Princess Cari The Quest Arc Part Three

The Quest Complete

After learning about the truth she knew better than to go to the king of Mie'mory so she came to the boarder of Scorcher. She looked at the high wall that looked like the edges of a dragon wing. Now the question was, how was she going to get in? She knew that whatever she did is was not going to be easy. She looked around and spotted that there were several trees near the wall. This, she knew that was a good place that she could hide for a few days to look at the patterns of whenever they opened the doors. She ran over to them and climbed the tree.
She stayed there for several days. She soon noticed that there was a cart filled with hey always at dawn and left by midday. She knew that was the only way in and she somehow had to get in that hay not only as quickly and silently as possible but as lightly as possible. She sat there on that third day thinking on how she could do this.
“Hey!” whispered a voice in her ear. She flicked her dagger out and at the man in front of her. He smiled nudged it aside as if it was nothing. “You're not a bounty hunter are you?”
Her eyes narrowed as she looked at him in suspicion.
“Relax kid. Name's Kir, bounty hunter and I can see that we have the same problem.” he said. “I think that the hay's exactly what we need to get in.”
“And how would you-”
“Oh, tomorrow see I've already tipped Jared off. He's the man that comes in and out and I'm going to climb in and take my bounty.” he said as he revealed his long black hair with a white fringe which was shorter at the front but longer at the side of his wolf like amber eyes.
He looked down and he rested his back on a branch.
“Those are interesting eyes, white's such a rare colour.” he said as he took out a matchstick and started to suck it.
“I could say the same about your hair.” she remarked. He looked at the white fringe.
“Oh that. Trauma hair I'm afraid. Got it from a bounty I collected. I underestimated the opponent so it's my own fault.” he said as he twisted the longer parts. “Although, I was afraid when I got the cut I was afraid that the hair wouldn't grow back, but I was glad that it did but I was surprised that it was white.”
“Speaking of which, do you want me to get you in there for a coin or two?” he asked.
“Sure.” she said as she flicked two at him. He looked at them with genuine surprise and gratitude.
“Wow, I thought that you'd give me a few coppers but this-this is two emerald. Just who are you?” he asked.
“Cari Lu-Ellette.” she said as she turned. “If I'm going to trust you to get in then I'm going to have to trust you with that.”
“Wow! You're a real princess!”
She let out a sigh.
“I'm a-”
“I know but a princess is a princess in my eyes.”
“What about you Kir? What's your story?”
“I used to be a prince but that life just didn't interest me.”
“So you ran away and became a bounty hunter?”
He shrugged as he rested his head on the branch and closed his eyes and so did she.
They entered and parted ways and soon she was at the gates of Mortmore. She remembered what Ryo had said and came to the conclusion that if what he had said was true then that would mean that she would be able to walk right in. She would be welcomed like an old friend.
Assuming that he did not recognise you right away. Well if that is the case then this could be a trap but there was nothing that he had said that struck me as a lie. On top of that it explains everything after all, this would explain the way that the kingdom treated me and why my sister's alive.
So I go through the front door?
I go through the front door.
She then walked right up to the gate were there was a guard walking right up to her. He was wearing the same armour that Ryo did but this did not have the same care put into it.
“Yo, who're you?” he asked.
“Why? Don't you recognise who I am?” she asked as she lifted her top revealing her big black x on her stomach. His eyes widened as he bowed.
“I'm sorry Princess Cari. I'll show you to King Vladen right now.” he said as they walked quickly to the castle. She was given a room and she stayed there for a few hours until she was called. She was taken to where the main hall where King Vladen, who looked just like Ryo but with scarlet eyes and his wife Queen Kirtanna sat. She looked proud with black hair that rested on the floor with pantone green eyes. She was so thin able to see what her scull looked like and her lips were painted black and dark crimson.
“Well, how are you sister of my son? Have you got my crown?” he asked his voice reminded her of coals.
She sighed.
“Well, that depends, do you have my sister?” she asked. She could see the deep frown on his forehead. “Well I can't get it if I don't have a little insurance.”
He smirked and nodded.
“I can have her executed tonight if that's what you want.”
