The Princess And The Dragon King

There was once an evil king, who hated dragons. He hated them so much that he wanted them to be wiped out completely! The only thing was that he did not have a good enough reason to go to war with them and not look like a tyrant at the same time. He knew that he would have to figure out a legitimate reason before it was too late and he became too old to fight.
     His daughter, however could not be more different. She loved dragons and had nothing but the best respect to them. One in particular showed this love and respect back to her, the Dragon King and they had met up many times. They knew that they would have to keep their love hidden from her father, for the princess knew that if her father were to find out they would be forced apart.
     However, eventually the king did find out. However, much to her surprise, he did no such thing! In fact he encouraged her to go on a picnic with the Dragon King in his cave.
     "Thank you father!" She cried as she kissed him and left. She took her horse Sira and galloped away. As her father looked on he smiled cunningly seeing her disappear into the horizon.
      He then left and entered the court crying as the famous Knight George galloped in. He pretended to completely break down in a blury vision of tears. Sir George pat him on the back as he wept in his breastplate.
     "My roil majesty, whatever is the matter?" He asked concerned.
     "'T is my daughter brave Knight. She has been taken from me by the evil Dragon King. He told me that if I doth not had him all first born daughters of my peasants, my very own people, then he shall devour her whole!" He lied.
     "Fear not your roil Majesty for I will save her." He vowed as he took his horse and so the knight traveled to the Dragon King's cave. He spotted that she was not in distress, but happy and she was displaying signs of affection. Sir George knew that he had been tricked and that the two were madly in love and as she said her goodbye she spotted him.
      "Why are you here kind knight?" She asked. He told her. She frowned for a moment as if trying to put the pieces together in her head and as she did her father, who had followed the knight, jumped from above and killed the dragon right there and then! The princess rushed over to his side but was stopped by the King's guards.
     "Please do not harm my daughter. She hath been enchanted and will do anything for my enemy the Dragon King." He lied as he embraced her and hit her in the right place with a movement so seemingly insignificant that it was unnoticed by all except Sir George.
     When she woke up she cried and cried. Then her father walked in on her.
     "Oh my child, my lovely child. Why doth thou cry? Today you have done me a great deed." He asked with glee.
     "Cry, when you cry none will shed a tear but when I die everyone will weep just like I over my love!" She cursed releasing her magic in her maddened rage. He looked at her his smile gone.
     "In time you should come to regret your actions and hate dragonkind just like I. And you will love another and he will be very human." He ordered. He then made her and Sir George to sign a contract forcing them not to speak of the truth to anyone. However the princess was smarter than her father, for she wrote on the back that she may tell none but her decedents and used magic to turn what she had written invisible. Then both contracts were burnt to seal them.
     Then the princess found out that she was pregnant with the Dragon King's offspring and traveled to Sir George. When they were together they set off to hide her as they did the King died and bizarrely as it would seem not one person cried that day. The people then found out that for some reason their princess was absent and never took the crown. She lived the rest of her life hidden raising her two daughters and two sons whose father they knew was the King of all dragons and why their mother rejected her father's crown.


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