
Showing posts from April, 2017

The Anti-Fairy Tales The Princess And The Demon Arc Final Part

The Demon Apple       It was in the final day of the celebration of the return of Princess Pheoshan when Sythvin took her aside to talk to her in private. She smiled and nodded as he led her down a tall dark hallway made of stone with a blackey pink painted walls. There was a foul off odor like rotten raw meat that clung to the air like glue. Ignoring it she continued clenching the back of her jaw together to prevent herself showing signs of disgust.       "Thanks by the way... You know for the whole demon thing." She said feeling compelled to do so, but also awkward for doing so.       He smiled and nodded as if to say you're welcome. She frowned for a moment, then she started to feel uneasy about something in his silence as he led her out of the castle and in to the woods at the south side of the castle. He then stopped at the end where a large wolf with lunar coloured eyes sat.       "Our friend would love to talk to you." He said as he gestured for her

The Anti-Fairy Tales The Princess And The Demon Arc Part Four

The Demon Departs       When Princess Pheoshan opened her eyes for the first time all she wanted to do was kill Prince Coalphyre for what he had done to her, however when she saw him standing over her looking so concerned about her all she could do was give him a punch with all the strength that she had in her body.       "Yes, I deserve that!" He said as if to say 'typical' to her. Her lip curled as she gave him the evils but her anger was quenched. He wiped the blood away with his sleeve.       "Anyway, we have no time to waste." He said as Pheoshan tried to pull herself up and stand, but as she took her first, real, step she fell. Fortunately, before she hurt herself, Prince Coalphyre caught her. "Here, I will carry you and do not argue you are not strong enough yet to walk on your own. You will be able to later as we go on and your muscles develop but for now you must let me and my sister carry you. Ideally we would have you return home and ha

The Anti-Fairy Tails The Princess and The Demon Arc Part Three

The Princess Awakens       Prince Coalphyre and Phiredoor woke up back in the real world after Coalpyre had opened the door out of the dreamworld that Princess Pheoshan had been trapped in. Ordinarily they would have celebrated, however, now was not the time for celebration for they could not delay. Prince Coalphyre pulled out the map he had stolen from King Artah and Queen Shophanna when he visited his father's grave last. His map told him where the Dark Tower where Princess Pheoshan lay.       They quickly analysed it and knew where to go. They passed a place known as the Forest Of Death and followed the trail to keep them safe as the forest ended. They spotted the Dark Tower ahead. It was made of black glass with crimson windows and emerald slates on the single circular crooked roof. Leaching onto it's walls was a poisonous purple rose vine with dark green vines.       As they approached they spotted a small red door almost hidden for it was so small. Already noticing

The Anti-Fairy Tales The Princess And The Demon Arc Part Two

The Broken Princess      Alex Fiststone had finished against her latest challenger and she was cleaning the blood off her face when she was approached by a woman. She was wearing a suit the colour of the day time cloudless sky with a matching skirt. Her tie was loose and light gray like the shade of a white cloud. Her hair was the colour of daffodils and her eyes were the colour of old wood.       "May I have a try at fighting the Street Queen?" She asked. Alex looked at her with her eyes the colour of wet grass.       "Sure, only if you have a death sentence for your pride." She remarked as she walked her to the ring. Which was an abandoned factory that was no longer in use. She then turned back to see that the woman was now, somehow in a tracksuit the same colours of her suit! Alex frowned at the oddity but refrained a comment.       Alex looked at her assessing the strengths and weaknesses of her frame and she knew that this woman was doing the exact same a

The Anti-Fairy Tales The Princess And The Demon Arc Part One

The Princess That Must Never Wake Once there was an evil demon king that terrorised the kingdom of Johanmercy. He killed people of all walks of life, from the youngest child to the oldest woman. Buildings were constantly being rebuilt more than nine thousand times, as bloodlines were being wiped out. The people were sick with the stress that came from the fear.       One day a wise mage came to Johanmercy along side him was a knight. The mage came to the land and the knight came to battle the demon king. The moment that they saw the demon they would have parted ways however the mage had one thing to say to the knight.       "You won't kill it. You do realize that?" He said. "Listen to me this will be your final battle."       The knight nodded and went on his way as the mage approached the king of Johanmercy, King Artah. He was a muscle heavy man clothed constantly in armor. Beside him was his kind and gental wife Queen Shophanna clothed in green satin a

The Wrong Princess

     Once upon a time there was a kingdom with a king, who wanted to find a prince for his daughter the Princess. One day he sent out his Knight, Sir Folied, to go out and look for one.      Sir Folied searched and searched far and wide for one, but he could not find one. He then came across a kingdom who held claim to having one, however, he had mysteriously disappeared when he was a child.       Promising to find him he came to an aged wizard, who was both skilled and powerful in his arts. He sat down and let the knight explain his predicament and listened intently.      "Well kind sir, I can help you in your quest. I know where the prince lies, however he is guarded by a fierce and powerful dragon. Aye, a dragon even more powerful than I, with all of my magic, I am afraid to admit! Do not despair though, for I think that together we can vanquish this foe." He explained.      "However I think that it is important for your princess to come and bare witness for what