
Showing posts from March, 2020

Princess Cari Scattered Arc Part One

The House By The River Cari saw two girls beside her. She didn't see their faces but she knew that they were here and that she could sense that they had been through a lot, but the moment that she saw Dark Master Lord Gajellidor she seized. She knew that they were here to face him but she could feel that there was something inside her that was broken, but she knew that she would have to get over it. Her eyes opened as they blinked away the dream. She was on a make shift bed with a thin grey cover and a makeshift pillows of books and a few folded clothes. Her whole body was in pain and as she tried to get up she felt a hand on her and gently pushed her back down. “Try not to move.” said a man. “Believe me, when I picked you up you were almost dead.” “I...was.” she said as she felt her throat hurt as she closed her eyes. She found herself walking down a stone corridor. She knew that she was going to find something on the other side. Something that was supposed to ch

Strena Youngest Bounty Hunter Arc Final Part

Dreams and The Dragon “Just one more job to go until I'm a fully-fledged bounty hunter!” declared Strena. “Yes, it is.” Zaryb said before he took a sip of his beer. “And, as you are six, that would make you the youngest bounty hunter with a licence bar none!” “I know, I think after all this we should celebrate!” she laughed. “Speaking of your age, you do seem to speak like someone who is twice your age.” “Well when you're drunk the others do school me about many things like maths and language. Then there's the dictionary that you gave me.” she explained. “Although, I do have to ask you, why do you drink so much?” He looked away for a moment. “Well sometimes you just want to forget the world's even a thing.” he said. “Why's that?” “You'll find out when you're old enough.” he said. “Now I think that its time to pick that last job.” “Alright.” she sang as she looked at the board. She skimmed the board. She then took the job tha

Strena Youngest Bounty Hunter Arc Part Four

The Prophecy Of The Lost Oracle Strena looked at the board. She wondered what she should get. After all, she did not want to get one that will inevitably lead to someone's death. She looked around the board and spotted a job that she knew that would lead to a death, however there was something that had told her that she should pick that one. She did not know why but she just could not shake the overwhelming desire to take it. She also had this strange thought that if she did take it then she would know something important by the end. Find The Lost Oracle 2000 lapis & 300,000 Rubies Last seen in the city of Cupurucus three days before this was sent out. She took it before she could even have another thought walked back to the table and she showed it him. His eyes lit up as he drank his second beer. He gave it back to her and smiled. “Sounds interesting. Can't wait to see where this one leads.” he said. “Why's that?” “What? Can&#

Strena Youngest Bounty Hunter Arc Part Three

The Royal Toads After the job with the duck, Strena felt good in her mood. She knew that she would have to choose her next job but she just could not help it, but she could not shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen. It had plagued her since the moment that she had woken up. It had stayed with her. her right up until she walked up to the board. She looked at the jobs and wondered which one she should take this time. Find A Lost Friend 2,000,000 Emeralds Find My Friend Who Is Currently In A Form Of A Toad. He Was Last Seen Speaking With A Wizard In A Black Robe With A Cage Filled With Frogs And Toads Well, I'm pretty sure that it's not like the one with the dog. She thought. She looked at the price and, she was sure that, that was a great deal of money. She had not yet asked Zaryb to explain how the whole money thing works, but she did not want to at the same time. She had to jump and tale it. She then walked over to where

Strena Youngest Bounty Hunter Arc Part Two

The Job Strena was glad that she was able to save her friend and even more that she did not recognise her. This meant that Zaryb did not kill her the moment that they had done rescuing her. This put her in a good mood. She even had a better nights' sleep. So when she woke up she was feeling very refreshed as she ran down the stairs feeling quite happy for a long time. She even hummed as she paid for her breakfast. “Bacon and beans please!” she said. She then felt the butt of a wooden mug hit her on the head. “What're you so happy about?” “The job! And I'm buying my first breakfast!” she said. “And what is it?” he asked. “Bacon and beans.” she replied. He then turned to the cook. “Then make certain to add cooked tomatoes.” “But I don't like those!” “I know.” he said as he smirked. “But you need to eat some more vegetables. Now while he's cooking that pick another job.” She nodded as she walked over to the board and she looked for t

Strena Youngest Bounty Hunter Arc Part One

Strena's First Hunt Strena had lived with Zaryb for a year now. She still cried at night, even-though she knew that she had to stop, but she could not help it. She was five to six years old! She sometimes had to remind herself of this. She even had to remind herself of her true name too. She had to chant it every night when she wasn't out with her parents murderer s he took on job after job. Meanwhile as she did this she kept all the memories of her parents alive and she kept their faces in her mind. She did this to alleviate her fear of losing all these things. She had spotted that her dark skin had become paler and there were bags under her eyes as she woke up from nightmares of that night. She had developed a more muscular frame but it was not as predominant like Zaryb's and she still looked like a normal child. Maybe one of those homeless children that she sometimes saw, but still a child. She had developed tougher skin and blisters. Her nails were all une