as she drank the water it started to get hotter and hotter. Soon she had to stop as it climbed to boiling temperature! She then threw it away out of spite.       She got up and started walking aimlessly just hoping that, out of sheer dumb luck, that she would find the place that the Dream Demon of this Dream Hell was dwelli