She shook her head.
“I want her brought here now, I can't trust your executions. Plus there's just something that doing the killing myself that I kind of like.” she lied.
He smiled and nodded.
“Bring her.” he said as some of the soldiers went to get her.
“I'm surprised that you're here and how did you know the truth.”
“Oh, I prefer to do things myself I can't trust anybody else and I met someone along the way.” she half lied.
Soon she heard the clanging of chains. She turned her head to see her sister. Her blond hair was faded and tangled and her eyes were almost dead and she was in rags. She was thin but she looked strong enough to walk around.
“Car-Cari?” she asked. She gave her a hard look and placed her hand on her dagger and walked right up to her she drew it out and wrapped her arms tightly around her and she closed her eyes and willed herself away from Mortmore. When she opened them again she found that she was in Scorcher. Her arm split open and a trickle of blood dripped down.
“I'm sorry I had to do that. I'll explain when we get home.”
“Cari what's going on? Why did he-”
She placed a hand on her shoulder and looked at her dead in her eyes.
“I need to tell when we get home and not a moment sooner.”
She nodded.
“Cari it's good to see you. I can't put into words just I've missed you.” she admitted as they heard a loud roar that sounded like loudest trumpet that they had ever heard! They turned to see a gigantic, thin purple dragon with scales that shone like new amour. She looked down at then to reveal glowing green eyes with a crown of silver horns and talons. She had large bat-like wings that was the size of a tree.
“That's her-” Hikari whispered.
Cari looked at her her intuition told her that this was Draganna, her mother. She felt some instinctive respect and awe for her. She had always wondered about this elusive figure called her mother and she could never imagine that this was her. She felt like she wanted to kneel and bow in front of her. She did not even want to call her mother but Your Majesty.
She had to shake off her overwhelming emotions and took out her cross-bow. Her trembling finger rested on the trigger. Her face paler than snow. Her breath shallow and rapid. Her eyes wide. Her heart beating like a drum. She fired before her mind was allowed to comprehend.
The dragon deflected it like a small mosquito, then again, that was exactly what it was to this creature in front to her. She turned her head to her and dived right at the two her wings snapped the sound barrier as they beat the air. When she slowed herself to land their hair was pulled back and they had to get down low to stop themselves from flying away by the force of the wind.
“Now, Cari is that how I treat your mother?” she asked her voice was loud but smooth and lyrical. Almost trust worthy.
“Mother?” Hikari shouted in disbelief.
“No, that's how I treat the one who kidnapped my sister!” she shouted her voice bailey audible. Then she landed and the ground shook beneath them making them lose balance and they hit their shoulders on the ground below
“So, little Alex told you?” she asked with an echo of a laugh.
“No, Ryo did.” she said as she rose to her feet and pulled back another arrow and gave her bag to her sister who put it on. She then pointed at her. “And that woman, his wife was more of a mother to me than you ever were.”
She then let the arrow go and the dragon opened her mouth and when she drew her fire breath the arrow caught fire. Cari smiled as the arrow flew into the mouth of the dragon and into her stomach. This fell into her stomach acid which was set alight and turned her digestive system into a roaring blue fire.
The flames came out of both ends of her and Cari raised her now less trembling finger and fired on her exposed stomach and fired again and her the point of her arrow reached the stomach organ setting the rest of the arrows alight and now it was burning away the stomach, along with the womb that her and Ryo developed in.
The dragon roared which defend them. Both mother and daughter looked at each-other with a cold look with soldering fire in them and the dragon's eyes glowed crimson and soon became a large pile of ash.
Cari fell and her body became black and hard and from her sides grew black hair and she felt her body get smaller and smaller. She tried to move her arms and legs but they could not move! Then her sister ran to her and picked her up soever gently her eyes wide with shock and soon broke into tears as she pressed her sister up into her chest.
“I don't know what had just happened, but I'm going back and I swear that I'm going to find a away to reverse this!” she cried as her tear fell on a single black feather like a raven's.


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