
Showing posts from October, 2019

The Blue Rock And I Re-enter The Blue Rock Arc Part Four

The Tempting Dream We travelled a long time before we came out of the forest. The walked on some more until we walked over to a flower bed of white and red poppies. I thought that they were beautiful, like a pointillists painting. It looked so beautiful, I never thought that I could see such beauty in the world of the rock. I could feel me feet were hurting that I knew that there were going to be blisters. That was what I was not going to look forward to telling my mum about. Nor was I going to enjoy telling her what had happened to me all of the years that I was gone and why I hadn't aged a day. In-fact I didn't want to talk to her at all about the rock nor its world. No, I wanted to keep it to myself my little secret. I didn't want to share it with anyone. But I knew that I must. I could just stay. My mind pointed out to me. I could just stay and never have to tell mum anything. Yeah...I could stay in this would, where I can go on adventures with my frien

The Blue Rock And I Re-enter The Blue Rock Arc Part Three

The Red Witch We travelled a long time before we stopped. The twins prepared our meal, after all I was far to young to know how to cook. Although I did observe them as they boiled the water and then threw in some dried fish and a few leaves into the boiling pot. They even scraped in some other vegetables and we waited for it to boil. After of which we ate everything that we could and I found a nearby river, where I cleaned up, which was something that I did know. We all took out a rolled up mat and slept until early morning. We had our breakfast and was lead by Sir Gin to places of the world of the rock that I had not seen before. Forests, fields and we did have to stop once for lunch but then we were off again. I walked and walked, I could tell that the twins were going slower, just so that I could keep up. Then I started to see the first sign that we were getting closer to Akinatsu by specks of crimson dotted around. We were soon in a forest whose trees were turning fr

The Blue Rock And I Re-enter The Blue Rock Arc Part Two

A New Quest Immediately when I woke up I knew where I was. I felt a smile sped across my lips. I felt like I was, in some bizarre way, home. Knowing deep down, that this was where part of me belonged. I even suddenly wanted to stay here for a while, however I knew that I had my mother and Aunt to return to. If it wasn't for them I knew that I would have stayed in this world forever. “Welcome back my dear friend, Dame Aqua Aoshine!” exclaimed King Nikoterra. “I can not express how soever glad I am to see you again.” I smiled as if slipping back into some roll that I knew was the me before I left. The me that was so excited to return home. The me that never found out about her fathers' death. I was that heroine again. It was as if I had never left. “As am I.” I replied in my American-British accent. “You sound slightly different than before. Why is that?” he asked. “I live with my aunt in Great Britain now. I have to even write the way the British do, like I

The Blue Rock And I Re-enter The Blue Rock Arc Part One

Called To Return After the heartache of losing father we knew that our time living in America drew to an end. We just could no longer live in a house filled with his ghost. Everywhere we would go would remind us of our father, the pots he brought over from Japan, the sink that, we as a family, would spend what seemed like ages doing the washing up, the back garden that mum and dad spent ages over just to get the Japanese style right, but there were plenty of arias that were not Japanese, and more American. So mum and I packed everything and set off to the other side of the pond, back to England. Where we stayed with that woman Miss Blue, well aunt Blue, you see it turns out that she was my mother's older sister. I wondered why she had kept that a secret from me. “I didn't have the time.” was all she said on the topic. Which was true all the same, but she could have told be on the way to hers. I over the past year I had noticed that, even-though they were sisters

Princess Cari Publove Sky Arc Final Part

The crystal Skeleton Army Cari, Scar, Ryo, the Chronicler and Oran all decided to stay another month. Mainly to get their thoughts strait and to boost morale. They knew that they needed this break and they all decided to take it. They could feel that the air was getting colder and colder and they knew why.. They knew that most likely once they touch down on the left side they would be at the dawn of winter. “ Do they have Christmas?” Scar asked. “ So they have that celebration in your world and time too.” the Chronicler stated. Scar smirked slightly. They then climbed into the carriage and then they flew off and down to the final stretch of their journey in the skies of Publove and it was the floating island, and the Kingdom of Rowark. The first thing that they noticed was how quite the place was, even the children were as silent as the grave. They spotted that even the birds in the sky and the animals on the land were all mute, however they all had terror in their eyes,

Princess Cari Publove Sky Arc Part Four

Lethal Happiness Ryo remained silent as they left the island. He sometimes took glances at Cari, who had been almost inseparable and was worried about him. Part of her knew why he looked at her like he did but there was another part that did not wish for her to even entertain the idea. It was barely worth it and it was all too clear that they all had moved on from all of that. Ryo even said that he had forgiven her. But did he? Did he really forgive you? Or has he pretended to forgive you, just so that we all could focus on whatever it was that we all have to focus on? I don't know, maybe... “ Ryo, you can talk to us.” Scar said as she placed a hand on his. He looked away, completely unmoved . Cari could not blame him. They could feel the temperature drop as they fell below the clouds. They spotted that the next miniature planet was the not only the size of a small moon but they could hear singing and cheery music. All the villages lights were all on and, as they

Princess Cari Publove Sky Arc Part Three

Ryo's Dark Temptation “Well the next place is the highest island known as Spiarsha. It, you will find, will be a little more difficult to breathe there. Even-though the locals are used to the thin air, you are not So I will have to ask you to be as quick as possible and I must admit I am aware that we might find ourselves staying in the inn there but we must not spend more that one night there. Plus, I have bought some clothes for you all to remain warm for winter is on its way and combining that with the ever decreasing temperature as we climb will leave us all very cold.” With that they all changed into what the Chronicler had bought them Scar looked at her purple coat looking more excited than all of them. “What?” “I look like a cosplayer about to go into a convention.” she said. “What?” “Never mind.” They were soon off and over the island with only one village and a cave. Even-though it was large it was not particularly too large, big enough for a fortress

Princess Cari Publove Sky Arc Part Two

The Miniature Planet In The Sky “So, I think it's time for bed.” said the Chronicler. “After all winter is on its way and you all need the sleep.” “Agreed.” they all said. The following morning after they had all rested up they all met in the inn restaurant. They al placed their order and were soon eating, their minds were still slightly in dreamland. They spotted that there were several warm coats and clothes. “What are they for?” asked Oran. “To keep you warm, after all the higher we go the colder it will become, and with winter soon upon us it will be colder still.” she explained. Oran nodded. “So, where are we going this time?” Scar asked. “There's this small miniature planet in the sky, you know, the one that looks like a small moon.” “How it that even possible?” she asked. “Well, please keep in mind that the physics here act differently to that in your world.” “Well, that makes sense.” she said slightly sarcastic. “Now, the crystal of darknes